After migrated store to Prestashop in a way that will change the URLs of the pages. This plugin helps to migrate Products and Categories URLs. Old URLs will be saved in Target Prestashop Store and maintained to keep all current SEO ranking you have built up for years. It will be customized by our team to fit 100% your Source store URL structure.
1. Get your SEO URLs Plugin
Please select your SEO URLs Plugin for the Migration Tool you already purchased.
2. Provide us your cart information
After purchasing SEO URLs Plugin, please send some information as: OrderID, Store URL to
3. Delivery
LitExtension Technical Staffs will check your store information, craft the plugin and send it to you within 24 hours
4. Installing and Running
You just copy update file you have got from LitExtension and paste to folder according to our guide. Finally, you use Migration Tool to migrate normally and receive brilliant result.