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#8296 What is right choice for your online shop: PrestaShop vs. Magento?

Posted by alexnguyen on 09 June 2016 - 04:15 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Both Prestashop and Magento are open source and becomes popular e-commerce platform. Depending on users demands, you can choose the most suited one for your online business. Below comparison is one suggestion:

Who Should Choose Magento?
Magento is perfect for those looking for full control over the customization of their online store. Wide range of enterprise grow quickly will find the features of Magento a better fit than PrestaShop.
Who Should Choose PrestaShop?
Smaller businesses or those not looking to grow quickly will find the user-friendly option of PrestaShop to fit perfectly with their needs. This system makes it easy to keep cost down and you won’t need to invest as much time into setting everything up.
Prestashop is free to download and install basic application on the server, then users can decide what functionality is needed and only pay for the modules they need.
Magento is pretty different with 2 editions. With Magento Community Edition, you also have to pay no fee for charge. In other side, Enterprise Edition of Magento really spends for the biggest players because of its large yearly subscription fee.  
However, the same thing here is the hosting service for long run is not free, in both cases.  Web developers and store owners may have to pay for most of the professional themes, designs and extensions also.
Because of no available of hosted solution, the installation of Prestashop depends on the host you select for your ecommerce website. If your host offers one-click installation, no technical knowledge requirement to install and vice versa. In general, PrestaShop is easy to understand to set up stores or add products. 
The Magento installation depends on the version you choose. As spending for startups or small-scale enterprises, Magento Go servers seem to be ready to setup and nothing difficult. With Magento Enterprise Edition, it is more complicated with large and multinational corporations.
The two platforms are significantly different when it comes to having questions to answer or problems to solve.
If facing to some problem or any wonders about PrestaShop, users can join online community and discuss with other users or professionals. But it is seldom to get the official supports. Moreover, when coming across a lot of smaller bugs, PrestaShop installation only implies some technical knowledge to suggest you to fix on your own.
Regarding Magento, official supports come with only users choosing expensive Enterprise Edition. With the others, there is a community including a lot of talented and enthusiastic web developers who can be contacted any time on the different online forums.
Experts point out that even though PrestaShop includes some basic optimization possibilities, Magento is much stronger in the field of SEO with lots of opportunities to attract high traffic to your website.
Be responsive from 2014, Magento is compatible with all platform kinds, which brings user-friendly interface. This point makes Google’s algorithm rank Magento sites in good searching results. PrestaShop now is also mobile- friendly, so SEO in its website is improved completely.
PrestaShop offers over 300 features so becomes powerful ecommerce solution for small business or startups having not too large budget. Besides free software installation, users only have to pay for extra necessary extensions. Free features include:
• Layered navigation 
• Fully customizable templates
• Promotion rules
• Unlimited currencies
• Unlimited product and inventory management
• Analytics and reporting
• Multi-store management
• Return management
In this aspect, features and benefits offered by Magento are similar to PrestaShop with the added advantage that Magento Go is suitable for mobile applications and devices. Magento Go however does not offer gifting options.
Both platforms are open-source code systems, so certainly lots of different plugins and extensions are available. PrestaShop is simpler in installation and handling of the modules, even for the beginners, while you will need an expert with specific competence and experience to support installation modules with Magento.
In conclusion, hope this comparison can help you have right solution for your business. And if you are owning an unsatisfactory site and wanna transfer to the other, experts recommend you some helpful tools:



Contact for more support: Click here


Posted by alexnguyen on 02 April 2016 - 04:57 AM in Migration to Magento

Magento has been a very powerful and fast growing e-Commerce since it was launched in 2007 by Varien. Nowadays, Magento is chosen as a major digital commerce platform by over 200,000 online retailers because of its modular architecture, complete scalability and a wide range of options. Howewer, like many other softwares, Magento always upgrade its present version to become more compatible with users. The question is "SHOULD WE UPGRADE MAGENTO?"

We all believe that the appearance of the latter is the innovation of the previous. Therefore in this article, we will show you 7 reasons why the answer is YES

1. Security Updates

The first reason why we should definitely upgrade Magento version as soon as possible is the security issues. The world of online security is progressing at light speed day by day. Even famous brands such as Adobe, Sony, Amazon and Wal-Mart were all hacked in 2014. Magento has stepped up its default security in the newest version to protect users’ privacy.

What Magento did to patch security gaps:

  • XSS vulnerability while creating configurable product variations was addressed.
  • Information about different orders was not displayed.
  • Changes to PayPal Express checkout.
  • An .swf file was removed from the Magento distribution.
  • File system was secured better.
  • The security of action URLs was enhanced.
  • Vulnerability during checkout was fixed
  • The randomness function was also more secured
2. Responsive Theme Updates

The default Magento theme in the 1.9 version is mobile-responsive which is the best solution for salesman because the site that they invest in is compatible with any device of customers. This means that a shopping cart was design to work on any screen size. With responsive design, it is much more easy for merchants to boost conversion, for mobile-using customers to place an order or checkout anywhere. Moreover, this brings SEO advantages as well. If merchants focus a bit more on the content, this has big implications for SEO also in order to engage customers and reduce bounce rates..

3. Functionality Bug Fixes

Magento has continously added new functionality and bug fixes which will make your website run more smoothly and efficiently. So why don’t you take these advantages?

Specifically, with platform bugs, Magento 1.9 gave fixes on web store and shopping cart, Promotional Price Rule, Administrative Ordering, Invoicing, Credit Memo, Import, Payment Method and many other fixes.

Read more:


#8319 Boost your sales with nopCommerce to Magento migration tool

Posted by alexnguyen on 09 June 2016 - 05:30 PM in Migration to Magento

NopCommerce is a free downloadable eCommerce software that offers users a customizable shopping cart, a catalog frontend, and administration tools. Howerver, the software is still buggy and web developers or store owners still have to do their own hosting. So, webmasters give recommendation that users should choose a more comprehensive, such as Magento, instead.
Magento is a poweful e-commerce platform with its flexibility, plenty of templates, especially, good SEO and marketing tools. With different nice features and functions, Magento quickly becomes the most popular shopping cart in 2015.
If you are running with nopCommerce and have intention of migrating to Magento, you can discover below tool guide or more detail at nopCommerce to Magento migration tool
  • Cart Type: select corresponding source cart type (osCommerce, ZenCart, VirtueMart, WooCommerce,…..)
  • Cart Url: source cart full url
  • Cart Token: the token string which has been configured in connector.php




  • Root Category: the category of current Magento store to import all source cart categories into.
  • Product Attribute Set: select an Attribute Set which is used to import products, all necessary attributes in migration process will be created in to this set.
  • Languages Mapping: If your Source Cart is multilingual, corresponding languages ( or storeviews) should be available in Target Magento Store. You may need to create additional languages in Magento Store to avoid data loss.
  • Currencies Mapping: Assign Source Cart currencies to proper Target Magento Store currencies. Creating currencies in Target Magento Store may be needed.
  • Orders Status Mapping: Assign Source Cart order statuses to proper Target Magento Store order statuses. Creating additional order statues in Target Magento Store may be needed.
  • Entities to Migrate: select all entities to migrate or just a part of them.
Additional Options:
Migrate recent data: if you choose this option, it will migrate new data only. Supposed you have just finished a full migration from your current Source store to Target store, after that Source store is still live and continue getting new data, and you want to get your Target store updated with the new data, select this feature to avoid starting over again.
Clear current data on Target Store before Migration: if you choose this option, all current products, categories, manufacturers, customers, orders, product reviews, taxes will be cleared.
Migrate categories and products SEO URLs: if you choose this option, old SEF urls of source will be preserved in Target Magento Store, allowing you to maintain your Pagerank.
Transfer images in product descriptions to Target Store: download all images in product description into your store so that it won’t have to refer back to your source store or anywhere else for images.
Preserve Customer IDs on Target Store: this will help you preserve your old Customer IDs for easier reference.
Preserve Order IDs on Target Store: this will help you preserve your old Order IDs for easier reference



The migration will take place automatically in this final step. In order for it to progress, you should not close your browser of remove Source Cart Connector.
  • TAX
  • etc.
Contact LitExtesion team for more support http://litextension.com/contacts/

#8813 Woocommerce & Vend POS Integration

Posted by alexnguyen on 29 June 2016 - 05:25 AM in WooCommerce general discussions


WooCommerce offers an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It was designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress. This Plugin became famous thanks to its simplicity to customize, install, and free base product.


WooCommerce has gained significant popularity as the base product, in addition to all the plugins and extensions, is a free and open source. Also, there are numerous paid add-ons options at fixed prices.


Vend is retail POS software, inventory management, ecommerce and customer loyalty for iPad, mac and PC. Easily manage and grow your business in the cloud.


Comparison: WooCommerce v/s Vend POS system

Let’s take a look at the features of Vend and WooCommerce.



Woocommerce Vend Integration


Considering you are now having a great Woocommerce store, and want to expand your business to sell via a POS system as an omni-channel, thats where you will need Vend.

Now the question is how can you do that? Fortunately, we have the answer. Woocommerce Vend Integration Plugin helps you connect and synchronise data between your Woocommerce webstore and your Vend POS.


How It Works



This Wordpress Plugin connects your Woocommerce and Vend store, keep them in sync and helps you manage multiple sales channels easier

Synchronization of Data


1.     Products: product name, description, price, status, images, inventory

2.     Customers: customer name, email

3.     Orders: order items, order status, order payment

For more details of installation and user guide, please visit:


In case you have any questions please let us know at http://litextension.com/contacts/

Attached Thumbnails

  • woocommerce-and-vend-pos-integration.jpg

#11043 Safe way to convert X-Cart to Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 15 August 2016 - 03:37 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Researchers of Litextension team always find out the best way for migration from X-Cart to Prestashop. And below is the guide to help eCommerce merchants to move XCart to Prestashop in some minutes:




1. Copy Connector to X-Cart

2. Install migration tool on Prestashop

3. Select data to migrate

4. Perform migration directly from X Cart to Prestashop


Don't worry about data migration, because all essential ones can be transferred successfully:


  • SKU, Product Name, Description, URL*, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
  • Base Image, Additional Images
  • Base Price, Special Price
  • Assign to Product Categories
  • Attributes (Color, Size ...)
  • Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
  • Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
  • Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product 
  • Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  • Currencies
  • URL*, Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images
  • CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
  • Customer Password*
  • Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups
  • OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price ...
5. SEO URLs 
  • Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
  • Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products
  • Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders
  • Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status ...
  • Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes ...
  • Name, Description, Images

#6686 MarketPress to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 01 March 2016 - 02:51 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

MarketPress to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension is a full feature module allows MarketPress store owners to migrate data from their store to Prestashop. Migration data includes: Products, Categories, Customers, Customers Password, Orders, Product reviews, Manufacturers, Taxes and can be extended via customization



MODULE URL: http://litextension....prestashop.html




1. Products
• Product Information: Product Name, Product Description, Quantity, Model, Available, Weight, Created Date, Modified Date , Price, Tax Class, etc.
• Product Images: Support to migrate all products images from source store to target store
• Product Attributes: Additional fields that may affect the price of product and have a couple of meanings, e.g. Color, Size, Material, etc.
• Product Extra Fields: Additional fields that do not affect the price of product and have no selective meanings, e.g. checkboxes, dropdownlist, radiobuttons.
• Product Variants: A specific item, it can be grouped with related variants together to form a product, e.g. an iPhone 6 gold,16GB storage has SKU of 1234 is one product variant of the iPhone product.
• Product Tags: The keyword you assign to your product. Tags describe a property of your product. 
• Related Products: Products in the same category as the item a shopper is viewing
2. Categories
• Categories: Product categories constituting the major groups of products in the store.
• Image Categories: Images corresponding to the product categories.
3. Customers
• Customer information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, DOB, Phone,Home Address, Shipping Address,  Billing Address, Registered Date, Status, etc.
• Customer Password: Support migrate Customer Passwords from Zen Cart to Prestashop 
• Customer Groups: Allows to migrate customers preserving relationships with their groups
4. Orders
• Order Information:  Customer Information, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Currency, Order Statuses, Totals, Created Date, etc.
• Order Details: List of products in an order, e.g. Product Name, Price, Quantity, etc. of each product in an order.
5. URLs
Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls: Supports migrating custom product and category SEO Urls to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store
6. Custom Fields
• Migrate Custom Fields: Support migrating custom fields of products, categories, customers and orders
7. Reviews
• Review Information: Reviews of each product made by customer on your store including: Customers Name, Rating, Review, etc.
8. Taxes
• Tax details: Name, Value, Value Type (percent or exact value in default currency), Created Date, etc.
9. Manufacturers
• Manufacturers Information: Name, Description, URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, etc.
• Manufacturer Images: Images corresponding to product manufacturers in the store.
10. Currencies
• List of currency rates 

#8153 How to migrate data from osCommerce to Magento by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 01 June 2016 - 09:07 AM in Migration to Magento

Magento is one of the best platform for online store in 2015 and there is no doubt it go on in 2016. LitExtension has released various Magento database migration tool for developers and store owners to transfer data from current platform to Magento.

With any migration tool by LitExtension, almost data can be transferred.

  • CUSTOMER: including PASSWORD
  • TAX

Below is osCommerce to Magento database migration guide. Just some simple step and take a sip, then enjoy your new store:
Even if you know little about technology, you can follow above process easily because migration is automatic. Data in your new Magento store has no differences to the old site, because all things are kept original. Migrate SEO URL helps to keep website's rankings and traffic. About customer passwords, it will make your customers more comfortable with the new site when need not to sign up a new account.


See more to migrate osCommerce to Magento yourselves: http://litextension....o-magento.html 
Dont hesitate to contact LitExtension team for more support: http://litextension.com/

#6660 New migration tool price from LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 24 February 2016 - 02:43 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

LitExtension is a premier providers of best-in-class shopping cart migration tools and enthusiastic support for online business. Automated tools are good solutions to save time in administrating website and developing business.

To help clients to improve efficiency adapting the high quality eCommerce platform with better cost, from Feb 20th, 2016 the minimum price is only $79 in support up to 1,000 entities.new-price-1.jpg

Customer is top goal – with this new policy on price, we hope to satisfy various customer demands for migration. Data transfer solutions seem to be more convenient with customer budget.

Source: http://blog.litexten...-1000-entities/

#6356 Migrate safely and quickly with Data Migration Assistant Services

Posted by alexnguyen on 21 January 2016 - 09:40 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Perfect shopping cart migration with LitExtension All In One migration service.

See more at: http://blog.litexten...ration-service/

#8592 Prestashop database migration tool review

Posted by alexnguyen on 22 June 2016 - 04:02 AM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Hello everyone here,

I have a Prestashop data migration service website which provides shopping cart migration to migrate from one shopping cart to Prestashop. Can anyone here have a look on my website and give me your feedbacks in what way I should make changes on my website? Here is my website: http://litextension....tion-tools.html

Thanks in advance!



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#8837 Database Migration Virtuemart To Magento

Posted by alexnguyen on 01 July 2016 - 07:38 AM in Migration to Magento

Great sharing. and all of you can find out another way to export Virtuemart products to Magento with Joomla Virtuemart to magento migration tool by Litextension. Even customer password, SEO URL, custom field can be transferred successfully.

#9244 What is the best prestashop transfer solution?

Posted by alexnguyen on 18 July 2016 - 04:22 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

Prestashop data migration service: http://litextension....tion-tools.html

LitExtension migration tool is designed for non-tech person with 3 simple steps to migrate migrate products, categories, customers, orders, passwords even SEO ranking to Prestashop from your old store. This tool is discussed in a lot of communities such as Prestashop, Linkedin, Quora, Cart help, Dailymotion, Crunbase, Tumblr.

Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension is voted about security, speed, price and support customer service.

Check it out right now


#6327 Best-loved Shopping Carts in 2015

Posted by alexnguyen on 15 January 2016 - 08:37 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Today the world had transformed into a more digital one compared to the previous decades. Online business has become more popular than ever before. But we all know that starting an online business can be both rewarding and challenging. Knowing where to start, how to run a sustainable business, and how to be successful are very important questions to every entrepreneur.


If now you decide to start an online business, the first thing you need to do is to choose a shopping cart for your website. However, in such a complicated market like ecommerce platform market, it seems to be difficult to give right decision between several available options. Therefore, this article will show you top three favorite shopping carts that are best-loved all over the world. They are Magento, Prestashop and WooCommerce.






If you need a completely customizable online store, Magento will fulfill your needs. Being a reputation open-source e-commerce software, Magento lets you tailor-make any aspect of your online store and make it work as exactly what you want.

Why do we say that Magento is the best choice for merchants? Because since it was first launched in 2007, it has quickly become one of the most popular carts online with its powerfulness and a rich feature set. Magento also offers plenty of customizations to give you the flexibility to maximize sales and optimize your operations; therefore, it seems to be available to all types of businesses.

Another advantage of Magento we want to mention here is it cost-effectiveness. With two different editions: Community Edition (CE) và Enterprise Edition (EE), Magento offers different types of solutions to fit your business. For small businesses, Magento Community, which is free version, is a great way to get started with. The company also offers Magento Enterprise, which gives you enterprise-level functionality and support to configure your website and back-end workflows.




Prestashop was launched in 2007 and quickly impress users by its decent efficiency, good functionality list and rather simple modification. Today more than 200,000 ecommerce stores run on PrestaShop technology. If Magento requires a little technical knowledge to use, PrestaShop seems to be more suitable to who are just starting their online store because administration panel is quite intuitive and easy to master. It’s especially important for those who are just starting their Internet adventure.

The significant feature of Prestashop is free of cost & open source. We believe that Prestashop is the best choice if you have a tight budget but still want to run on an efficient ecommerce platform.

There are a lot of functionalities built in PrestaShop. Many of them which are no match for Magento are sufficient for beginners and intermediate online shop owners. Prestashop provides extensive feature sets for managing product listing, payments, shipping, manufacturers and suppliers.




WooCommerce, which is a free WordPress plugin, is one of the fastest growing shopping carts. This plugin was created in 2011 and is now used by thousands of e-commerce websites worldwide. If you are thinking about creating your own online store, you definitely should give WooCommerce a chance because it does not take very long to install but works great.

Like Prestashop, WooCommerce is completely free to download. Despite being free, WooCommerce offers extensive features out of the box and especially it will not cost you a thing.  All you have to do is download this plugin, and you will have it in just a few minutes. However, it still looks professional. We are sure that customers will be impressed by how organized your online store is and how easy it is to pay for the products.

Moreover, the WooCommerce plugin allows you to build a WordPress-based online store quickly and easily. As a popular shopping-cart software, WooCommerce also gives you unlimited capabilities and endless customization options from a variety of themes and extensions throughout the Web.


In conclusion, we suggest Magento, Prestashop and WooCommerce for your website because these outstanding feature. We also know that it is not easy to choose the right shopping cart at the first time especially to the starter. But don’t worry because LitExtension will help you to correct the mistake with shopping cart migration tools.


Source: http://blog.litexten...-carts-in-2015/

#9498 How to migrate from Magento to Prestashop automatically

Posted by alexnguyen on 25 July 2016 - 10:29 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Magento even though the leading platform in marketplace, there are some weak points such as difficulty to use, cost for supporting, etc. Meanwhile, Prestashop can meet almost users' demands in these aspects. Below is how to export Magento to Prestashop with Magento to Prestashop migration tool:


1. Copy connector to Magento

2. Install migration tool on Prestashop

3. Select data to migrate

4. Perform migration directly from Magento to Prestashop


That's all for migration process. You can find out more at User guide



Which data can be migrated from Magento to Prestashop?

SKU, Product Name, Description, URL*, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
Base Image, Additional Images
Base Price, Special Price
Assign to Product Categories
Attributes (Color, Size ...)
Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product 
Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
URL*, Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images
CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
Customer Password*
Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups
OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price ...
  • SEO URLs *
Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products
Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders
Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status ...
Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes ...
Name, Description, Images
Why choose Litextension for Magento to Prestashop migration?
Contact to Litextension team for more support.

Attached Thumbnails

  • magento-to-prestashop-migration.jpg

#8502 osCommerce To Prestashop Migration Module

Posted by alexnguyen on 18 June 2016 - 04:51 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins


Thanks for sharing this useful information. Love it

Here is the good guide for transferring to other site  :D  :P  ;)  :)  :lol:  :rolleyes:

#8458 How to preserver SEO URLs after migrating data from one store to others?

Posted by alexnguyen on 16 June 2016 - 10:25 AM in PrestaShop SEO

The issue of whether target store could keep SEO URLs (viz SEO ranking) after migrating from the source store to target store is the most important of store owners. The question is put forth that how to migrate data from an online store to another without losing SEO URLs? It can be possible or not?

What is SEO URLs? What does SEO URLs for?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet.

The purpose of SEO is to make your website appear on the top of searching result. Based on deep analysis of Internet user’s behavior and interests as well as using keyword analysis tools; for example: Google trend, Google suggestion, Google analytics…, the marketers collect important and potential keywords and put a high degree of effort to optimize them. If succeed, your keywords get high rank amongst millions of related websites; and therefore definitely bring a huge opportunity to access with more customers. Another benefit is to push company brand name into customer’s mind, and it is apparently the desire of every E-commerce store owner.

Why SEO URLs may be changed after migrating data from one store to others?

After considering we have determined the two main reasons below:
– Each platform has a unique structure and a different rule of URL texture
– Users have used an extension of a third party or fixed URL structure manually.

How do other companies do?

Many companies normally provide automated migration services. In reality, after data is migrated to target store URLs may change; especially when structures between source and target store are different. These companies could only perform preserving SEO URLs for the default type of SEO URLs from a few store such as: Magento, OpenCart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, VirtueMart 2, WooCommerce and osCommerce.

You can see that they can not migrate for all with their automated tool.

The solution to preserver your SEO URLs

Customize SEO URLs migration plugins are designed suitably for each store, these plugins help for migrating products and category URLs. Your old URLs will be saved in target store and maintained.

To simply explain it, each online store owner desires a simple and understandable URL to better customer’s recognition and SEO. To resolve this issue, they use plugins supported by a third-party in order to customize the URL. Nevertheless, when they have the need to migrate the current store to others, by using migration services the new URL changes because these plugins are not migrated. It will be customized to fit 100% your source store URL structures and support all of e-commerce platforms.

Source: http://blog.litexten...-your-rankings/

Migrate from Shopify to Prestashop without loosing SEO URLs: http://litextension....prestashop.html


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#7599 DISCOUNT on PRESTASHOP MIGRATION TOOL, only Nov 26 by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 28 April 2016 - 04:58 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

great Jame ! thank for your sharing! 

#7597 Why people should transfer ZenCart to WooCommerce?

Posted by alexnguyen on 28 April 2016 - 02:38 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Today, many people start their career by doing online business. There, they started to consider choosing a suitable shopping cart. Initially, they has chosen ZenCart as their shopping cart with the expectations that it could simplify their work and enhance their sales. However, there are some trouble that ZenCart cannot support them at all. Then, they look forward to a better solution. Now, one of the best choice for ZenCart users is transferring their current ZenCart to WooCommerce - one of the most favourite platforms among eCommerce Community. With more functions than ZenCart, WooCommerce can support well on managing and enhancing your store. With a few simple steps, your online store can be transferred to WooCommerce easily. 

Let's see how a ZenCart to WooCommerce Migration Tool works?


This migration tool is compatible with Zen Cart 1.2.x - 1.5.x and WP 4.x , WooCommerce 2.4.x - 2.5x

If you are wondering what data this migration tool can switch? This is the list of data: 

  • SEO URLs *

If now you want to migrate your ZenCart to WooCommerce, click here and thing will get done: ZenCart To WooCommerce


#6678 Clever way to move 3dCart to PrestaShop

Posted by alexnguyen on 26 February 2016 - 02:20 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from 3dCart to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension....igration-guide/

Video: https://youtu.be/gUgkXNSNFvg

#8090 Migrate Amazon Webstore to Magento with LitExtension migration tools

Posted by alexnguyen on 27 May 2016 - 10:48 AM in Magento general discussions

Amazon Webstore was one of best ecommerce solutions for online stores and became a giant among e-retailers. However, in official website, Amazon shares an announcement to confirm that this platform no longer exists.

confused.png So, merchants using Amazon Webstore should do what to continue their online business?
cool.png Lots of experts give suggest to export all current data to Magento- top 3 popular shopping cart in 2015.

In this situation, LitExtension has released Amazon to Magento migration tool allowing web developers and businessmen to convert data to new platform.
Just some simple steps to do all:



Of course, no requirement for technology knowledge, so even store owners can migrate data without any specialized helps.










Contact us now for supports and access to find more helpful shopping cart data migration service: ​http://litextension.com/

#6590 Blog - How to migrate data from Volusion to Prestashop

Posted by alexnguyen on 16 February 2016 - 07:36 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Volusion to Prestashop Migration Tool - allows you to migrate Products, Orders, Customers, Passwords and Other Data to Prestashop automatically. 


See more and purchase at: http://litextension....prestashop.html

#6231 Prestashop, Magento or WooCommerce?

Posted by alexnguyen on 11 January 2016 - 08:29 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Online business are an attractive area to get into the digital age. ECommerce sales worldwide will reach $1.672 trillion online in 2015. Moreover, increasing of eCommerce platforms allows businesses to have many opportunities to approach new customers and many choices to maximize the potential of resources. People witnessed an amazing comeback of WooCommerce plugin in eCommerce market share in 2015.


Most of the Top 100 online retailer use in-house-built eCommerce platforms.



WooCommerce becomes the new leader at the end of 2015 with the share of 26%. Magento Community decreased by 0.5% from 25.3% till 24.8% that is the result since May 2015. Magento Enterprise and Prestashop slight increased by 0.5% and 0.4% respectively. Three biggest platforms (WooCommerce, Magento and Prestashop) take 65% of eCommerce market share.

WooCommerce has lower barrier to entry about technology and finance, which is the reason why it is difficult to stop WooCommerce plugins expanding its share. Experts predict that interest line of WooCommerce continues to increase in the coming year. While WooCommerce is conquering user’s heart, the interest in Magento and Prestashop slow down.



Interest Over Time


Experts and developers work continuously to make features more advanced and convenient for users. Releasing Magento 2 in November is one of the most anticipated events of 2015. LitExtension will draw a big picture about features and enhancements of three largest eCommerce platforms including Magento, WooCommerce, and Prestashop up to 2015.



WooCommerce is one of the best shopping cart plugins available for WordPress. Founded in 2011, WooCommerce is a young platform with high development potential.




WooCommerce is an open source plugin. It is easy to transform your WordPress website into a thorough-bred eCommerce store free. Users can find many free themes, extensions and install them quickly. Other extensions are required payment but they are cheaper than different platform extensions.



Business can categorize products and give sale prices and independent attributes. WooCommerce stores are able to provide physical, virtual, downloadable and even affiliate products. Moreover, this platform accept many types of payment with POS solution.



WooCommerce is a plugin of WordPress. If users have used WordPress before, they benefit from recognizing the user-friendly WordPress interface. It is available for beginners to save a lot of time to create and manage your site.


Customization Options

Users can download about 2000 different themes in https://wordpress.org/themes/. With each selected theme, users can availably change pre-set CSS styles and color themes, tweak the code and experiment special features.


Professional platform

It helps you to control detailed order tracking and customer engagement tools. From that, users can view open orders, update delivery statuses, apply discount code, set up taxes. This platform gives customers a picture of professional service.



WooCommerce provide some analytic tools, which allows to calculate daily sales, total sales, measure the statistics for different customers individually, follow the number of order, and determine change in trend. It is helpful for managers to measure the metrics of their site to improve sales.



WordPress community has millions of users and thousands of active members on hand to give advices for people who have problem in setting WooCommerce up.




WooCommerce is not an e-commerce website. It will not fulfill the eCommerce funnel. Developer has to add multiple extensions and customize their site before running it.



WooCommerce is a light platform, so it is not suitable for a big eCommerce store that has thousands of products.



Releasing from 2008, Magento is the most popular eCommerce platform with over 200.000 retailers worldwide and 2 versions: Magento Community and Magento Enterprise.



Open Source

Magento is free for download in the Internet, except Enterprise version. It includes most of the necessary features to have your store up and run it.



Magento’s admin area is second to none. It allows users to be enabled full features by the click of a button. It is easy to look at your website performance and real time information.  Magento allows third party integrations to import products from spreadsheets, manage newsletter system, start-to-finish manage an order of a customer.


Flexible CMS

It supports you manage multiple websites, integrate Google website optimizer and over 50 payment gateways. WYSIWYG editor is friendly to help non-tech individual refresh website easily. Magento is perfect choice for product editing and capable of handling large database smartly.


Strong Community

Magento is owned by eBay. Magento users receive an abundance of helps and advices from eBay advocates to manage effectively. There are over 800.000 developers worldwide with Magento experience.



There are about 15.000 Magento plugins and extensions.




Magento EE is not a free version. Users can start with Magento CE with no fee. However, you need to pay high cost for extensions and plugins. Sometimes, companies have to hire a third party to install extension for their site.



Setting up and customizing Magento is more complicated than other platforms. It offers high requirement in server and developers. Magento hosted on dedicated servers or cloud plan to keep store running stably. Developers need to have core technical knowledge and experiences in coding to install and control Magento properly.



Magento’s flexible architecture also makes it complicated. The more Magento is complex, the more time it need to set up and customize as in other solutions. It requires developer’s time to get up the learning curve and be experts.



Prestashop is a free open-source eCommerce solution. After appearing in 2007, it is gaining its popularity very quickly. This platform gives business flexibility and a low entry barrier to build an online store.




Prestashop is really easy to initial install and customize with basic features. Developers ought to download files and upload them to their host. It is suitable for PHP5 with MySQL5 (or later). If hosting company provides one-click installation, everything will be very simple for even non-tech individual.



User interface is relatively friendly. All needed information is available on Dashboard. WooCommerce keeps technical terminology minimum. Most of the emphasis are ease of use and clarity.



Prestashop supports some impressive features such as email follow-up automation, SEO, catalogue and site management, recently viewed products feature, promotional tools, international shipping. You can find more 25.000 plugins and extensions of Prestashop.



Prestashop allows developer to customize eCommerce store easily according to his opinions and customer’s need. You can add or delete different features through the admin panel.


Official marketplace

You can choose from 3500 modules and themes in the official marketplace: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/



Prestashop is available in 41 languages, but only supports fully in English and French.



Expensive modules

Most of full functional modules is not cheap. When upgrading and expanding Prestashop, you need high budget to purchase templates, themes and extensions.


Minimum scalability

Prestashop is suitable for small and medium scale business. It does not support multi-store feature.



When users of Prestashop have trouble in managing site, they can find help from Prestashop forum. However, Prestashop do not have an official support team.


Source: http://blog.litexten...rce-comparison/

#11261 How to upgrade Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6

Posted by alexnguyen on 25 August 2016 - 07:38 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

LitExtension researched and found out the Prestashop to Prestashop migration tool which is the most workable solution to migrate Prestashop to Prestashop successfully. Online business owners are advised to upgrade to the latest version for more benefits. Below is clear guidance to upgrade Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6:

  1. Copy Connector to Prestashop 1.3
  2. Install migration tool on Prestashop 1.6
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform directly migration from Prestashop 1.3 to 1.6


These steps are quite easy to follow and bring effectiveness. Bugs hardly happens because migration process is definitely automatic. Data can be migrated successfully and fully:


  • SKU, Product Name, Description, URL*, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
  • Base Image, Additional Images
  • Base Price, Special Price
  • Assign to Product Categories
  • Attributes (Color, Size ...)
  • Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
  • Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
  • Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product 
  • Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  • Currencies
  • URL*, Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images
  • CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
  • Customer Password
  • Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups
  • OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price ...
5. SEO URLs 
  • Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
  • Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products
  • Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders
  • Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status ...
  • Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes ...
You can feel free to try our demo version to get more experiences before deciding to choose us for your Prestashop upgrade 1.3 to 1.6. Contact us for more information.

#9054 Amazon to woocommerce item import

Posted by alexnguyen on 06 July 2016 - 08:06 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

With Woocommerce database migration tool, particularly Amazon to WooCommerce migration, eCommerce merchants get not only the most optimized tools,  but the best service also:




Contact Litextension team to get more nice support 

#6681 Zen Cart to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by alexnguyen on 27 February 2016 - 03:57 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Migration tool by LitExtension allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from ZenCart to Prestashop. Shopping cart migration is designed for non-tech person, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Tutorial: http://litextension.com/docs/prestashop-cart-migration-guide/

Video: https://youtu.be/WZBer8IiVfg