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#11124 How to migrate nopCommerce to Prestashop safely and quickly

Posted by James on 18 August 2016 - 03:19 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

NopCommerce is considered to be too overwhelming for users to discover and use, then if eCommerce merchants are not developers or not good at programming skills, they have to spend budget to hire web developers to build and setup everything. In contrary, Prestashop because emphasizes on ease to use and clarity, always keeps technical terminology minimum. It is simple to install and customize with basic features. Plus, its features are also impressive such as: email follow-up automation, SEO, catalogue and site management, recently viewed products, promotional tools, etc.

Then, if you are running your business on nopCommerce platform but can't satisfy, do migrate it into Prestashop to get more benefits. We introduce you a helpful tool/service to help you move nopCommerce to Prestashop successfully.

You need to download tool with a very small amount of money then follow these steps:

  1. Export data from nopCommerce
  2. Install migration tool on Prestashop
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform migration directly from nopCommerce to Prestashop



Using this nopCommerce to Prestashop migration tool, you can be ensured that your database can be kept original after migration, including SEO URL, customer password or custom field. 


You can try the demo version to have more belief on this tool. Contact for more information about LitExtension team.

#6229 Zencart to Woocommerce migration tool by Litextension

Posted by James on 11 January 2016 - 03:32 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Zen Cart will fit with beginners and advanced users looking to make only a small investment. Zen Cart is an innovative e-commerce solution that makes it for anyone with less technical knowledge to set up and manage a successful online store. With the option to build a site from scratch or to use a user-created template, users can make a Zen Cart quickly. Zen Cart gives you many features that come with a more expensive e-commerce platforms including coupons, payment options, and application integration.
On the other hand, WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress e-commerce plugins. It is free to download and valuable tool to build online store. With the freedom of WP’s platform, creating and setting up a personalized online store is easy. WooCommerce user can sell anything on the site that user can imagine. Business can keep track of their stock in real time in order to deliver their quality products to their customers. WooCommerce give users opportunities to create marketing campaigns, implementing coupons, sales and other promotions easily to control business. 

#11597 Shopify or Magento for online business in 2016

Posted by James on 23 September 2016 - 08:52 AM in Magento general discussions

Both Magento and Shopify are leading e-commerce website in current years. Each of them is used for different business targets. However, as many experts pointed out, Magento wins in some aspects, which can help online owners and developers to make the right choice.





Setup fees 

Although charging no fees for setup, Shopify indeed supports a 14-day free trial for web developers and store owners to test the functionalities and features. Meanwhile, Magento is totally free to install and use. 

Monthly fees 

Shopify offers four different plans with monthly fees ranging from $14 to $179 as follows:

• Starter Plan : $ 14

• Basic Plan : $ 29

• Professional Plan : $79

• Unlimited Plan : $179

With Magento, you’ll have to provide your own hosting, which is available at monthly costs ranging anywhere from $5 to 100s of dollars.


*Product features 

Because Magento started out as an open-source web application, it’s more flexible when it comes to customization. There are three things Magento is better at than Shopify: offering your store in multiple languages, providing discount codes and integrating with Ebay. With the more expensive Magento plans, you get the ability to offer your store to users in a several different languages; Shopify does not, at time of writing, currently permit this ‘out of the box’. As for discount codes, both Shopify and Magento offer them, but in the case of Shopify, only on the more expensive plans (Magento offers them as standard). Finally, Magento integrates extremely well with Ebay– you can manage both your Ebay store and your Magento Go store using one control panel.



Magento provides powerful SEO features like SEO friendly URLs, meta info, a Google sitemap and a handy Google Content API for expanding on your SEO customization. Both solutions can integrate with Google Analytics.


Furthermore, Magento supports great deal of built-in promotion options, since you receive features for upselling, promotional pricing, flexible coupons, related products, free shipping, product bundling and more. This feature helps online store owners a lot to push sales quickly with more conversions.


Choose Shopify or Magento depends totally on your demands. However, as you can see the experts' recommendation, Magento may give you more chances to improve your business efficiently. If you are owning a Shopify store and intend to transfer data to Magento, you can consider Shopify to Magento migration extension as a prioritized choice. 


On the other hand, you want to use a service shopping cart as Shopify, you can move Magento to Shopify easily with Magento to Shopify migration extension.


Hope it helpful!

#7780 OXID eShop to Prestashop Migration Tool by Litextension tools

Posted by James on 08 May 2016 - 02:42 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

If you are looking for transferring your store to Prestashop, My suggestion is Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension which allows you to move all your customers, orders, and other data with simple steps

Know more: http://litextension....prestashop.html

Videos: https://youtu.be/DiMsCVduI80

#7133 OXID eShop to Prestashop Migration Tool by Litextension tools

Posted by James on 05 April 2016 - 02:00 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

OXID eShop to Prestashop Migration Tool by Litextension is a full feature module allows OXID eShop store owners to migrate data from their store to Prestashop. Migration data includes: Products, Categories, Customers, Customers Password, Orders, reviews, Manufacturers, Taxes and can be extended via customization

MODULE URL: http://litextension....prestashop.html



1. Products
• Product Information: Product Name, Product Description, Quantity, Model, Available, Weight, Created Date, Modified Date , Price, Tax Class, etc.
• Product Images: Support to migrate all products images from source store to target store
• Product Attributes: Additional fields that may affect the price of product and have a couple of meanings, e.g. Color, Size, Material, etc.
• Product Extra Fields: Additional fields that do not affect the price of product and have no selective meanings, e.g. checkboxes, dropdownlist, radiobuttons.
• Product Variants: A specific item, it can be grouped with related variants together to form a product, e.g. an iPhone 6 gold,16GB storage has SKU of 1234 is one product variant of the iPhone product.
• Product Tags: The keyword you assign to your product. Tags describe a property of your product. 
• Related Products: Products in the same category as the item a shopper is viewing
2. Categories
• Categories: Product categories constituting the major groups of products in the store.
• Image Categories: Images corresponding to the product categories.
3. Customers
• Customer information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, DOB, Phone,Home Address, Shipping Address,  Billing Address, Registered Date, Status, etc.
• Customer Password: Support migrate Customer Passwords from osCommerce to Prestashop
• Customer Groups: Allows to migrate customers preserving relationships with their groups
4. Orders
• Order Information:  Customer Information, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Currency, Order Statuses, Totals, Created Date, etc.
• Order Details: List of products in an order, e.g. Product Name, Price, Quantity, etc. of each product in an order.
5. URLs
Migrate Product and Category SEO Urls: Supports migrating custom product and category SEO Urls to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store
6. Custom Fields
• Migrate Custom Fields: Support migrating custom fields of products, categories, customers and orders
7. Reviews
• Review Information: Reviews of each product made by customer on your store including: Customers Name, Rating, Review, etc.
8. Taxes
• Tax details: Name, Value, Value Type (percent or exact value in default currency), Created Date, etc.
9. Manufacturers
• Manufacturers Information: Name, Description, URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, etc.
• Manufacturer Images: Images corresponding to product manufacturers in the store.
10. Currencies
• List of currency rates 

Shopping cart migration tool 


#5636 xt:Commerce to Prestashop Migration Tool by LitExtension

Posted by James on 25 November 2015 - 08:37 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

In my mind, I think xt:Commerce to Prestashop Migration Tool can be a good solution. You should contact directly with LitExtension to be provided more information. This tool supports you to migrate data including Products, Categories, Orders, Customers, Passwords, Custom Fields, URL SEO, Taxes, Review and other data from your shopping cart to Prestashop. Feedback is good. Try it!


#11143 Upgrade Magento 1.6 to 1.9

Posted by James on 19 August 2016 - 03:10 AM in Magento general discussions

Your website is using magento 1.6 that is released in 2011. It is long time to upgrade magento 1.6 to the magento last version. Magento is developing to satisfy not only customers' need but also e-merchants' behavior. Magento 1.9 is last version of Magento 1.x with a lot of powerful features that makes your online business successfully with high speed. Amazing features are financing and payment solutions, security and UX, you can learn more at magento upgrade 1.9
As I know, Magento 1.9 is the last upgrade version of Magento 1.x. Although many new change in structure, Magento 1.9 interface is friendly with users of Magento 1.x, from 1.5 to 1.8.
If you want to upgrade magento from 1.6 to 1.9, developer can follow some steps:
  • Created new instance for the same.
  • Merge the latest version core files and other js, lib etc.. files.
  • Same when i hit the url its infinite loop.
However, in some case, it is not successful. When you clear the cache and hit the url its infinite redirect loop. Upgrading through the browser has a number of downsides, most notably that the browser can timeout or anything from the webserver you're talking to and the php backend. When that happens you have no clue what went wrong or is going to go wrong.
Online business can try with magento update version for magento upgrade 1.6 to 1.9. Magento upgrade 1.9 will support you to migrate database from magento to magento 1.9.
Beside magento 1.9, e-merchants can choose magento 2 that is the last version of Magento. It is required deep learning-circle. Here is how to upgrade magento 2.

#11125 Volusion to WooCommerce Migration by LitExtension tool

Posted by James on 18 August 2016 - 03:29 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Volusion to WooCommerce migration tool is the best solution for all ecommerce merchants when wanna go from Virtuemart to WooCommerce for more benefits in business. 

This tool has some peculiarities, such as:

Data is migrated with no downtime for your current Volusion store
Migration progress can run on both Online or Offline development environment.
You can select data type (Products, Customers, Orders,...) you're looking for migration
>> You can try demo version in website to experience clearly migration process and know which data can be migrated.

#9494 Amazon to woocommerce item import

Posted by James on 25 July 2016 - 10:00 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

See more detail guide at this video of Amazon WooCommerce integration

Dont worry if having little programming skills because all the process is definitely automatic and no third party involved. Contact to Litextension if you need more information about Amazon to WooCommerce migration tool or other WooCommerce migration tool.

#11693 How to transfer data from Miva Merchant to OpenCart

Posted by James on 28 September 2016 - 04:15 AM in Migration to OpenCart

LitExtension OpenCart migration extension is automated migration tool that is developed to move products, categories, orders, customers and even SEO URLs from Miva to OpenCart. This Migration module is free of charge, but full migration is paid for unlimited usage and its price starts from $69.

- No third party involved in migration process
- Test with free opencart migration demo web 
- Be easy to set up miva to opencart migration plugin 
- Automated way

How to migrate miva to opencart with LitExtension automated shopping cart migration tool: http://goo.gl/wQxe3C

Users can see an overview of OpenCart data migration services and how migration tool runs. OpenCart migration tool is developed to transfer Miva to OpenCart quickly and automatically.


Miva to OpenCart migration supports OpenCart versions: 1.5.0,,,,,, 1.5.1,,,, 1.5.2,, 1.5.3,, 1.5.4,, 1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,,,,,,,,,,


#8018 Why people should transfer ZenCart to WooCommerce?

Posted by James on 22 May 2016 - 05:51 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Thanks a lot for sharing brief and complete of available ZenCart to WooCommerce Migration Tool for developing interactive e-commerce website. If you wanna to convert data from your own site to WooCommerce, click HERE

#7023 Prestashop Customers Password Migration

Posted by James on 29 March 2016 - 03:34 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Hi all, 

You're having trouble in migrating customers password from source to target shopping cart because they are encrypted specifically? Prestashop Customers Password Migration plugin is extremely helpful to migrate customers password. You should purchase the tool before using this plugin.


How it works
1Get Customers Password Migration Plugin
Please select your Prestashop Customers Password Migration Plugin for the 
Migration Tool you already purchased.

2Installing and Running
You just copy update file you have got from LitExtension and paste to folder according to our guide. Finally, you use Migration Tool to migrate normally and receive brilliant result.
live demo at Here




#5375 Di ZenCart per Prestashop strumento di migrazione - LitExtension

Posted by James on 19 November 2015 - 04:49 AM in Moduli e temi, gratuiti ea pagamento

Di ZenCart per Prestashop strumento di migrazione consente di migrare prodotti, i clienti, le password, Ordini, Categorie e altri dati in 3 semplici passaggi.
Quali dati possono migrare di Zen Cart à Prestashop?
1. Prodotti
2. Categorie
3. Cliente
4. Gli ordini
5. URL
6. Campo Personalizzato
7. Avviso
8. Imposte
9. Produttori
10. Valute


#5376 Forma inteligente de migrar desde ZenCart a Prestashop

Posted by James on 19 November 2015 - 04:54 AM in Modulos y temas gratuitos + pagos para Prestashop

ZenCart al Prestashop herramienta de migración de permite migrar productos, clientes, contraseñas, Órdenes, Categorías y otros datos dentro de los 3 pasos sencillos.
Qué datos puedo migrar a Prestashop - LitExtension?
1. Productos
2. Categorías
3. Clientes: Passworf Cliente
4. órdenes
5. URL: mantener la clasificación
6. Los campos de clientes
7. Críticas
8. Impuestos
9. Manufacters
10. Monedas

#5392 ZenCart do Prestashop narzędziu migracji

Posted by James on 20 November 2015 - 08:45 AM in Moduły i szablony, darmowe oraz płatne

ZenCart do Prestashop narzędziu migracji pozwala na migrację produktów, klientów, hasła, zamówienia, kategorie i innych danych w ciągu 3 prostych krokach.
Jakie dane mogę migrować do Prestashop?
1. Produkty
2. Kategorie
3. Klienci: Klienci Hasło
4. Odrą
5. URL: Migracja SEO URL
6. Niestandardowe pola
7. Przegląd informacji
8. Podatki szczegóły
9. Producenci
10. Waluta

#5377 Comment se migrer de ZenCart à Prestashop

Posted by James on 19 November 2015 - 05:00 AM in Modules & Thèmes gratuits, payants

PrestaShop a développé depuis 2005, devenu une solution e-commerce open source qui est utilisé par plus de 120000 magasins en ligne l'échelle mondiale.
Comment avez-vous migrez forme ZenCart à Prestashop soigneusement et rapide?


ZenCart à Prestashop outil de migration par LitExtension est la solution dont vous avez besoin, vous permet de migrer produits, les clients, les mots de passe, des ordonnances, des catégories et des autres données dans les 3 étapes simples.



Module Détail: http://litextension....prestashop.html






Quelles données pouvez-vous migrer vers prestahop?


1. Les produits
2. Catégories
3. Les clients
hot_icon.gif Les clients Mot de passe
4. Orders
5. URL
hot_icon.gif Migrer URL SEO
6. Champs personnalisés
7. Avis Informations
8. Impôts détails
9. Les fabricants d'informations
10. Devises taux

#11598 OpenCart is really better than Zen Cart?

Posted by James on 23 September 2016 - 08:59 AM in OpenCart general discussions

OpenCart and Zen Cart are two popular online shopping carts that include a large number of market share in the e-commerce. Zen Cart is one of the oldest carts. Programmers choose Zen Cart for its PHP/MySQL based foundation with hundreds of well-developed plugins. Zen Cart supports non-programmers to adjust some settings in the code if needed. Beside Zen Cart, OpenCart is quite easy to set up and control. OpenCart provides the ability to edit CSS, change the layout quickly. It provides hundreds of professional templates and vast number of plugins.


In below, objective comparison will shows some significant differences exist in many aspects of features, server requirement, design, shipping and technical support between Zen Cart and OpenCart.


Server Requirements

With OpenCart, developers create a web server to make the OpenCart store publically available on the web and select a hosting service. It requires hosted/online operating system.


ZenCart has minimum server requirements for running on the platform (Curl, PHP4.3, Apache 1.3.38 and MySQL 3.2.x). The application program requires Windows operating system to fully function.


Design Features

OpenCart is designed with rich features including digital goods, daily backup, multi-store support, bulk image upload, PCI compliance, site template andunlimited categories, products and manufactures marking a turn-key ready out of the box shopping cart solution. Generally speaking, it provides all necessary features to run a basic store and allows customization according to personal needs and requirements of merchants. Open Cart support 18 optional languages.


ZenCart, however, features simplified installation andincreased flexibility which enables people easily handle a great number of product features containing dedicated IP address, breadcrumb navigation, drag and drop design, WYSIWYG editor and optimized URLs. Only English is the supported language version.


Technical Support

OpenCart users are allowed to look for a help via videos, emails, blogs, user manual, phone, request form, knowledge base and online self-server. OpenCart has strong user community that is available to seek help. On the other hand, Zen Cart provides acitve free techincal support 24/7 on forum. They don;t answer individual support questions via email or telephone.


Each platform has different advantages and disadvantage. The comparison wish to help you have clear understanding about two platform and make a right choice for online business. Some developers prefer OpenCart than Zen Cart because of suitable features. If you agree, you can transfer Zen Cart to OpenCart and enjoy new choice.


More OpenCart migration extension to move your cart to OpenCart


See your need and choose a right shopping cart.


#9251 How can I export Marketpress to Prestashop securely?

Posted by James on 18 July 2016 - 07:35 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

With Detail user guide from Litextension, Im sure anyone can easily migrate database from MarketPress to PrestaShop.

  1. Copy connector to Marketpress
  2. Install migration tool in PrestaShop
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform migration directly from Marketpress to Prestashop
  5. Done!

Migration process is automatic so dont worry if you have little tech skill. Support team are always ready to  help you in migration.

See more detail guide to move MarketPress to PrestaShop

#7778 A Solution To Preserve Yours SEO URLs When Transfer Ecwid To WooCommerce

Posted by James on 08 May 2016 - 02:22 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Many people are concerning to switch their current Ecwid to WooCommerce  but they still wonder about SEO URLs, a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet, can be changed after switching? This situation is quite popular because there are many migration softwares which support to migrate Ecwid to WooCommerce. However, not all of those can migrate SEO URLs from Ecwid site to WooCommerce. As the result, users now are really carful in choosing a migration tool.

Which migration tool is best fit to preserve your SEO URLs when migrate Ecwid to WooCommerce?

By researching and analysing carefully what users needs, now, LitExtension has released a professional tool that allows users to migrate Products, Orders, Categories, Customers and especially SEO URLs from Ecwid to WooCommerce automatically named Ecwid to WooCommerce Migration Tool 

Why people should choose LitExtension?
  • Super Easy Setup
  • No Programing Skills Needed
  • Secured
  • Automated

For more migration products, visit us at our page: http://litextension....tion-tools.html

Attached Thumbnails

  • Migration-how-it-work.jpg

#5374 Zen Cart to Prestashop migration tool by Litextension

Posted by James on 19 November 2015 - 04:39 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

I suggest you ZenCart to Prestashop miration module by LitExtension because of some reasons:


- Be Easy to Setup migration tool from ZenCart

- No Programming Skills Needed

- Secured and Safety

- Automatically

- Support to Prestashop 1.6x

#6481 SEO URLs changed after transferring from your cart to WooCommerce

Posted by James on 02 February 2016 - 08:27 AM in WooCommerce general discussions



What is SEO URLs? What does SEO URLs for?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet. The purpose of SEO is to make your website appear on the top of searching result. Based on deep analysis of Internet user’s behavior and interests as well as using keyword analysis tool. The marketers collect important and potential keywords and put a high degree of effort to optimize them. If succeed, your keywords get high rank amongst millions of related websites; and therefore definitely bring a huge opportunity to access with more customers. Another benefit is to push company brand name into customer’s mind, and it is apparently the desire of every e-commerce store owner.

Why SEO URLs may be changed after migrating data from one store to WooCommerce?

After considering we have determined the two main reasons below:
– Each platform has a unique structure and a different rule of URL texture
– Users have used an extension of a third party or fixed URL structure manually.

How do other companies do?

Many companies normally provide automated migration services. In reality, after data is migrated to target store URLs may change; especially when structures between source and target store are different. These companies could only perform preserving SEO URLs for the default type of SEO URLs from a few store such as: Magento, OpenCart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, VirtueMart, WooCommerce and osCommerce. You can see that they can not migrate for all with their automated tool.

LitExtension is glad to introduce WooCommerce SEO URLs Migration Plugin to help you migrate Product and Category SEO Urls Package to WooCommerce.

It supports migrating custom product and category SEO URLs to preserve SEO ranking of Source Store. This requires custom work from our staffs as well as additional cost. Please provide us your Source Store Url and FTP, LitExtension will modify our tool to enable this functionality.



Source: http://blog.litexten...-your-rankings/

#5655 BIG SALE on Thanksgiving day

Posted by James on 26 November 2015 - 08:33 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

Happy Thanksgiving. As usual, LitExtension brings you a great offer every holiday. Enjoy the holiday season with our special promotion.






- 5% OFF on ALL PRODUCTS (WooCommerce migration tools, plugins & services)

(Coupon: THSGV)

List of WooCommerce migration products: http://litextension....tion-tools.html


- FREE Migration Assistant Service

The chance you are having save up to $699 when using our Migration Assistant Service


Promotion will be expired on November 26th, 2015


Welcome: http://litextension.com/



#10876 How to migrate Yahoo Store to Prestashop safely and quickly

Posted by James on 08 August 2016 - 09:50 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Prestashop has rich and professional features to build a dream and effective online store for ecommerce merchants. Below are proofs: 

  • No limitations on inventory amount, payment processing solutions, price rules, admin roles, number of stores, marketing features...
  • 100% scalable and customizable
  • Best SEO in the industry
  • Depend on 1,000,000 Open-source Community members
  • Make your e-shop available in 65 languages
  • 200 different countries use PrestaShop
  • Every day 100 new online stores are created
If you are running Yahoo Store and wanna move to the new Prestashop, we guide you the optimized way to migrate data within 4 steps:
  1. Export data from Yahoo store 
  2. Install migration tool on Prestashop
  3. Select data to migrate
  4. Perform migration directly from Yahoo store to Prestashop

More detail guide at:  Yahoo store to Prestashop migration tool





SKU, Product Name, Description, URL*, Quantity, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
Base Image, Additional Images
Base Price, Special Price
Attributes (Color, Size ...)
Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product 
Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
CustomerID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
OrderID, Order products, Product price, Quantity, Order date, Status, Discount price ...
Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders

#5342 Migrate safely and quickly with Data Migration Assistant Services

Posted by James on 18 November 2015 - 03:18 AM in Migration to PrestaShop

Data Migration Assistant provides high quality migration service to save time and minimize efforts of e-merchants.


How to work with Assistant service:


1. Get Data Migration Service package

Please select your Data Migration Service package below that best suits you. Order and purchase the service


2. Provide us your cart information

After purchasing Data Migration Service, please send some information as: OrderID, Source & Target Store URLs, FTP login details to contact LitExtension.


3. Processing

LitExtension team will check your store and tool information before starting to migrate from Source Store to Target Store for you


4. Delivery

After migration completed, Migration Assistant will check again to ensure that all data was transferred and displayed on your Target Store with default template. When all is checked, you are welcome to enjoy your new store!


Data Migration Service is designed to satisfy the highest quality and support. This service includes:


1. Pre-Migration Validation

Install Migration Tool to Source store and Target store. Before installing the shopping cart for you, we’ll check your current or new hosting environment to know if it suits your Target Store requirements


2. Data Migration

LitExtension provides a complete migration solution. LitExtension team will perform cart migration and provide all the necessary migration & customization for you


3. Two remigrations after Full Migration

If you need to implement any changes for your migration, LitExtension provides an opportunity to remigrate for 2 times within 1 month.


4. Migration Results Validation


After migration is completed, we will check your store database to ensure that all data was transferred accurately and displayed on target store with default template. When all is checked and your migration has completed, we are ready to deliver to you. Now, welcome to your new store!

#8055 How to get a osCommerce to Prestashop migration module?

Posted by James on 25 May 2016 - 04:13 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Have you ever in trouble of migrating data from osCommerce to Prestashop? If the answer is yes, it is easy to understand. Today, for more convenience in using and supporting online business, many migration tools has been released in the e-commerce market. However, not all of them are good for users because there may be some losses or changes in migrating process that users do not want those things to be occured. 

So, what can do here to prevent those drawbacks occur? Does any solutions to do the transference perfectly? Here, there is a migration tool that prevent users for all unexpected situations that listed above. osCommerce to Prestashop migration dowload provided by LitExtension is the ultimate version which allows users to transfer their Products, Categories, Orders, Customers, Passwords and other data automatically.

Why is it secured? The answer is in the working process of this software:


Another reason that makes this migration to be secured is there will be no third party involved, everything happens within two sites. So, online data will be safe.

From now, you can download and install osCommerce to Prestashop migration software without any worries. 

Attached Thumbnails

  • osc2pres.jpg