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There have been 68 items by alexnguyen (Search limited from 27-June 23)

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#6677 Automated migration from 3dCart to Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 25 February 2016 - 02:50 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from 3dCart to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!

Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension....igration-guide/

#8834 Do you know #Litextension migration tools?

Posted by alexnguyen on 30 June 2016 - 09:13 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

There are plenty of data can be migrate from a shopping cart to Prestashop with Prestashop database migration tool. Here is a demo video for you guys to see how wonderful it is: 

#11042 Virtuemart to Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 15 August 2016 - 02:38 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Hi there,


Even though too late, I wanna share you guys VirtueMart to Prestashop migration tool by Litextension. It takes you not a long time for online business owners to migrate from Virtuemart to Prestashop successfully without losing data. 

Even SEO URL, Customer Password, Custom field can be moved swiftly from Virtuemart to Prestashop.


Contact LitExtension team for more information.



#6629 Shopify to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 22 February 2016 - 03:00 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from Shopify cart to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension....igration-guide/

Video: https://youtu.be/orj6ZH2Cv3k

#6377 Comparing WooCommerce and Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 22 January 2016 - 10:09 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Here is a good review for Prestashop and Magento if you need more option http://blog.litexten...merce-platform/

#6308 Which is the best solution to change to woocommerce with high data security?

Posted by alexnguyen on 14 January 2016 - 07:54 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Mr.Gregory, a store owner in Florida, shares his experience on risk of leaking data when migrating shopping cart. He moved his old website to WooCommerce using data transfer service of technology company that he found on internet. Unfortunately, his business went down continuously and the revenue dropped significantly in spite of paying high cost for migration process.

His marketing team investigated and finally found out that they lost a lot of customers information to our competitors. He looked for reasons with hope to save his business.  The reason was that during migration process, his website data was transferred from Source Store to center server of the company providing migration service and processed there before being pushed to WooCommerce target store. It seemed that someone took advantage of this gap to steal customer information. It is a serious error.
How did Mr.Gregory solve this problem? The answer is at http://blog.litexten...-data-security/

#13499 Migrate SEO URLs to keep search rankings & traffic

Posted by alexnguyen on 06 January 2017 - 02:45 AM in Magento general discussions

If you are using another cart and wanna move the new one, you can consider to migrate to Shopify, and there are many tools to help such as WooCommerce to Shopify migration tool or OpenCart to Shopify migration tool or BigCommerce to Shopify migration tool, etc. 

#8385 opencart to prestashop migration

Posted by alexnguyen on 14 June 2016 - 03:53 AM in Migration to PrestaShop


Have you found the most favourite migration tool to migrate from OpenCart to Prestashop? If you have not, you may want to try this software to convert OpenCart to Prestashop theme. Hopefully you will enjoy my recommendation

#8342 What business should use Prestashop Cloud?

Posted by alexnguyen on 12 June 2016 - 03:10 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Great James,

thanks for your sharing,  let see at HERE when converting the shopping cart to another 

#8812 Preserve SEO URLs By Using OpenCart To Prestashop Migration Tool

Posted by alexnguyen on 29 June 2016 - 04:02 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

​Today, with the dynamic change of the economy, online business has developed significantly. From that, e-commerce platform has also been improved from time to time. Was originally developed in 1998 by Christopher G. Mann, OpenCart is an online store management system. Whereas Prestashop started in 2005, 7 years later than OpenCart. However, Prestashop has grown very fast and quickly become one of the most popular e-commerce site in the world. Because of the changes from time to time, it is necessary to refresh your business when needed. Many people has changed their interest from OpenCart to Prestashop

Why people prefer OpenCart to Prestashop?

  • Content Management: OpenCart has a fairly solid but simple content management tool for non-product pages within the hosted websites, known as "Information" rather than "Pages" in the administration panel. While PrestaShop content management is very smooth and is a bit less basic than that of its competitor. 
  • Administration Panel: OpenCart's administration panel is very easy-to-use, which doesn't include many dead-ends or odd design decisions that can make simple tasks frustrating, such as having to add a "module number" to a product encoring your own intension. However, the administration panel of PrestaShop is much better than that of the former software, although 
  • Scalability: With the ability to group by manufacture and attribute, OpenCart handles a large amount of products easily. In addition, an OpenCart store for a client has around 1,500 products in it, without any problems on the development server. However, PrestaShop claims that there is no limitation in the quality of products and attributes that can be displayed and sell in their users' store. 

With those reasons, it can be much better for user to decide which one should they use. Now, if you want to transfer from OpenCart to Prestashop, just let LitExtension give you a hand. By putting a lot of effort in designing and testing before released, OpenCart to Prestashop migration software should be concern to the ideal software. 

Here you can watch how an OpenCart to Prestashop conversion software works: 


Attached Thumbnails

  • opencart-to-prestashop-migration.jpg

#9054 Amazon to woocommerce item import

Posted by alexnguyen on 06 July 2016 - 08:06 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

With Woocommerce database migration tool, particularly Amazon to WooCommerce migration, eCommerce merchants get not only the most optimized tools,  but the best service also:




Contact Litextension team to get more nice support 

#8341 How can I export Marketpress to Prestashop securely?

Posted by alexnguyen on 12 June 2016 - 01:09 PM in Migration to PrestaShop


We recommend using PrestaShop migration tools to convert to this version for enhanced stability and performance. This will also make it easier for shops to upgrade to newer versions of PrestaShop in the future.
To upgrade your shop, you can use the 1-click upgrade module that allows you to quickly migrate an identical version of your store to a faster and more enhanced version of PrestaShop.


#11261 How to upgrade Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6

Posted by alexnguyen on 25 August 2016 - 07:38 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

LitExtension researched and found out the Prestashop to Prestashop migration tool which is the most workable solution to migrate Prestashop to Prestashop successfully. Online business owners are advised to upgrade to the latest version for more benefits. Below is clear guidance to upgrade Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6:

  1. Copy Connector to Prestashop 1.3
  2. Install migration tool on Prestashop 1.6
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform directly migration from Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6


These steps are quite easy to follow and bring effectiveness. Bugs hardly happens because migration process is definitely automatic. Data can be migrated successfully and fully:


  • SKU, Product Name, Description, URL*, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
  • Base Image, Additional Images
  • Base Price, Special Price
  • Assign to Product Categories
  • Attributes (Color, Size ...)
  • Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
  • Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
  • Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product 
  • Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  • Currencies
  • URL*, Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images
  • CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
  • Customer Password
  • Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups
  • OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price ...
5. SEO URLs 
  • Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
  • Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products
  • Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders
  • Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status ...
  • Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes ...
You can feel free to try our demo version to get more experiences before deciding to choose us for your Prestashop upgrade 1.3 to 1.6. Contact us for more information.

#7977 A Solution To Preserve Yours SEO URLs When Transfer XT:Commerce To Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 19 May 2016 - 02:37 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Another feature of XT:Commerce to Prestashop import software is Custom Field migration. Here, you can migrate custom fields of products, categories, customers and orders easily. Let's try: bit.ly/22Ms4o1

More shopping cart migration tool at: bit.ly/1pws8LP

#6558 osCommerce to Magento Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 15 February 2016 - 09:02 AM in Migration to Magento

In 2016, the company supports customers who have need to convert their online store from osCommerce site to Magento 2.0. Magento 2.0 is the next generation open source platform that is faster, easier and more secure than Magento 1x.


What is new features of Magento 2.0?

New File Structure

- New Built-in Technologies Under The Hood

Reduce upgrade costs and efforts

- Improved Performance and Scalability

jQuery Library

Here is full informations about Magento 2.0: http://blog.litexten...e-your-magento/

#6482 VirtueMart to Prestashop Migration Tool

Posted by alexnguyen on 02 February 2016 - 08:50 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Why choose this migration tool?

Yes, we guarantee:




Visit and purchase at: http://litextension....prestashop.html

#6396 CS-Cart to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 25 January 2016 - 03:13 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Compatible with:

- CS-Cart 2.x - 4.x

- Prestashop 1.6.x


See more and purchase at: http://litextension....prestashop.html

#6681 Zen Cart to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 27 February 2016 - 03:57 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from ZenCart to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension.com/docs/prestashop-cart-migration-guide/

Video: https://youtu.be/WZBer8IiVfg

#6720 Volusion to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 03 March 2016 - 01:50 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from Volusion to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension....igration-guide/

Video: https://youtu.be/9oKkor5V2sU

#7705 A Solution To Preserve Yours SEO URLs When Transfer XT:Commerce To Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 05 May 2016 - 03:06 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Many people are concerning to switch their current xt:Commerce  but they still wonder about SEO URLs, a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet, can be changed after switching? This situation is quite popular because there are many migration softwares which support to migrate xt:Commerce to Prestashop. However, not all of those can migrate SEO URLs from xt:Commerce site to Prestashop. As the result, users now are really carful in choosing a migration tool.


Which migration tool is best fit to preserve your SEO URLs when migrate xt:Commerce to Prestashop?

By researching and analysing carefully what users needs, now, LitExtension has released a professional tool that allows users to migrate Products, Orders, Categories, Customers and especially SEO URLs from xt:Commerce to Prestashop automatically named xt:Commerce to Prestashop

Why people should choose LitExtension?

  • Super Easy Setup
  • No Programing Skills Needed
  • Secured
  • Automated

So now, if you want to migrate xt:Commerce to Prestashop, click here!

For more migration products, visit us at our home page: LitExtension

#6721 Migrate passwords to Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 03 March 2016 - 01:54 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

As you know that each platform will use a different encryption algorithm . Assume you want to migrate Customers Password from website A to website B (A and B using 2 difference platforms) . Encrypted Password in A after being copied and stored on the database of B will not work because B uses different encryption algorithms from A ( except Zen-Cart and Magento uses the same encryption algorithm ) . How could you resolve this situation?


#6231 Prestashop, Magento or WooCommerce?

Posted by alexnguyen on 11 January 2016 - 08:29 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Online business are an attractive area to get into the digital age. ECommerce sales worldwide will reach $1.672 trillion online in 2015. Moreover, increasing of eCommerce platforms allows businesses to have many opportunities to approach new customers and many choices to maximize the potential of resources. People witnessed an amazing comeback of WooCommerce plugin in eCommerce market share in 2015.


Most of the Top 100 online retailer use in-house-built eCommerce platforms.



WooCommerce becomes the new leader at the end of 2015 with the share of 26%. Magento Community decreased by 0.5% from 25.3% till 24.8% that is the result since May 2015. Magento Enterprise and Prestashop slight increased by 0.5% and 0.4% respectively. Three biggest platforms (WooCommerce, Magento and Prestashop) take 65% of eCommerce market share.

WooCommerce has lower barrier to entry about technology and finance, which is the reason why it is difficult to stop WooCommerce plugins expanding its share. Experts predict that interest line of WooCommerce continues to increase in the coming year. While WooCommerce is conquering user’s heart, the interest in Magento and Prestashop slow down.



Interest Over Time


Experts and developers work continuously to make features more advanced and convenient for users. Releasing Magento 2 in November is one of the most anticipated events of 2015. LitExtension will draw a big picture about features and enhancements of three largest eCommerce platforms including Magento, WooCommerce, and Prestashop up to 2015.



WooCommerce is one of the best shopping cart plugins available for WordPress. Founded in 2011, WooCommerce is a young platform with high development potential.




WooCommerce is an open source plugin. It is easy to transform your WordPress website into a thorough-bred eCommerce store free. Users can find many free themes, extensions and install them quickly. Other extensions are required payment but they are cheaper than different platform extensions.



Business can categorize products and give sale prices and independent attributes. WooCommerce stores are able to provide physical, virtual, downloadable and even affiliate products. Moreover, this platform accept many types of payment with POS solution.



WooCommerce is a plugin of WordPress. If users have used WordPress before, they benefit from recognizing the user-friendly WordPress interface. It is available for beginners to save a lot of time to create and manage your site.


Customization Options

Users can download about 2000 different themes in https://wordpress.org/themes/. With each selected theme, users can availably change pre-set CSS styles and color themes, tweak the code and experiment special features.


Professional platform

It helps you to control detailed order tracking and customer engagement tools. From that, users can view open orders, update delivery statuses, apply discount code, set up taxes. This platform gives customers a picture of professional service.



WooCommerce provide some analytic tools, which allows to calculate daily sales, total sales, measure the statistics for different customers individually, follow the number of order, and determine change in trend. It is helpful for managers to measure the metrics of their site to improve sales.



WordPress community has millions of users and thousands of active members on hand to give advices for people who have problem in setting WooCommerce up.




WooCommerce is not an e-commerce website. It will not fulfill the eCommerce funnel. Developer has to add multiple extensions and customize their site before running it.



WooCommerce is a light platform, so it is not suitable for a big eCommerce store that has thousands of products.



Releasing from 2008, Magento is the most popular eCommerce platform with over 200.000 retailers worldwide and 2 versions: Magento Community and Magento Enterprise.



Open Source

Magento is free for download in the Internet, except Enterprise version. It includes most of the necessary features to have your store up and run it.



Magento’s admin area is second to none. It allows users to be enabled full features by the click of a button. It is easy to look at your website performance and real time information.  Magento allows third party integrations to import products from spreadsheets, manage newsletter system, start-to-finish manage an order of a customer.


Flexible CMS

It supports you manage multiple websites, integrate Google website optimizer and over 50 payment gateways. WYSIWYG editor is friendly to help non-tech individual refresh website easily. Magento is perfect choice for product editing and capable of handling large database smartly.


Strong Community

Magento is owned by eBay. Magento users receive an abundance of helps and advices from eBay advocates to manage effectively. There are over 800.000 developers worldwide with Magento experience.



There are about 15.000 Magento plugins and extensions.




Magento EE is not a free version. Users can start with Magento CE with no fee. However, you need to pay high cost for extensions and plugins. Sometimes, companies have to hire a third party to install extension for their site.



Setting up and customizing Magento is more complicated than other platforms. It offers high requirement in server and developers. Magento hosted on dedicated servers or cloud plan to keep store running stably. Developers need to have core technical knowledge and experiences in coding to install and control Magento properly.



Magento’s flexible architecture also makes it complicated. The more Magento is complex, the more time it need to set up and customize as in other solutions. It requires developer’s time to get up the learning curve and be experts.



Prestashop is a free open-source eCommerce solution. After appearing in 2007, it is gaining its popularity very quickly. This platform gives business flexibility and a low entry barrier to build an online store.




Prestashop is really easy to initial install and customize with basic features. Developers ought to download files and upload them to their host. It is suitable for PHP5 with MySQL5 (or later). If hosting company provides one-click installation, everything will be very simple for even non-tech individual.



User interface is relatively friendly. All needed information is available on Dashboard. WooCommerce keeps technical terminology minimum. Most of the emphasis are ease of use and clarity.



Prestashop supports some impressive features such as email follow-up automation, SEO, catalogue and site management, recently viewed products feature, promotional tools, international shipping. You can find more 25.000 plugins and extensions of Prestashop.



Prestashop allows developer to customize eCommerce store easily according to his opinions and customer’s need. You can add or delete different features through the admin panel.


Official marketplace

You can choose from 3500 modules and themes in the official marketplace: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/



Prestashop is available in 41 languages, but only supports fully in English and French.



Expensive modules

Most of full functional modules is not cheap. When upgrading and expanding Prestashop, you need high budget to purchase templates, themes and extensions.


Minimum scalability

Prestashop is suitable for small and medium scale business. It does not support multi-store feature.



When users of Prestashop have trouble in managing site, they can find help from Prestashop forum. However, Prestashop do not have an official support team.


Source: http://blog.litexten...rce-comparison/

#8837 Database Migration Virtuemart To Magento

Posted by alexnguyen on 01 July 2016 - 07:38 AM in Migration to Magento

Great sharing. and all of you can find out another way to export Virtuemart products to Magento with Joomla Virtuemart to magento migration tool by Litextension. Even customer password, SEO URL, custom field can be transferred successfully.

#8458 How to preserver SEO URLs after migrating data from one store to others?

Posted by alexnguyen on 16 June 2016 - 10:25 AM in PrestaShop SEO

The issue of whether target store could keep SEO URLs (viz SEO ranking) after migrating from the source store to target store is the most important of store owners. The question is put forth that how to migrate data from an online store to another without losing SEO URLs? It can be possible or not?

What is SEO URLs? What does SEO URLs for?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet.

The purpose of SEO is to make your website appear on the top of searching result. Based on deep analysis of Internet user’s behavior and interests as well as using keyword analysis tools; for example: Google trend, Google suggestion, Google analytics…, the marketers collect important and potential keywords and put a high degree of effort to optimize them. If succeed, your keywords get high rank amongst millions of related websites; and therefore definitely bring a huge opportunity to access with more customers. Another benefit is to push company brand name into customer’s mind, and it is apparently the desire of every E-commerce store owner.

Why SEO URLs may be changed after migrating data from one store to others?

After considering we have determined the two main reasons below:
– Each platform has a unique structure and a different rule of URL texture
– Users have used an extension of a third party or fixed URL structure manually.

How do other companies do?

Many companies normally provide automated migration services. In reality, after data is migrated to target store URLs may change; especially when structures between source and target store are different. These companies could only perform preserving SEO URLs for the default type of SEO URLs from a few store such as: Magento, OpenCart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, VirtueMart 2, WooCommerce and osCommerce.

You can see that they can not migrate for all with their automated tool.

The solution to preserver your SEO URLs

Customize SEO URLs migration plugins are designed suitably for each store, these plugins help for migrating products and category URLs. Your old URLs will be saved in target store and maintained.

To simply explain it, each online store owner desires a simple and understandable URL to better customer’s recognition and SEO. To resolve this issue, they use plugins supported by a third-party in order to customize the URL. Nevertheless, when they have the need to migrate the current store to others, by using migration services the new URL changes because these plugins are not migrated. It will be customized to fit 100% your source store URL structures and support all of e-commerce platforms.

Source: http://blog.litexten...-your-rankings/

Migrate from Shopify to Prestashop without loosing SEO URLs: http://litextension....prestashop.html


Attached Thumbnails

  • shop2prest.jpg

#8090 Migrate Amazon Webstore to Magento with LitExtension migration tools

Posted by alexnguyen on 27 May 2016 - 10:48 AM in Magento general discussions

Amazon Webstore was one of best ecommerce solutions for online stores and became a giant among e-retailers. However, in official website, Amazon shares an announcement to confirm that this platform no longer exists.

confused.png So, merchants using Amazon Webstore should do what to continue their online business?
cool.png Lots of experts give suggest to export all current data to Magento- top 3 popular shopping cart in 2015.

In this situation, LitExtension has released Amazon to Magento migration tool allowing web developers and businessmen to convert data to new platform.
Just some simple steps to do all:



Of course, no requirement for technology knowledge, so even store owners can migrate data without any specialized helps.










Contact us now for supports and access to find more helpful shopping cart data migration service: ​http://litextension.com/