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How can hide product prices on home page... Only

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#1 jovannino



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Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:55 AM

Dear all,


I'm wondering if it's possible to show products on home page but WITHOUT showing their prices.

It's a B2B and so I need to show prices only for registerd customer users.

I need also that it would not possible to access to order the product.

Guest can only see technical descriprion and pictures.


I saw a video that set to catalogue mode but I did not understand what it does


Thanks a lot




ref: www.medplann.com/pshop_eos

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#2 vekia


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 01:02 PM

Dear all,


I'm wondering if it's possible to show products on home page but WITHOUT showing their prices.

It's a B2B and so I need to show prices only for registerd customer users.

I need also that it would not possible to access to order the product.

Guest can only see technical descriprion and pictures.


I saw a video that set to catalogue mode but I did not understand what it does


Thanks a lot




ref: www.medplann.com/pshop_eos


you can achieve it with css styles.

in your theme global.css file (themes/your_theme/css/global.css) paste this simple css snippet:

#index .product-container .content_price {display:none}

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#3 jovannino



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Posted 24 September 2014 - 01:53 PM

Hi Vekia ,

WOWWWWWWWWW !!! That's very nice !!!  From home page prices are disappeared !!! ;-)  Thanks


The problem remains if I choose a product and go/click into detail  becouse I can still see price on order form.


Is possible to inhibit the possibility to order for guest visitor ?  Shortly only see products and their tech sheet descriprion ?


