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Module - currency rates update from NBP (narodowy bank polski)


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#1 vekia


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Posted 28 August 2018 - 10:59 AM

Module - currency rates update from NBP (narodowy bank polski)

This is module to update PrestaShop's currency exchange rates with data feed provided by NBP (Narodowy Bank Polski). Module updates currency rates automatically based on cron task executed with defined frequency (for example one task per day). The main advantage of this plugin is possibility to update currency rates also in shops where the default currency is other than PLN.




NBP currency rates module is great plugin that will automatically update exchange rates of currencies available in your online shop based on PrestaShop. Module is ready to work with PrestaShop 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x. Main advantages of this pluing are things like feature to auto-update currency rates with cron task, feature to add additional fee or decrease the value of exchange rate. 

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