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#2232 Live chat module for Magento eCommerce

Posted by jamesfoley28 on 22 December 2014 - 06:48 AM in Magento modules & themes

To provide instant online customer support on your eCommerce store created on Magento eCommerce, I would like to refer eAssistance Pro live chat module. It is a secure and reliable third party application and easily integrated on all kind of CMS and Cart solution. To integrate that live chat plugin follow the given instruction at https://www.eassista...ons/magento.php


To login on eAssistance Pro account go to https://account.eass...o.com/login.php

#2217 Live chat for Prestashop eCommerce store by eAssistance Pro

Posted by jamesfoley28 on 17 December 2014 - 10:15 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Prestahop will provide you each and every feature to create an attractive eCommerce store. Integration of live chat on Prestashop store will improve the customer service quality and online sale. Here I like to introduce eAssistance Pro live chat plugin for Prestashop eCommerce store. It is easy to integrate and use. To know about how to integrate it on your shopping cart follow the given instruction at https://www.eassista.../prestashop.php

#1241 [FREE MODULE] OLARK Livechat

Posted by jamesfoley28 on 27 November 2014 - 06:55 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Here I would like to suggest eAssistance Pro live chat module for Prestashop. It has many great features which help business owner to grow their online customer service and revenue. To integrate this live chat module follow the instruction given at https://www.eassista.../prestashop.php