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Member Since 26 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2016 12:51 PM

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Support or plugin for sending files from mobile devices

26 October 2015 - 08:28 PM

Dear Prestashoppers! 


My name is Chris and I need to drop three question regarding support/plugins for Prestashop. I am currently learning Prestashop that will become my CMS-platform for my webshop. Consider me a newbie.


1) In my e-commerce business I will need to make it possible for my clients to upload content in various formats, such as: mp3, jpg, png, pdf and occasionally mp4. Question: Would it be possible to enable a script or a formula which makes possible for my users/clients to structurally upload and submit this content to my website - through one simple submission? 


2) In the event that the script/function from Question 1 does not exist, are there any external plugins that are out there that you would recommend? 


3) In case it is "doable" - through Prestashop or through an external plugin - would it in the same manner be possible for my users/clients to upload the content mentioned through Android and iOS devices? 


Many thanks in advance and in hope of a reply,

