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Orders reference format to your liking

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#1 javier.propescu


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 02:19 PM

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Orders reference format to your liking

Customizing of orders reference with a variety of a dynamic lexicon words Save time: no need to delve into all the tabs for information about a command Internal Management Facility Personnalitation effective ERP software third Glossary varied to give you all the customization options Present wherever the order is available: email, invoices, admin, ...? This module provides a varied vocabulary to customize the references of your order to your liking. You have a configuration fields that allows you to use your own words and terms in the lexicon to form references command at your leisure.?? ?This reference will be changed everywhere bills, mail, administration, order history, ....This lexicon is composed of:?? ??? ?- [ORDER] Represents the identifier of the order?? ??? ?- [CART] Represents the cart identifier?? ??? ?- [CUSTOMER] Represents the ID of the customer placing the order?? ??? ?- [YYYY] or [YY] Represents the current year in four digits for [YYYY] and two digits for [YY]?? ??? ?- [MM] Represents the current month?? ??? ?- [DD] Represents the current day?? ??? ?- [RX] Represents the status of the order. It is defined as a function of X. Ansi:?? ??? ?* [RY] is the rank of the command in the current year?? ??? ?* [RM] is the rank of the command in the current month?? ??? ?* [RD] is the rank of the command in the current dayFor example:?? ??? ?* COM- [ORDER] - [CART] - [DD] / [MM] / [YY] - [RD] will give you example COM-10-20-13 / 04 / 15-3 where 10 is the id of Order, 20 and the id of the basket, 4/13/15 is the current date and 3 means "third order of the day"?? ??? ?* # [ORDER] / [RY] - [YYYY] will give you example # 10 / 100-2015 where 10 is the id of the order, 100-15 means "100th command does 2015". The next control in this case will certainly # 11 / 101-2015?? ??? ?* # [ORDER] - [CUSTOMER] / [RY] - [YYYY] will give you example # 10-15 / 100-2015 where 10 is the id of the command, 15 is the id of the customer placing the order 100-15 and means "100th command does 2015". The next control in this case will certainly # 11-15 / 101-2015 (if the same customer who placed the order yet)?? ?Note that you can use any string that does not belong to the lexicon. And these will concerv?es as is.

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