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There have been 25 items by OlivieMelco (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#23621 Credit card

Posted by OlivieMelco on 11 April 2023 - 09:45 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

any credit card recommendations?

#23619 Cannabis for COVID-19

Posted by OlivieMelco on 11 April 2023 - 08:44 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Here’s an interesting article... as the world races to develop a method to at least reduce the potency of this infection Cannabis is appearing to show some promise. Hypothetically, if Cannabis even shows a 70% effectiveness of some form against COVID I wonder what TC would do? Could TC exclude us as pilots from this treatment under the premise that CBD could have .0001% of THC thus rendering us as aircrew impaired if there was .0001% THC content in the CBD? Would that constitute grounds for a human rights complaint ? How would this work on transborder routes?

Even the “ malaria treatment” is NASTY stuff.

https://calgaryheral... ... esearcher/

Regardless of what it is And where I comes from I’m hoping something is found. Cannabis and other psychedelic/ non psychedelic plant plant medicines have been used to treat illness since the dawn of humanity... it’s not surprising for me that some thing has been found in Cannabis sooner.

Hope everyone is healthy, both mentally and physically during these trying times.

#23618 Dragon Poker

Posted by OlivieMelco on 11 April 2023 - 08:15 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins


#23560 Introducing RealityScan: 3D Scanning Mobile Application

Posted by OlivieMelco on 13 February 2023 - 12:26 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins


Today, we’re happy to introduce RealityScan, a free 3D scanning app, developed in collaboration with Quixel, that turns smartphone photos into high-fidelity 3D models—in the most accessible way possible.
Now accessible as limited beta.

Key features:

- AR guidance with real-time feedback

- Cloud Processing, no additional hardware requirements

- Export to Sketchfab, to easily share your creations

#23553 University students recruit AI to write essays for them. Now what?

Posted by OlivieMelco on 06 February 2023 - 09:50 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

As word of students using AI to automatically complete essays continues to spread, some lecturers are beginning to rethink how they should teach their pupils to write. Writing is a difficult task to do well. The best novelists and poets write furiously, dedicating their lives to mastering their craft. The creative process of …

#23548 Why is this game so bad?

Posted by OlivieMelco on 31 January 2023 - 10:10 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

This game is unplayable garbage, the skill cap is insanely high making it impossible to play as a new player. I can't even buy useful ammo as a low level player to do any damage to all of the kids with 10,000 hours into the game while I try to learn the map. What makes it worse is the ability for random players to camp extracts, spent 26 minutes walking across woods to die in 1 bullet to a max gear sweaty tryhard camping extract spamming expletives through proxy chat when he easily wipes a 4-man squad of new players.


This game ducking sucks and I'm done with it. I don't see it surviving.


#23539 India has an ambitious plan for developing more renewable energy; researchers...

Posted by OlivieMelco on 30 January 2023 - 09:38 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

The world needs more electricity. As populations grow, standards of living increase and more people gain access to modern conveniences, countries will need to expand their energy generation capacity.


India, with its rapidly developing economy and a population of more than 1.3 billion, epitomizes this trend. The country finds itself at a crossroads regarding its energy future: Small decisions today will resound in the coming years.


In their latest report, the Indian government set a target of 450 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2030. For comparison, the country's total energy generation capacity today is about 380 gigawatts, out of which 90 gigawatts are of renewable energy, not including large hydropower stations. How this plan shapes up will dictate how many fossil-fuel powerplants they can avoid building.


It's ambitious. But based purely on economics, UC Santa Barbara's Ranjit Deshmukh, and his co-authors Duncan Callaway and Amol Phadke, think India should in fact double down on renewables. Their counsel stems from an exhaustive analysis of India's power usage, weather patterns and energy infrastructure. The results, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicate that while renewables won't obviate the need for some additional fossil-fuel power plants, the country is well positioned to take advantage of green energy sources.


Mitigating carbon emissions is only one concern when it comes to developing countries like India. "Most of these countries have low historical carbon emissions compared to more industrialized countries," said Deshmukh, an assistant professor in the Environmental Studies Program. "So, the approach we take is that if renewable energy makes economic sense, then those countries should deploy more of it."


Because the cost of wind and solar, as well as battery storage, are dropping so rapidly, Deshmukh explained, it's actually cost effective to install these technologies instead of conventional fossil fuel technologies, like coal and natural gas, regardless of environmental considerations.


To arrive at these conclusions, the researchers created a comprehensive model of India's electricity system. They developed estimates of the country's solar and wind resources using spatial analysis and weather data along with India's existing energy capacity and predictions of its energy demand in the future. For each possible renewable energy target and mix of wind and solar capacity, the model determined the amount of new conventional capacity needed to meet demand for all hours of the year.


"The model's unprecedented detail on wind and solar resource availability provided foundation to explore how a range of important scenarios for India's load growth and technology costs could influence the future of India's power sector," said Callaway, an associate professor of Energy and Resources at UC Berkeley.


Deshmukh and colleagues found that, contrary to prevailing assumptions, meeting high renewable targets would not avert the need to build a significant number of fossil fuel power plants, due to India's specific weather patterns and the requirements of meeting peak electricity demand. However, avoiding new fossil fuel capacity isn't the entire picture, he claimed.


#23534 Seeds

Posted by OlivieMelco on 27 January 2023 - 01:15 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

It's funny, but Canada is 'legal', which brought a whole bunch of new restrictions along with it. Each residence can grow 4 plants (with silly restrictions brought in by various levels of paranoid regional governments, ultimately ignorable). Seeds and clones are to be purchased from Licensed Providers, who have no stock of either. If they did have stock the prices are several orders of magnitude above the cost of seeds available in grow supply stores, which are illegal but cost-effective. I've never purchased a seed, but have been gifted several pounds pounds of them. Some have unknown lineage: 'it's my special bush blend that thrives in the wild' had a brilliant purple bud and was easy to grow. No idea what it was originally tho.

A colleague had a bunch of small ziploc bags, so i put a few seeds (cbd strain) in a few dozen bags and started leaving bags of seeds around town in various places. Inside the coin return of a pay phone. Inside the 'leave your business card here ' jar at time hardware store. Stuck up on the 'current events' cork board at the restaurants.

When the right people find them they can grow their own, and maybe they'll remember how they got into growing, and maybe they'll be in a position to share. With the right attitudes there shouldn't be a shortage of meds, or at least no shortage of opportunity for those with a desire.

And, while it's nice to know strain and details, I'm reminded that back in the 70s when we purchased from the pool hall or by the 7-11, we had no clue what we were getting, and needed to clean seeds and stems before rolling up. At least this way everyone will know how their own plants are grown, and can get a sense of accomplishment from that.
Until cannabis is truly legal we can help ensure that people can grow their own. The rules will catch up to reality eventually, or not.

It's a bold step for @momofthegoons to open this forum in a time of grayness regarding rules, but it's getting more legal-y daily, and we're all tired of waiting for politicians to catch up.

#23507 Is TDPRI you primary social media?

Posted by OlivieMelco on 24 January 2023 - 10:53 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

I left Facebook in 2017 and haven't been back. I've never done Instagram or Tik Tok. I've thought about Twitter but who would I follow? Plus, there's already enough stuff to agitate me so why add something else.

TDPRI is not just my primary social media outlet, it's my only one unless you include YouTube.



#23502 Hospice and Medicare Advantage

Posted by OlivieMelco on 23 January 2023 - 09:56 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Recently my mom was sent to the emergency room. The insurance company refused to pay the claim because she is under hospice care. Medicare also refuses to pay so the bills are coming back to her. When you go into hospice care does that mean you lose all your other benefits?



#23491 Life Insurance Post Transplant

Posted by OlivieMelco on 19 January 2023 - 03:57 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Does anyone have any experience with successfully getting life insurance after having had a kidney transplant? I have a kidney and pancreas and not having much luck so far...

#23482 Home Forums Main Fruits & Vegetables Scorpion Pepper Droppin...

Posted by OlivieMelco on 18 January 2023 - 12:26 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins


I'm growing two different varieties of scorpion peppers and a ghost pepper plant here in central Texas. One of my scorpion peppers is doing fantastic, however, the other variety is dropping all of its blooms. I planted them as seeds back in October. In January, one of my cats climbed up under the blinds to the windowsill they were on and tore all three of them to shreds. Miraculously, the unassuming stems grew back their leaves, and around the middle of February, I set them outside after transplanting them into three gallon pots. They saw a little bit of cold weather, with the nights still dropping into the lower forties, but around the middle of March they exploded with vitality. By the beginning of April, all three plants had dozens of little flower buds. Since then, one of my scorpion peppers has retained around 90% of its buds, the ghost pepper seems to have hung onto about 50% of them, but my other scorpion pepper has lost almost all of them. They are all still in their 3 gallon pots, seeing about 8 hours of sunlight a day, with temperatures during the day reaching around 85 F and the nights dropping no lower than 65 F. The scorpion pepper that is doing very well has dark green leaves, whereas my ghost pepper and scorpion pepper have more of a yellow tint. The ghost pepper was dropping its blooms, like my other scorpion pepper, but when I added fertiliser to their pots, the ghost pepper stopped dropping them. Does anyone have any idea what's going on with my other scorpion pepper plant? I have the trinidad and moruga varieties, but unfortunately I do not know which one is the one that is thriving and which one isn't. The first image (5489) is my scorpion pepper that is thriving, the second image (5490) is my ghost pepper, and the third image (5491) is my scorpion pepper that isn't doing so well. It's hard to really see in the pictures, but the ghost pepper and the worse-off scorpion pepper both have slightly more yellow leaves than the thriving scorpion.

Thank you!

#23446 Shipping/auto transport forum....is it no longer here??

Posted by OlivieMelco on 06 January 2023 - 12:58 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

When choosing a transportation company, one should consider its experience in cargo transportation.

#23444 Shipping/auto transport forum....is it no longer here??

Posted by OlivieMelco on 06 January 2023 - 12:54 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Hello all. For quite awhile I’ve saw a link/forum on here for auto transport.....no?? What happened to it?? I’m considering buying a car from Nevada and might need it shipped to SE Michigan! Anybody know anyone with good rates?? It’s a non-runner, just an FYI! Thankyou fabo!



#23443 Shipping/auto transport forum....is it no longer here??

Posted by OlivieMelco on 06 January 2023 - 12:53 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Apparently not, but I'm sure you can still be helped.

#23442 Shipping/auto transport forum....is it no longer here??

Posted by OlivieMelco on 06 January 2023 - 12:52 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Apparently not, but I'm sure you can still be helped.

#23418 Major Francis Suarez invested on the wrong Cryptocurrency

Posted by OlivieMelco on 03 January 2023 - 09:50 AM in Magento general discussions

Dogecoin .74 cents is the #1 fast growing number Cryptocurrency

#23415 Online gambling

Posted by OlivieMelco on 02 January 2023 - 01:17 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

If you play the kind of "good poker" that everyone else is playing, you can expect to be an average player at best with little upside. I am a supporter of online casinos, poker and slots sometimes try it out for luck. And I like casinos better because there are more bonuses. All the same, it is a free game not burdensome to many players. The best players today are those who actively create their own edge to beat the modern field. In addition, in the masses there is a deep belief that the game today has become so difficult that it is simply impossible to show a good win rate. So I very much found the onlinecasinobuddy.com site and play there almost every day. I don't have much luck with strategies, but I'm happy with bonuses and prizes.

#23362 Airsoft Instagram accounts

Posted by OlivieMelco on 19 December 2022 - 01:44 PM in Magento general discussions

I think we should keep a running thread of instagram accounts. If you have an airsoft specific account, or post a lot of airsoft stuff on your personal account go ahead and post your user name!

My AS account is @droysas and my personal account, which is mostly pictures of real steel stuff is @droys86

How about you guys?

#23361 Founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (1830)

Posted by OlivieMelco on 19 December 2022 - 12:31 PM in Magento general discussions

Shortly after Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon in 1830, he officially founded The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints—also known as the Mormon Church—in Fayette, New York. The church flourished but was forced to relocate frequently. It was violently expelled from Missouri, and a mob killed Smith in Illinois in 1844. His successor, Brigham Young, led followers to Utah three years later. Tensions with the US government continued to escalate, culminating in what war?

#23357 Traveling

Posted by OlivieMelco on 16 December 2022 - 09:08 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if it's safe.

#23354 Flying business class

Posted by OlivieMelco on 15 December 2022 - 02:18 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

It seems to me that this is not a very cheap pleasure.

#23350 Prescription Weed

Posted by OlivieMelco on 15 December 2022 - 10:11 AM in OpenCart general discussions

My wife has arthritis, it causes her a lot of pain and the only thing she has found that will work is half a chewable 2 a day. If she has a prescription for it from her doctor can she bring it on board?

#23344 Opencart Online Pharmacy Store

Posted by OlivieMelco on 14 December 2022 - 11:46 AM in Magento general discussions

Due to the fact that practically everything is now sold online, the requirement for internet selling has recently increased significantly.
All medical store owners and distributors can benefit from the online pharmacy and store theme.
Having an internet store is advantageous for your company because many patients look for medications and other medical supplies online.

Nearly 50% of your sales that come from the internet market are lost if you are not online.
As a result, TMD has made the decision to open an online pharmacy and drugstore that will benefit all existing medical store owners who operate physical locations based on location.

Unlike conventional pharmacies, this online pharmacy will ensure that customers can order any product from your business online, wherever they may be.
Additionally, you can sell additional items online at any time, from any location to the appropriate patient at the right moment.
This theme is the ideal design to introduce the newest online pharmacy. Your products will be displayed in this online store even more attractively than in person. The purchasing experience of visitors is made fascinating by engaging colors, strong typefaces, hover effects, and interactive features.
Navigation receives a lot of attention. Brands, bestsellers, and product categories can all be used in the search process.
Clearly labeled navigation links that make it simple for users to switch between pages.
Additionally, it is quite responsive and works with practically all devices, including PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.
Therefore, choosing this theme for your business will undoubtedly be successful.

There are numerous characteristics of the online pharmacy subject that are as follows.
Each product's effective color hover effects The theme has interactive features and lovely typefaces. excellent display and user interface
maintain guests' interest with an enjoyable shopping experience. A reliable navigation system.
Simple search that enables brand, bestseller, and product category searches. Icons are used in the primary menu.
Fully responsive across all devices and screen resolutions. Online Returns and Payments
Login/Signup Options Brand display banner ads, testimonials, and much more

#23342 Essay about General Relativity

Posted by OlivieMelco on 12 December 2022 - 11:24 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

A very informative and at the same time concise essay about the aircraft of the Second World War.