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#4939 show the image from the remote url on front-end

Posted by jacksammy on 29 October 2015 - 12:45 AM in PrestaShop theme development & modifications

I need to show the image from the remote url on front-end, I dont want to load the image to local host.and I add the table in prestashop database, to store the image url. and how to updata other files to show the image? I use the default theme.thanks

#4898 show the image from remote url

Posted by jacksammy on 26 October 2015 - 02:19 PM in PrestaShop theme development & modifications

thanks for your reply. but how to do it? in  which file we need to finish the function.thanks a lot. can you send me your email? my email: prestashop2019@sina.com

#4878 show the image from remote url

Posted by jacksammy on 25 October 2015 - 01:26 PM in PrestaShop theme development & modifications

I need to show the image from the remote url on front-end, I dont want to load the image to local host.and I add the table in prestashop database, to store the image url. and how to updata other files to show the image? I use the default theme.thanks