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#6512 Migrate to WooCommerce from BigCommerce site

Posted by James on 05 February 2016 - 04:55 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Ease of Use

BigCommerce is know as a ecommerce platform that is easy to use, and in some ways, it is. We all know that BigCommerce is designed for easy setup. On the other hand, this may make extensive customizations difficult and frustrate power users who want more complicated features and options that have to be hidden away.


WooCommerce is so easy to use  that it allows you to build your own eStore without spending thousands of dollars on development  or being good at coding language or hiring developers WooCommerce has just amazed with its user friendly functionality and outstanding set of designs. WooCommerce is also an open source e-commerce plug-in that works well with WordPress CMS.


It is one of reasons why e-merchants should migrate BigCommerce products to WooCommerce

You can see full reasons at http://blog.litexten...to-woocommerce/

#7132 osCommerce to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by James on 05 April 2016 - 01:50 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

nice share! thanks 

#9056 Move Shopify to WooCommerce by using LitExtension tool

Posted by James on 06 July 2016 - 08:22 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

I find the detailed guide for Shopify to WooCommerce migration tool by Litextension here: https://vimeo.com/145605016 

With this tool, even eCommerce Merchants who know little tech skills can do migration by their own. The migration process is automatic so there is no 3rd party joining to. This is the insurance for your database kept safe.  

See more guide and try the demo to definitely put belief in Litextension Shopify to wooCommerce import tool.

#11435 Virtuemart to Prestashop

Posted by James on 12 September 2016 - 09:29 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Try Virtuemart to Prestashop migration toolby LitExtension to save time and optimize budget. It takes you 4 steps to migrate Virtuemart to Prestashop:

1. Copy connector to Virtuemart

2. Install migration tool on Prestashop

3. Select data to migrate

4. Perform migration directly from Virtuemart to Prestashop

You can select which data you want then migrate them to new platform without any difficulties. Besides Product, Customer, Review, Order, even SEO URL, Password, customer field, etc. can be migrated successfully. Contact to LitExtension for more support. 

#6306 Which is the best solution to change to woocommerce with high data security?

Posted by James on 14 January 2016 - 03:47 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Eighty five percentage of businesses have ever felt unsatisfied and want to change their shopping carts. However, not all of enterprises know how to move your shopping cart to another safely. There are three main ways of data migration that most businesses choose: hiring developers; migrating database manual and using automated migration tool.




First, you can find a freelancer in communities. He can help you to fix error and bug, migrate SEO URLs. However, nothing is sure that the result brings user-friendly interface, secure (SSL) connection. Even worse, developers can’t migrate from your shopping cart to new cart, especially with unpopular e-commerce platform.
Secondly, many businesses migrate database themselves. It requires e-merchants have many experiences with shopping cart migration. With many new versions of e-commerce platforms, experiences are not enough to migrate database properly. Migration process usually has errors about compatibility with existing hosting, servers. New site can become unresponsive. 
Thirdly, using automated migration tool is one of the most popular ways. E-merchants can migrate shopping cart quickly. You should follow some steps in the guideline to implement data migration properly. Migration tool is used by many people, so probability of happening errors is lower. Moreover, technical support will help you solve errors during migration process. You can consider woocommerce migration tool at http://litextension....tion-tools.html.

#7706 Shopify to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by James on 05 May 2016 - 03:19 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

If you want to export Shopify to Prestashop, LitExtension is the most ideal one. Shopify to Prestashop MigrationTool is automatic, secured as well as easy to set up. It makes sure that your data will migrate to Preastashop site successfully without risks and dificulties. Any considerations, visit our home page: http://litextension.com

#5395 Blog - How to migrate to Magento from Shopify

Posted by James on 23 November 2015 - 04:47 AM in Migration to Magento


1. Products

2. Categories

3. Customers

4. Orders

5. URLs

6. Custom Fields

7. Reviews

8. Taxes

9. Manufacturers

10. Currencies

Magento migration module: http://litextension....to-magento.html

#6479 Difference between Magento 1.x and 2.0

Posted by James on 02 February 2016 - 03:14 AM in Magento issues & problems

Magento is the most popular open source platform. Releasing from 2008, Magento 1 provides many versions that serve different objects. In order to improve features of the leading eCommerce platform, Magento team continues to develop Magento 2. On November 2015, Magento 2 is released to the Magento community. Magento 2 is the next generation open source platform that is faster, easier and more secure than Magento 1. It is available for download both versions at http://magento.com/

In this article, LitExtension will share the points we know about new features of Magento 2. If you want to upgrade to Magento 2, I think you might find many helpful information after reading this article.


New File Structure

With Magento 2, everything is placed directly under the “app” structure, except for config.xml. It is easy for you to access all templates, layouts and js, css file. Magento 2 gives developers more opportunities for customization without changing site functionality.



New Built-in Technologies Under The Hood.


Reduce upgrade costs and efforts

Magento 2 allows you to install and upgrade core software and extensions quickly and simply with lower upgrade costs and efforts. Magento 2 includes information on versioning policies, so developers can upgrade to new version easier. However, you need the support of new standalone installer to set up Magento 2 faster.


Improved Performance and Scalability

The new default indexers in Magento 2 allows you to improve speed of query performance with more efficient updates. Magento performance toolkit is the key to optimize system performance. Developer can create test environments and set up automated test easily. Moreover, Magento 2 integrated with Varnish Cache to reduce server load and speed up the page load.


jQuery Library

Prototype is the main JavaScript Library in Magento CE 1.7 – 1.9 and EE 1.11 – 1.14, which targets to ease development of dynamic web applications. The demand from Magento Community rises, jQuery becomes the new default JavaScript library.

 Keep reading: http://blog.litexten...to-1-x-and-2-0/

#10877 Prestashop to Woocommerce migration tool by Litextension

Posted by James on 08 August 2016 - 10:22 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

This video performs migration process when merchants want to migrate Prestashop to WooCommerce. All data can be migrated successfully, including SEO URL, Custom field, Customer password. 



See more about this tool at Prestashop to WooCommerce migration tool

#8094 Should we use Prestashop Cloud?

Posted by James on 29 May 2016 - 04:53 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Thanks for sharing brief and complete of available Prestashop migration toolsfor developing interactive e-commerce website

Magento migration tools

WooCommerce migration tools

OpenCart migration tools

Shopify migration tools

BigCommerce migration tools

;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;) 

#9494 Amazon to woocommerce item import

Posted by James on 25 July 2016 - 10:00 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

See more detail guide at this video of Amazon WooCommerce integration

Dont worry if having little programming skills because all the process is definitely automatic and no third party involved. Contact to Litextension if you need more information about Amazon to WooCommerce migration tool or other WooCommerce migration tool.

#9251 How can I export Marketpress to Prestashop securely?

Posted by James on 18 July 2016 - 07:35 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

With Detail user guide from Litextension, Im sure anyone can easily migrate database from MarketPress to PrestaShop.

  1. Copy connector to Marketpress
  2. Install migration tool in PrestaShop
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform migration directly from Marketpress to Prestashop
  5. Done!

Migration process is automatic so dont worry if you have little tech skill. Support team are always ready to  help you in migration.

See more detail guide to move MarketPress to PrestaShop

#7779 A Solution To Preserve Yours SEO URLs When Transfer XT:Commerce To Prestashop

Posted by James on 08 May 2016 - 02:31 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Shopping cart migration by LitExtension is designed for non-tech person which allows user to migrate database (product, category, order, customer, password, SEO URL, custom field, tax, review) from xt: Commerce to Prestashop, so take it easy!


Migration tool: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Video: https://youtu.be/xqULQqnCkLw

#9255 Preserve SEO URLs By Using OpenCart To Prestashop Migration Tool

Posted by James on 18 July 2016 - 08:08 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

OpenCart to PrestaShop migration toolallows online business merchants to convert OpenCart to PrestaShop theme successfully.


With few steps below, database are migrated swiftly and safely.



Use Opencart to PrestaShop import tool by Litextension is the best way to keep all data:

> Product

> Customer (including even customer password)

> Order

> Review


> Custom field


Contact Litextension team for more information

#7021 Prestashop SEO URLs Migration

Posted by James on 29 March 2016 - 03:20 AM in PrestaShop SEO

The issue of whether target store could keep SEO URLs after migrating from the source store to target store is the most important of store owners. The question is put forth that how to migrate data from an online store to another without losing SEO URLs? It can be possible or not?

What is SEO URLs? What does SEO URLs for?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet.


The purpose of SEO is to make your website appear on the top of searching result. Based on deep analysis of Internet user’s behavior and interests as well as using keyword analysis tools, the marketers collect important and potential keywords and put a high degree of effort to optimize them. If succeed, your keywords get high rank among millions of related websites; and therefore definitely bring a huge opportunity to access with more customers. Another benefit is to push company brand name into customer’s mind, and it is apparently the desire of every E-commerce store owner.

Why SEO URLs may be changed after migrating data from one store to others? After considering we have determined the two main reasons below:
  • Each platform has a unique structure and a different rule of URL texture
  • Users have used an extension of a third party or fixed URL structure manually.


  How do other companies do?

Many companies normally provide automated migration services. In reality, after data is migrated to target store URLs may change; especially when structures between source and target store are different. These companies could only perform preserving SEO URLs for the default type of SEO URLs from a few store such as: Magento, OpenCart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, VirtueMart 2, WooCommerce and osCommerce.


The solution to preserver your SEO URLs

Customize SEO URLs migration plugins are designed suitably for each store, these plugins help for migrating products and category URLs. Your old URLs will be saved in target store and maintained.



To simply explain it, each online store owner desires a simple and understandable URL to better customer’s recognition and SEO. To resolve this issue, they use plugins supported by a third-party in order to customize the URL. Nevertheless, when they have the need to migrate the current store to others, by using migration services the new URL changes because these plugins are not migrated. It will be customized to fit 100% your source store URL structures and support all of e-commerce platform

Detail at Prestashop SEO URLs Migration

#7022 Migrate passwords to Prestashop

Posted by James on 29 March 2016 - 03:26 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

great dear! thanks alot :D 

#7024 What business should use Prestashop Cloud?

Posted by James on 29 March 2016 - 04:24 AM in PrestaShop general discussions


Prestashop Cloud is an alternative solution for hosting website with Prestashop users. Cloud hosting is a network of servers that allow websites to be hosted on multiple servers.

After its launch in January 2015, Prestashop Cloud is an exciting move and becomes a new choice for e-merchants beside self-hosted Prestashop. While self-hosted Prestashop allows you to download and install on your website, it is easy and quick to create Prestashop Cloud store with an email address.

Should or not should use Prestashop Cloud is still a hot debate topic for businesses. If you have plan to use Prestashop Cloud instead of self-hosted Prestashop, you should read the article that shows overview about Prestashop Cloud.

  1. It is easy to create an account on Prestashop Cloud and host shopping cart free.
  2. Do not need to install software. You can start to sell products on Prestashop servers in no time.
  3. You can add a custom domain name at any time.
  4. Speed hosting is high.
  5. Developer can choose any of the hundreds of themes and modules on Prestashop Addons
  1. Registering Prestashop Cloud account free, but you need to purchase built-in modulesfrom Addons to add more features and extend functionality of website.
  2. It only supports to use modules and themes on Prestashop Addons. You can’t use new themes from other sources. Different modules and themes are warned that they are unsafe and incompatible to Prestashop Cloud, so which are not allowed on the platform.
  3. It is limited to customize the default template. Storeowners can only change some of the default theme’s setting including color, font and lay-out; adjust logo, website icons of standard theme.
  4. You don’t have full control on management of your store. After logging in to your account, you can see dashboard to manage on your PrestaShop Cloud back-office. However, it is the fact that you only change products and services by store editor. The store is yours, but Prestashop has the highest power on managing your site.
  5. It does not allow you to access to database and change SQL database.
  6. Prestashop do not give members permission to get their hands in the code. If storeowner want to expand scale of store, they can’t export the code, which means that developers have to rebuild the website.
  7. SSL security is currently impossible.


People recognize that Prestashop Cloud is only suitable for small business to start an online store quickly with a little technical knowledge. It solves the problem about budget in the first period. However, when the number of products increases, Prestashop Cloud is not a good choice, you must build your website again from the beginning. Experts recommend you to choose self-hosted Prestashop to be independent in editing and managing your website, especially with stores carrying frequently changing product. Storeowners have full control on source code. Developers can customize e-commerce store according to their necessary.


If you want to migrate your shopping cart to Prestashop site now, migration tool of LitExtension supports you to implement hosting for new Prestashop.

see more at http://blog.litexten...estashop-cloud/


#11693 How to transfer data from Miva Merchant to OpenCart

Posted by James on 28 September 2016 - 04:15 AM in Migration to OpenCart

LitExtension OpenCart migration extension is automated migration tool that is developed to move products, categories, orders, customers and even SEO URLs from Miva to OpenCart. This Migration module is free of charge, but full migration is paid for unlimited usage and its price starts from $69.

- No third party involved in migration process
- Test with free opencart migration demo web 
- Be easy to set up miva to opencart migration plugin 
- Automated way

How to migrate miva to opencart with LitExtension automated shopping cart migration tool: http://goo.gl/wQxe3C

Users can see an overview of OpenCart data migration services and how migration tool runs. OpenCart migration tool is developed to transfer Miva to OpenCart quickly and automatically.


Miva to OpenCart migration supports OpenCart versions: 1.5.0,,,,,, 1.5.1,,,, 1.5.2,, 1.5.3,, 1.5.4,, 1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,,,,,,,,,,


#11699 Move Magento to OpenCart

Posted by James on 29 September 2016 - 04:44 AM in Migration to OpenCart

Digital market is continuous to be the successful road of business. Beside great names such as Magento, WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart is one of the most popular shopping cart with simplicity and effectiveness. It explains why many e-merchants have demand to migrate store data from old shop to OpenCart in 2015 and 2016. Magento to OpenCart is one of the most popular OpenCart migration tool.

OpenCart migration service is an intelligent solution for online business to move products, customers from Magento to OpenCart. Here is Magento products to OpenCart tutorial and the overview about how OpenCart migration run:



1. Products
• SKU, Product Name, Description, URL, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ... 
• Base Image, Additional Images 
• Base Price, Special Price 
• Assign to Product Categories 
• Attributes
• Options
• Extra Fields 
• Variants
• Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords 
• Currencies

2. Products Categories
• URL, Name, Description, Base Image, Additional Images 

3. Customers
• CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address
• Customer Password
• Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups 

4. Orders
• OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price 

• Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs 
• Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products 

6. Custom Fields
• Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders

and other store database from Magento to OpenCart.

With OpenCart migration tool, in case the migration accidentally stops during migration due to server shutdown, network down or any other cause. The module provides resume functionality to continue on the last point of previous migration, you won't have to start over again to move Magento to OpenCart.

#8015 Migrate Data Easily With WP-Ecommerce To WooCommerce Migration Tool

Posted by James on 21 May 2016 - 05:01 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Have you ever in trouble of migrating data from WP-Ecommerce to WooCommerce? If the answer is yes, it is easy to understand. Today, for more convenience in using and supporting online business, many migration tools has been released in the e-commerce market. However, not all of them are good for users because there may be some losses or changes in migrating process that users do not want those things to be occured. 

So, what can do here to prevent those drawbacks occur? Does any solutions to do the transference perfectly? Here, there is a migration tool that prevent users for all unexpected situations that listed above. WP-Ecommerce to Woocommerce provided by Extension is the ultimate version which allows users to transfer their Products, Categories, Orders, Customers, Passwords and other data automatically.

Why is it secured? The answer is in the working process of this software:


Another reason that makes this migration to be secured is there will be no third party involved, everything happens within two sites. So, online data will be safe.

From now, you can download and install WP-Ecommerce to WooCommerce without any worries. To practice, click: Migrate WPEC to Woocommerce

Or if you want to migrate other shopping cart to WooCommerce, here is the way: Woocommerce Migration Tools

#6228 Migrate SEO URLs to keep search rankings & traffic

Posted by James on 08 January 2016 - 10:15 AM in Magento SEO

After migrated your store to Magento in a way that will change the URLs of the pages, Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls Package is important to ensure that search engines and other traffic to your site can follow the old URLs to the new URLs


What happens if you do not migrate URLs?

  • – Visitors to your site, either through bookmarks or links on other sites, will find  broken links and probably leave your site.
  • – Links set up to help with your search rankings will be broken and lose their value.
  • – Your pages themselves will lose out on any ranking they have on search engines.


Solution to migrate SEO URLs and Keep Your Search Rankings & Traffic?

We are glad to introduce our Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls Package to help you migrate your old URLs to your new Magento store.

It supports migrating custom product and category SEO Urls to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store. This requires custom work from our staffs as well as additional cost. Please provide us your Source Store Url and FTP, we will modify our tool to enable this functionality.


  • – The plugin will be manually crafted by our experts to fit your Source store perfectly
  • – Support all types of Source stores and SEO link structures
  • – 100% customer satisfaction so far

Very simple to get our Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls Package, just select Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls option when you purchasing our product

Source: http://blog.litexten...nkings-traffic/

#5653 DISCOUNT on PRESTASHOP MIGRATION TOOL, only Nov 26 by LitExtension

Posted by James on 26 November 2015 - 02:15 AM in PrestaShop general discussions

Whether you need a migration tool to migrate from your old store to Prestashop, The Happy Thanksgiving Special Offer is the perfect time to do it. LitExtension is considered a good solution for migrating database to Prestashop.






(Coupon: THSGV)

List of products: http://litextension.com/


- FREE Migration Assistant Service

The chance you are having save up to $699 when using our Migration Assistant Service. With the lowest price you got full service from us. Just pay for the tool, you get back the double value.


Promotion will be expired on November 26th, 2015

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving day.

#5342 Migrate safely and quickly with Data Migration Assistant Services

Posted by James on 18 November 2015 - 03:18 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Data Migration Assistant provides high quality migration service to save time and minimize efforts of e-merchants.


How to work with Assistant service:


1. Get Data Migration Service package

Please select your Data Migration Service package below that best suits you. Order and purchase the service


2. Provide us your cart information

After purchasing Data Migration Service, please send some information as: OrderID, Source & Target Store URLs, FTP login details to contact LitExtension.


3. Processing

LitExtension team will check your store and tool information before starting to migrate from Source Store to Target Store for you


4. Delivery

After migration completed, Migration Assistant will check again to ensure that all data was transferred and displayed on your Target Store with default template. When all is checked, you are welcome to enjoy your new store!


Data Migration Service is designed to satisfy the highest quality and support. This service includes:


1. Pre-Migration Validation

Install Migration Tool to Source store and Target store. Before installing the shopping cart for you, we’ll check your current or new hosting environment to know if it suits your Target Store requirements


2. Data Migration

LitExtension provides a complete migration solution. LitExtension team will perform cart migration and provide all the necessary migration & customization for you


3. Two remigrations after Full Migration

If you need to implement any changes for your migration, LitExtension provides an opportunity to remigrate for 2 times within 1 month.


4. Migration Results Validation


After migration is completed, we will check your store database to ensure that all data was transferred accurately and displayed on target store with default template. When all is checked and your migration has completed, we are ready to deliver to you. Now, welcome to your new store!

#7780 OXID eShop to Prestashop Migration Tool by Litextension tools

Posted by James on 08 May 2016 - 02:42 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

If you are looking for transferring your store to Prestashop, My suggestion is Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension which allows you to move all your customers, orders, and other data with simple steps

Know more: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Videos: https://youtu.be/DiMsCVduI80

#5637 5% OFF on MAGENTO MIGRATION TOOL - Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by James on 25 November 2015 - 10:59 AM in Migration to Magento

Whether you need an extension for your Magento store or need a tool to migrate from your old store to Magento, The Happy Thanksgiving Special Offer is the perfect time to do it.







(Coupon: THSGV)

List of shopping cart migration tools: http://litextension.com/


- FREE Migration Assistant Service

The chance you are having save up to $699 when using our Migration Assistant Service. With the lowest price you got full service from us. Just pay for the tool, you get back the double value.


Promotion will be expired on November 26th, 2015


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving day.