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Product Keys - Keys or licences for your products

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#1 javier.propescu


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 02:25 PM

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Product Keys - Keys or licences for your products

Management of activation keys linked to product of the catalog. This module may be used for example to managed activation code for phone card, license keys for software... ? This module helps you sell product that require activation code. Highly recommanded for shops selling phone cards or products requiring licences The keys are uploaded in database through CSV importation or automaically generated when needed. They may be crypted in database. Each key is associated to a simple product, a given combination of a product or any comabination of a product. When an order is placed, the module affects one key per product of the order that requires a key. An email containing these keys are sent to the customer. The keys are also available in Front office in the order history part. If no key is available, the customer is asked to contact you to obtain it. ? By the configuration, you define which order status is used to give the keys and to send the mail : for exemple, 'delivered' instead of 'paid' in order to confirm the payment (to avoid fraud) before sending the keys. You specify also the category containing the products that have to be managed with keys. ? ?

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