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#1175 Magento Auto Cancel Unpaid Order Extention

Posted by mageexten on 16 November 2014 - 03:06 AM in Magento modules & themes

Hi All,

We have Auto-Cancel Unpaid Orders extension. These are functions of the extention:


With this extension you can configure an automated cancellation period for each payment method, returning products into stock.

Backend features

- Allow cancel unpaid (pending, processing) orders automatically
- Allow select action Order Creation Time or Order Last Updated time
- Return products back into stock (depends on your Magento settings > System > Configuration > Inventory)
- Allow set a custom auto-cancel status (to filter the order grid), or use default
- Allow specify rules for each payment method, and for each order status individually
- Note:
+ depends on a working cron schedule;
+ does not cancel invoiced orders

If you interest, you can go to our website Mage-Exten to review our extentions.

For more information visit : www.mage-exten.com
or you can e-mail us at : mageexten@gmail.com

#1169 Magento Google Translate Extention

Posted by mageexten on 15 November 2014 - 06:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

Hi John,


With the Google Translate extention will translate your website to other language, there are not any limitation for the count of pages on using this module.

#1059 Magento Product File Upload Extention

Posted by mageexten on 06 November 2014 - 12:51 PM in Magento modules & themes

Dear All,

The Product File Upload extension by Mage-Exten will let you can upload files to products from magento admin/backend products section.

Frontend features
+ Allow show files of product below product detail

Backend features
+ Ability to upload files to product
+ Allow delete file uploads
+ Alow config file types which will upload

If you interest, you can go to our website Mage-Exten to review our extentions.

For more information visit : www.mage-exten.com
or you can e-mail us at : mageexten@gmail.com

#996 Magento Product Youtube Video Extention

Posted by mageexten on 25 October 2014 - 02:23 PM in Magento modules & themes


We released a new Product Youtube Video Magento extension. These are functions of the extention:
Product Video is module that allows users easy to put as many YouTube videos to their products as they want.

Frontend features
+ Full control over YouTube video player
+ Show video youtube in the product detail page.

Backend features
+ Adding as many videos as you want
+ Specifying sort order of videos
+ Remove and exclude videos Video tab in product edit page

If you interest, you can go to our website Mage-Exten to review our extentions.


For more information visit : www.mage-exten.com
or you can e-mail us at : mageexten@gmail.com
Our skype: mage.exten

#995 Magento Google Translate Extention

Posted by mageexten on 24 October 2014 - 12:41 PM in Magento modules & themes

The Google Translate extention will translate your website to other language.

Frontend features
+ Allow translate your website to other language (english, german, french,...)

Backend features
+ Easy config in magento admin.

For more information visit : www.mage-exten.com
or you can e-mail us at : mageexten@gmail.com
Our skype: mage.exten