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#15932 Best magento seo services company

Posted by RichardWashington on 28 July 2017 - 11:58 AM in Magento SEO

Complete On-Page SEO Solution For Magento

Manage meta tags, link redirection, canonical urls, data feeds, XML sitemaps and do much more with this SEO extension for Magento. Use templates to automate the meta updation process.


#15823 Online Gift Designer: Ready To Rock Solution To Design Gift Products

Posted by RichardWashington on 24 July 2017 - 10:55 AM in Magento modules & themes

The earth is not flat and neither are the much favorite products people buy! So, why to stick with flat print personalization when you can design products in a personalized way? Designing products online is a complete new solution of printable products with shape, size and depth?


The market of online design tool is growing rapidly. Advanced product design tool brings all of the flexibility and ease; it is used in designing products like mobile cases, t-shirts, cards and a lot more. Such tools are the easiest, safest and robust web-to-print solution, enlarging the creative standards of users.

The Online gift designer is one of the tools that is seamless, innovative and flexible. Different graphics, text, colors and many elements can be added to gift products and made it customized creatively. Online store owners can sell such products with flexible product designers and offer as many features as they want. This helps surpass the competitors with a peerless designing solution.

Gift product design tool is a ready-to-use solution that helps design gifts online. The room for designing specific gifts is increased and made worthy to go! Customers can have a bunch of fresh ideas while designing gifts using the design tool. Thus, it gives new lease of life to the online gift stores. Given the biggest shift for the customers’ shopping behavior, such online tools are the great helping hand for the success of eCommerce stores.

Why an online gift store owner should opt for gift design tools? Well, reasons are many! Key reasons are mentioned below.

> Easy customization options
> Attractive image effects
> Beautiful text effects
> Flexible and user friendly
> Ready to go
> Feature-packed

There is no better way to generate great ROI & revenue streams of eCommerce store for sure! Get the impeccable gifting solution, powered with striking feature set.

#15811 Deliver Products At Your Customer's Convenience - Know How

Posted by RichardWashington on 20 July 2017 - 09:52 AM in Magento modules & themes

There are countless entrepreneurs, whose only aim is to have a business which allows them to live with a difference! eCommerce market tends to be amazingly booming to such aims. If you want to turn your online store into a huge business, then the only thing that one must think of is, start putting in the time and effort to uplift your online store.


eCommerce Stores With Certain Online Practices

eCommerce store owners specifically, big scale business owners find it tough to handle online orders from the back end. And that is why order delivery date tools have been introduced in the market to help streamline product orders management processes and save a lot of time and money of customers as well as store owners. Generally, such extension is found in Magento, developed with best programming practices and latest coding standards.

Online tools make it convenient to handle delivery dates both for admin and customers. To boost sales conversion rates, it becomes necessary to manage delivery dates of orders so that, your customers feel relaxed and good about your online service. Delivery time slots, of course a great pick when it comes to offering flexible or seasonal shipping.

However, with order deliveries, many things are attached to help buyers and keep them happy. Using such extensions, online store owners can make a remarkable shopping experience and checkout process! This plays an important role. Defining delivery times can make your buyers amazed and contended. To provide your buyers particular delivery certainty, can make them satisfied too.

Smart Gains From On-time Order Deliveries

With the help of Delivery Scheduler, your visitors can specify delivery time and days when they would like to receive the orders. Store owners can exclude particular days of delivery, time intervals with date! Moreover, delivery intervals can easily be set with minimal and maximal intervals, this can be shown to buyers.

Merchants can allow their customers to choose delivery time easily by sophisticated delivery dates. They can provide flexible delivery time options, effective management of number of orders per slot, delay time to deliveries and more. Thus, multiple delivery options are the most optimal for all customers these days. Customer services can be improved with convenient options.

#16459 Default Do you get overwhelmed by stock management for your online store?

Posted by RichardWashington on 28 August 2017 - 10:51 AM in Magento modules & themes

I think finally got the video for inventory management system to help to me for manage e-commerce store stock management.


#16458 Why Inventory Management Is Key To Ecommerce Success

Posted by RichardWashington on 28 August 2017 - 10:50 AM in Magento modules & themes

The inventory management system is the most important module for eCommerce store to manage stock control, warehouses management, purchase order and supplier order. I have found another Magento inventory management extension. 



#15513 Why Inventory Management Is Key To Ecommerce Success

Posted by RichardWashington on 20 June 2017 - 05:36 AM in Magento modules & themes

If you are an ecommerce store owner you must be aware that an efficient supply chain is key to the growth of an ecommerce business. The way you manage your products as it moves from your suppliers to your warehouse to end customers is what gives you the leverage to keep your prices low and still make profits.

And a robust inventory management system is what it takes to manage your supply chain efficiently. The more you automate your inventory management system, the better it works for you.

Why Logistics & Inventory Management is Important?

There's no denying the fact that ecommerce logistics is the backbone of any ecommerce business.

According to a research done by Aberdeen Group, industry leaders are:

1.7 times more likely to find and access inbound supply chain data (procurement) needed for decision making;
1.67 times more likely to have logistics/pipeline collaboration with suppliers;
1.34 times more likely to have online visibility into in-transit shipment status.
Not only that, top performers are also 87% more likely to have established mobile technologies in place for critical business functions.

There's abundant research to support two facts:

That Inventory management and automation is the most critical (and often ignored) aspect of managing an ecommerce business.
That mobile accessibility gives a competitive edge.

How Can An Inventory Management Software Can Help?

All good inventory management software have some features that can streamline your supply chain, reduce operational costs and increase revenue. These may or may not include the following.

Stock Management - A good inventory management software will help you keep track of your stocks. You will be notified if any product is about to go out of stock. So you can keep your stock levels maintained and will never lose customers because your products are out of stock. A stock management system will also let you track the movement of stocks in real time.
Order Management - Order management is another area where automation through a software can help immensely. An order management system will keep track of all the orders placed in your online store and give you the order fulfillment status along with all the customer details. So you will never delay an order or fail to fulfill an order because you weren't informed of the order in time.
Warehouse Management - If you supply your products from multiple warehouses, a warehouse management system will come in handy. It will keep you updated on the stock levels in various warehouses and assign orders to warehouses which have enough stock. This way if you run out of stock in one warehouse you can assign the order to another warehouse.
Supplier Management - With a supplier management system you can add/remove suppliers from your store, edit supplier information banking information, payment terms, etc and the product assigned to them.
Automated Reporting - A good inventory management system will also give you automated reports on orders, sales, products ordered, orders fulfilled, orders pending, etc from a single dashboard.

If your store is on Magento, one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, Biztech has a readymade inventory management Magento extension (along with a free mobile app!) that can take care of all your supply chain bottlenecks.

#16460 Magento Inventory Management extension

Posted by RichardWashington on 28 August 2017 - 10:52 AM in Magento modules & themes

Every eCommerce store owner has using inventory for the store to manage stock control, warehouses management, purchase order and supplier order.


#15844 Can Multilingual Store Increase Sales?

Posted by RichardWashington on 25 July 2017 - 09:50 AM in Magento modules & themes

What if you are thinking to promote your business in a non-English geographical location? Is your business website capable of delivering the exact message you wish? Is English really a universal language that is accepted across the globe? What about the places where English is considered as second language? Do not let geographical and lingual difference restrict the success of your online store.

We have a solution that will help you spread your business to the areas where visitors prefer to browse the stores in their local parlance.

Getting global by developing a store that supports multiple languages is one of the crucial requirements to be a successful entrepreneur. Internet has connected the world. eCommerce shopping trends is the modern approach helping customers from all over the world to shop for the products and services by just sitting on their couch or sofa.

Shopper can shop comfortably when the eCommerce website would support their native language. Let us check the benefits of building a multilingual eCommerce store.

Our Magento language translator extension is the perfect solution for the businesses seeking a multilingual website to reach out non-English countries. It holds several features that would remove the language barrier for your business.

What does Magento Language Translator Delivers?

Language translator helps businesses seeking strong and powerful store solution to achieve global identity. Targeting multiple demographics will now be an easy task as the eCommerce stores will be supporting multiple languages. Integrating this Magento extension will help you expand the customer base with extensive business opportunities.

Simple and easy to install extension helps translating the content in different language within few seconds. Make your eCommerce store country-specific easily and efficiently.

Key Attractions

Build a Target Market - Create or expand your customer base
Cost Effective Language Translator - Multilingual supported store solution at reasonable rates
Enhance sales - Expand business by availing enhanced sales
Lead the competition - Get high popularity by offering quality store solution
Customer-focused eCommerce store development - Store solution, given customers' requirements
Search engine optimization - Well optimized for better search engine visibility
Outreach global market - Make your eCommerce business international
Any eCommerce websites utilizing personalized selling concept coupled with multilingual feature can ultimately generate more revenue.

A reliable and comprehensive eCommerce store supporting multiple languages aims to serve across the globe. Let your business gain extra mileage with inevitable feature that discards the language barrier and brings unbeatable success.

#15826 Meet the Bloom of Ecommerce Market – MageMob POS

Posted by RichardWashington on 24 July 2017 - 11:42 AM in Magento modules & themes

MageMob POS is the ultimate eCommerce solution used by online stores to fulfill their objectives. Merchants owning eCommerce stores consider this intuitive application as a boon for their online store. You can now actually take your online store anywhere you go. Yes, it is true! Simply download this magnificent app through your Android tablet or iPad, configure it with your online store and you are done. Go anywhere; you can still access your online store through this feature-packed application.


Let us check if MageMob POS app satisfies challenging eCommerce requirements of modern online stores.

What Does MageMob POS App Offer?

To survive in the cutting edge eCommerce competition, this app should fulfill crucial requirements and some of them are listed below.

It Functions Efficiently

Flawless and efficient functioning is one of the basic requirements of any eCommerce application nowadays. Mobile app development companies crafting eCommerce mobile apps use fancy visuals and attractive theme to attract customers ensuring quick loading time and efficient functioning. Being integrated with the eCommerce store, it should be processed easily and this is how MageMob POS is.

It Offers Portability

Of course mobile apps are portable. They start functioning as soon as they are installed in the smartphones or tablets and iPads. Merchants/owners of eCommerce website can utilize this app and stay connected with their store for all the updates through their tablets or iPads.

It is Accessed Easily

Unlike other mobile applications, this app can also be accessed easily. Allowing merchants to stay connected with the online store is its ultimate objective. No matter wherever a merchant goes, he/she can access his online store to get the latest updates about orders placed, canceled etc. Owner can also place an order on the behalf of their customers. Buyers can contact the owner through any means like phone call, email etc. and owner can easily place the order through this extensive app.

It is Configured Seamlessly

This exclusive app can be downloaded from Google play store and app store. Configuring this app with the eCommerce website is quick and easy. Just simple settings and you are ready to access the e-store at anytime and anywhere.

MageMob POS is the app every eCommerce owner should possess. It is simple, smart and cost effective solution to stay connected and monitor the online store even when you are away.

#15922 Product Design Customization: The Latest Ecommerce Trend

Posted by RichardWashington on 28 July 2017 - 09:51 AM in Magento modules & themes

If you are the one who believe on this, you cannot take off your eyes from the trend of worldwide market! With the proliferation of social media and online media, trends and preferences keep changing their paradigm very frequently. Giving businesses a real challenge to stay connected with the customers and keep pace with the shifting trend.
The latest trend that has compelled the businesses to rediscover their products gallery is - customized product selling! Offering personalized products to the customers not only help enterprises gain insights from the customized products but they can also fine tune their products' style and design to stay a step ahead of the competition. On the other hand with each customized choice, shoppers share the real-time preference that go beyond any type of survey or polling initiative. Businesses get to learn from their experience of latest customized selling the next season's selling trends - in a way they can predict what will hit next season.

Whether you are a bags seller or a t-shirts seller, you would have discovered the value of allowing your shoppers create their own personalized products. This has also let the enterprises dig deep into the big data to introduce a personalized set of products to their customers.

I am sure this is the only objective behind every business, which has even become more significant with the emergence of social media where word of mouth works wonders!

By now you're pretty sure what the latest trend is and how to go ahead with it.

So start thinking of offering your customers the products they would love to shop - personalized products exhibiting their creativity and personal touch.

Advance Product Designer

This is where you can rely on our services! We have developed Magento Advance Product Designer Extension that can serve the purpose of letting your customers create their own designs on the products they desire to purchase.

Key Attractions

Fully responsive - can be accessed from any device type.
Packed with multiple images through Clipart.
User-friendly - easy to use by your customers.
Customers can create their own design, in addition to selecting clipart designs.
Customers can save design for future use.
You can customize prices as per your choice.
Art Gallery with multiple fonts styles and colors.

Why Rely on Product Designer

The most important of all is the shifting preference of customers to buy personalized products and moreover our Advance Product Designer contains all the tools and features that your customers would like to see and use in any advanced designer tool.

Whether you're selling t-shirt, stationery products, cards, gift items, or even mobile skins; we have every set of product designer suiting your exclusive business needs.

#15849 Avoid Losing your Sales by Tracking Admin Activities

Posted by RichardWashington on 25 July 2017 - 10:36 AM in Magento modules & themes

Here is the “Good News” for all the store owners who are seeking a solution to find the reason of losing sales and valuable customers. Finding the reason/mystery and resolving the issue is really important for the store owners. We introduce you to an extremely easy and helpful Magento extension that offers a detailed view of the admin activity log of the web store. Thus, analyzing and finding out the aspects to be improved is really simple with this comprehensive store solution.


Gone are the days when you build a strategy, implement it and reform it using its results. You can now actually analyze the result and find the functionalities that lack behind. The latest Magento extension named Admin Action Audit Log has been added to the list of beneficial extensions with an aim to help eCommerce websites managed by several admin managers to perform better.

How can this Extension Help?

Website owners using this extension can track the activities of each and every admin of the store, if the website is managed by several admins
Log details of the store managers can be checked by the store owner
Admin can suggest the changes to be made to improve the site performance to get desired sales
Admin log can be viewed in a grid to analyze easily how the admin manages the eCommerce store
Store owners can monitor the activities of the admin to help them improve their performance
Polish the skills and capabilities of the store admins by monitoring their performance to make eCommerce website reliable and competent
Make your online stores simple and efficient offering customers a one stop destination for shopping their desired products
Take appropriate actions for extensive sales and store betterment
In the era of cutting edge competition among several eCommerce websites, owners are expected to make their best move to build a brand that is simply outstanding. Customers will rely on the e-Stores that functions seamlessly. Check the activities of the store admin and improve wherever required, if it affects the website performance.

Track admin activities by integrating magnificent Magento Admin Audit Log and keep an eye over the store managers (in case the store is managed by several admins) of your store through a detailed audit log for availing improved outcomes.

#15848 How to Make Ecommerce Product Descriptions More Attractive?

Posted by RichardWashington on 25 July 2017 - 10:24 AM in Magento modules & themes

We cannot decline the fact that the eCommerce market supports innovation and creativity. An extension that allows the admin or a store owner to upload multiple files of specific products is no less than an innovation. Isn't it an amazing solution that allows you to give a clearer picture of your products through distinct files like media or doc files supporting several file formats?


Are you seeking an extended customer base for your eCommerce business? Do you want to make the product display attractive and enticing? Online store with attractive storefront generates more revenue as compared to the stores with limited information about the products retailed.

It's time to know your customers and understand what they expect. Fulfill their requirements and check the popularity your store gains.

How Advanced Product File Upload can Boost Sales?

Magento does not actually allow uploading the product files. Advance product file upload is the extension that can be integrated in the Magento website and allows the store owners to upload innumerous files like brochures, catalogs, user guides, videos, license agreement, guarantee etc. Online business owners can attract their customers by offering enhanced shopping experience, thus, this Magento extension helps them achieve their goals by displaying their products in various formats and with detailed information.

Key Attractions

Add multiple files containing detailed information about the products
Add files irrespective of its format and the product category
The store owner can also add product URL of precise file
Add multiple files in just one click
With a single CSV file, admin can add product files in bulk
What Benefits can Merchants (eCommerce business owners) Avail?

Merchants can boost their store performance by making it more informative for their customers
Its simple structure makes the file management process easy and efficient
Biggest benefit is excellent ROI
Utilize viral marketing for offering your brand a unique status
Support Magento versions from 1.4 to 1.9.
What Benefits can Customers Avail?

Read user manuals, installation guides, watch product related videos and know the product better
Search files through quick search option and download in multiple file formats
View the files before downloading it
Help your eCommerce store gain desired ROI with a powerful Magento solution holding several comprehensive features.

#15845 Magento 2 – The Safe and Secure Update for Entire eCommerce Industry!

Posted by RichardWashington on 25 July 2017 - 10:01 AM in Magento modules & themes

Finally the most awaited Magento update is here. We are glad to announce that Magento 2 is ready to serve eCommerce industry with extensive features and impeccable benefits. Online store companies are excited to experience the change offered by the new version. Websites that are currently running on version 1.9 need no pre-preparations to switch to the new version.


With the announcement of Magento 2.0, brands, businesses and eCommerce industry can avail quick, efficient and cost effective Magento development solution. It offers improved performance and scalability to boost the conversation rates. The innovative opportunities coming along the way will help eCommerce industry to get unmatched experience adding value to the global ecosystem.

Let us check is it really worth upgrading from your current version?

Top Features Offered by Magento 2


With the new version of Magento, customization is easy. You can quickly implement the eCommerce solution based on Magento 2 version in either private or public cloud. The theming capabilities of this new version can help making the changes made in the site quite simple and easy. The huge range of affordable extensions attached with the new version makes eCommerce website load fast.

User Experience

Unlike previous version, Magento 2 offers seamless customer experience, irrespective of the device used in. The new and improved Magento themes are responsive. It loads quickly with amazing visual elements. Additional benefits include product videos. You can add your product videos to offer customers amazing user experience. The new checkout system can enhance conversion rates making the transaction simpler with reduced steps. Customers will now have to provide minimum information which will ultimately reduce the database repository.


The website upgrading their Magento version will experience faster loading speed of the product pages, thus customers can view the products seamlessly. With extensively improved performance this version is expected to offer delightful and impressive user experience. Even the page content can now be cached for quick loading.


Magento 2 integrates impressively with PayPal, Authorize.net and other payment gateways. With the main focus over securing user details and offering secured checkout process this new version will fulfill every crucial requirements of any advanced eCommerce store. Select any payment method to complete the transaction in the advanced eCommerce website and let the version secure your crucial details.

Integrate the new Magento version and join the race of innovation!

#15813 Magento Delivery Date Scheduler: Allow Customer to Choose Delivery Date

Posted by RichardWashington on 20 July 2017 - 10:38 AM in Magento modules & themes

In this fast paced world customers don’t want to wait for their ordered packages for long times. They want order delivered when they are at their premises rather than waiting for it or package being handed over to neighbors. In the current e-commerce scenario customer must stay satisfied to enhance store sales. To match the requirements of on time customer delivery, Delivery Date Scheduler extensions are a need of the hour for online store owners.
One such extension provided by AppJetty is Magento Delivery Date Scheduler. Admin can add various delivery slots for the users to choose from. Admin have authority to enable/disable delivery time slots according to allowed delivery timings. Admin can charge for special Magento delivery time slot and same day delivery facilities. Admin can also disable whole day for delivery according to weekly day offs or special holidays.

Customers will be provided with calendar on checkout page with time slots available for the day & delivery charges for that. User can also select multiple timeslots for multiple product orders. User’s selected time and date of delivery will be displayed on the order page. Admin will also get notified user delivery details along with the calendar displaying number of orders for the day.

Why Businesses Should Go For Delivery Date Scheduler?

> It provides flexible delivery options to your customers.
> It defines delivery dates/time.
> It helps improve business sales.
> It provides a transparent delivery process.

Above are the key reasons to have such extension integrated to stores. Such extensions not only reduce abandonment but also make customers feel that they are important! Magento delivery time extension offers power to your customers which can help improve ROI of businesses. Also, it has changed the eCommerce landscape and aided all size businesses to attract more customers.

#15364 How to Integrate Australia Post with Magento?

Posted by RichardWashington on 09 June 2017 - 06:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

A number of factors pool in to decide the success of a business. The process of online transaction begins with the stages like marketing, promotion, etc, and goes on till the customer receives the product in the best condition. Even though shipping of the product is the final step, it matters a lot to your business. Delivering your products on time and in its intact shape and form is very important for the reputation for your business. If your ecommerce is based in Australia, your shipping woes can be taken away by Australia Post Shipping. Australia Post has an extensive range of mailing options for you to manage your store’s shipping efficiently. Let’s have a quick look at why you should go for it:

  • You can prepare your shipments and track them easily through Australia Post. Your customer also gets to track the package at the other end.
  • It’s easy to use. You just establish your eParcel agreement and how you want to integrate it with your store. You are ready to start with sending consignments then.
  • The service is extremely flexible. You can also go for third party integration which makes your task much easier and organized.
  • It offers affordable shipping services and also provides transit cover for loss and damage.

With all these benefits of going with Australia post, you can make your task much more easy and efficient by integrating it with your Magento store using Magento Australia Post Shipping Extension. The extension helps you add value to your online store and makes your shipping process smooth. What else can this extension do and why you should go for it? Let’s check out some features of the Magento Australia Post Shipping to clear your doubts regarding it.


Customized configurations


The extension makes it really easy for you to configure shipping methods and other settings related to the shipment. Enable Australia Post Shipping by simply setting up the handling fee and warehouse post code. You can also set COD as an option for your customers. Additionally, the admin has full leverage to configure whether a signature is required on delivery and charges for domestic and international shipments. Item level packaging is also available to ship each item separately.


Add multiple shipping options


You can add multiple shipping options under Australia Post to your site. By doing this, you can give a clear idea to your customers about the shipping time and charges. When customers know what they are getting it improves your store’s conversion rate.


Generate shipping rates directly


As an admin, you can set up product configurations accordingly. Select attributes for dimensions of the product (length, width, and height) and units in kilograms and grams. You can also set default values for the dimensions to be considered when the specific products’ dimensions are not set.


Manage shipping cost visibility


For Satchel Services provided by Australia Post, the admin can show or hide the satchel services’ rates at the front end. In that case, satchel service rates will only be made visible when the packages’ dimensions and weight matches with the requirements of a satchel service. Admin can also upload and display custom rates provided by eParcel Matrix Rates Shipping Method. It used a table based shipping method to calculate the rates which is to be defined by the admin. You can also specify handling fees, signature cost, and insurance cost from the backend. So, that makes this aspect of your business very organized and convenient.


Label printing service


You can have the label printing option directly from the extension. It will allow you to generate shipment label with Australia post logo in predefined sizes and format. This label is to be attached on the shipment. You can design your own layout for the label and save it to reprint later.




Australia post is undoubtedly one of the best options you can go for if your business is based in Australia. And by integrating Australia Post to your Magento site using Australia Post Shipping Extension, you save on much time and efforts by eliminating the need to go to the site and set up delivery for each of the shipments. As a store admin, your work is always in bulk, so the extension saves you from much work by doing a number of jobs efficiently and swiftly.


#15337 Magento Language Translation Extension: The Best Way to Translate Store Content

Posted by RichardWashington on 08 June 2017 - 06:11 AM in Magento modules & themes

Sometimes, we tend to underestimate the power of vernacular language. We think that as far as the gist of what is being conveyed is understood, it doesn’t matter what language things are communicated in. However, this isn’t true. When things are communicated in our native language, there is a feeling of belongingness attached to it. And this is why the Magento ecommerce store owners of today prefer having multi-lingual stores. It helps the business owners to tap into the psyche of the customers and know more about their requirements.


Even though the content of most of the ecommerce stores is in English, not everyone finds it useful. If your brand is liked and appreciated by the speakers of other languages, they must have a way to understand your products. To overcome this problem, you have to come up with an efficient translation option to make your Magento store content comprehensible to users of other languages. You can achieve this by manually translating all your store content and feeding it in the system, using a browser translation option like Google Translate or automate this process with a certain degree of control using a suitable Magento Language Translation Extension that can save you valuable time and effort.

In this blog we have explained further why using a good translation extension can be better than other ways of doing it.

Controls in the hand of Admin

The manual translators available in the market have a mind of their own. Things can go out of your control as they start translating anything and everything that is fed in.Magento Translator extensions are smart as the admin can have a total control over what gets translated and what doesn’t. The user can also manage the language that the content needs to be translated to and from. One just needs to choose the categories, products and CMS pages that need to be translated and the extension will take care of the rest.

Limitless translations

The extensions do not limit you with the number of words when it comes to translation. You can translate ‘n’ number of words whenever you want. This is not the case with manual translators. They have a limit to the number of words that are being translated every minute or slot. Even if you hire an individual for a job like this, they might take their own time to translate things rightly for you. Hence, an automated extension is always a better choice.

Store review translations

Reviews stand of utmost importance when it comes to buying products of one choice. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if store reviews get translated in the language known to your customers? The answer, of course, is “Yes”. You can’t hire a professional or use manual translation tool every time there is a new review. The Magento Language Translation Extension can translate store reviews into any language. Also, the admin can select a specific store view and change the review language whenever he/she finds the need to do so.

Seamless translation of Product Details

WYSIWYG editor, which is a part of the extension, can help the users to translate the product name and its description easily. Admin can also translate tiny details like Meta keywords and descriptions. Manual translators might not equip you to do that.
If you want your products to be valued and sold across diverse geographies, it’s time that you invest into one of these extensions for your store. A multilingual store will give your business a competitive advantage amongst others. So what are you waiting for? Invest into one of these extensions now!

#15334 How to Integrate Fedex Shipping with Your Magento Store?

Posted by RichardWashington on 07 June 2017 - 06:10 AM in Magento modules & themes

The estore owners of today love Magento as it offers a lot of flexibility and plentiful features. It also handles the requirements of the retailers by minimum backend customization. Some ecommerce business owners think that ecommerce development gets complicated when it comes to handling financial transactions. However, integrating shipping aspect with the Magento Store is the most difficult part. Although Magento offers integration with several shipping solutions, you need an extension that makes the entire shipping process easy.


One of our latest products, FedEx Smart Shipping Magento Extension is one of the best ways of integrating FedEx freight shipping with your Magento store. All you have to do is install the plugin and and configure the setting and you’re done! Integrating FedEx shipping with your store can’t be easier.


Given below are some of the benefits of this extension and how to make the best use of it for achieving a seamlessly integrated process.


Get live shipping rates


There’s nothing like shipping rate being calculated in real time. Magento based FedEx Smart Shipping extension provides live shipping rates for your customers and they can know about the changes in rates as and when they happen. Isn’t that fantastic? You can also make configurations of the shipment according to its weight and dimensions.


Admin Panel for making configurations


The extension gives the option of holding the goods at FedEx location to the Admin. They can also enable it to pick up and keep a track of shipment based on the reference. The best part about this feature is that the Admin can also choose if they want to allow the shipping of risky items like Dry ice, alcohol etc. This facility can protect the Admin from getting into any legal issues at a later stage.


Make the most of Address Validation


Both users and admin can optimize the address validation facility while placing the order. In case the postal code and city combination do not match with each other, the user will get the locations that are stored within the FedEx store. Thereafter, users can either checkout by using the added address or choose one of the locations suggested by FedEx. One can also make changes with the shipment address and edit the wrong address.


Drop at location


This is one of the best options offered by this extension. Your users will be able to decide whether they want home delivery of their ordered items or they would want to pick it up from the FedEx location. They would also be given all the information about the closest locations and the shipment will be dropped off at the location convenient to them. Admin would also be able to keep a track of the location chosen by the user.


Track your shipment


Fedex smart shipping enables the users to track their shipment through FedEx post. When the admin creates an account for the package, they can add the reference for shipment tracking through which they can know where the shipping has reached.


Handle the ETD documents


FEDEx Smart Shipping enables you to manage the ETD documents in your store. Admin can enlist ETD types that are allowed by the store and can also decide which one goes the best while making the package. The Admin can also add ETD generation source and type.


Pick up management


Admin can set pickups for the store automatically and manually. In order to manage pickup automatically, admin can choose the option of ‘Create Pickup’ from the order details. With the manual pick up option, Admin can feed the address and other details along with package information to

generate the shipment.


This extension works great for all Magento Store owners as they can handle an array of aspects related to FedEx freight shipping from their dashboard. There are very few all-inclusive ecommerce shipping extensions that help you to change configurations, manage shipment tracking, validate address and get live shipping rates. Make sure you conduct enough research before you integrate one of these extensions to your Magento store. Check out more features of FedEx Smart Shipping here and get the best out of one of world’s leading shipping solutions.

#15311 Apache Solr Search: Why Integrate It with Your Magento Store?

Posted by RichardWashington on 06 June 2017 - 06:58 AM in Magento modules & themes

If you are an ecommerce store owner, getting the customers to your store is a challenge in itself. And when you do get them to come to your store, you have to make sure that they surf around and find what they are looking to buy as easily as possible. Advertising and sponsored clicks are not enough if your consumers cannot find the products of their choice. As customers have specific requirements and less time, they need an intelligent and robust magento search tool. The tool should be such that it can provide better user experience, enhanced conversion and refined search that offers results according to the search habits of the customer.


General and inbuilt tools available on ecommerce websites are not fast enough and lack the accuracy needed when one is looking for specific products. This is when Apache Solr Search can come to the rescue. Built by developers at Apache, it provides your customers with the power of the Lucene Search Library. Solr is an open source enterprise search software which enables the developers to integrate it with any kind of website or application. This can be done without Java coding. If one requires advanced customizations, it also has extensive plugin architecture for the same.

So what are the benefits of advanced search and why should you consider integrating Solr to your Magento Store? Here’s a brief about the search functionalities it offers.


One of the major reasons to use Solr is that it is an open source. Moreover, as there are no license fees involved, it is easily possible to make changes in the software and the informed programmers can research on how the data is processed. If needed, extra functions can also be added and the software can be customized according to the requirements. As the searching facility on the online store is dependent on partial combining features, relational databases might not perform rightly. If the products on your store are not presented in hierarchy, adding SOLR can help to make the search option better.

Here are some of the functionalities provided by Solr:

Swift searching option
Spell check guide with “Did you mean?” functionality
Auto complete search option
Full text searching compatible to your store
Trouble-free data pulling facility from multiple databases
Refined search facility with priority given to relevant fields
Flexibility with the integration of new features
You can take the help of professionals if you want to integrate Solr Search with Magento. Here’s how professionals can help you.

Understanding your business requirements

The necessities of every business are different. Companies that provide integration spend time in understanding the unique requirements of your website before integrating Solr search to your Magento store.

Compatibility Check

The professionals offering integration must provide search option which is compatible to your store and adjusts to your system easily. Make sure you get the kind of quality assurance you need.


Various diagnostic checks are done in order to make sure that the integration has been established successfully and products can be easily searched.

Support and knowledge sharing

After the search option has been launched, the company should provide you with consultations and services whenever there is a problem and it needs immediate attention.

You must have a basic idea about how the integration takes place. It is not easy to find good integration services. It asks for an expert who has a perfect knowhow of merging the data aspects of your store into Solr for your search option to work smoothly. Thats is why we have developed Solr Search - Magento Integration product for smooth integration. Combined with our world class support and customization solutions, integrating Solr Search with your Magento store would be a cakewalk!

#15535 Ecommerce Product Design Tool: Why Switch from Flash to HTML5

Posted by RichardWashington on 21 June 2017 - 04:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

Like recording tapes, flash is also a medium that needs a player to work and is on the verge of dying a slow death. And just like CD players and then digital players replaced tapes, HTML5 is now making flash obsolete. In 2010 Steve Jobs published letter promoting HTML5 as the future. Since then, it has become a hot subject among Web developers and designers. And last year Google announced that it will stop accepting ads made with Adobe Flash and will totally ban them from 2 January 2017. This means that all digital animations will then have to use HTML5 or be converted into video format.


This changing trend is also a wake up call for all Magento store owners who are still using flash based product design tool. It's high time you changed your product designer into a HTML5 based product designer for your Magento Store.

In this article we have compared flash and HTML5 and listed down three good reasons why you should use let go of flash and adopt HTML5


With the launch of HTML5, mobile has emerged as one of the publishing world’s biggest advantages. Flash on the other hand is constrained to PCs – a market which, according to Gartner, saw a 10% decrease in shipments in 2013 compared 2012.

It is also well known that Flash is not good for many Android & iOS devices and laptops whereas HTML5 moves a step ahead in these areas. Flash consumes more power and is not compatible with a touch screen. Because of this, Adobe Flash causes a device to heat up. HTML5 on the other hand is compatible with touch screens and does not have any issues with any device.

In spite of Adobe's best efforts, Flash for Android devices never gave a seamless user experience. Many customers experienced choppy playback and in certain situations it absorbed battery life down. Beside PCs, there’s won’t be any room left for Flash and even in PCs, Windows 8 will have partial Flash support.

So the verdict is clear – the future belongs to mobile and mobile hates flash. And once mobile sets a trend, desktops will follow suit.


While mobile is the most obvious advantage of HTML5 over Flash, there’s a characteristic that's part of HTML5 semantic structure which is just as important and particularly powerful for Interactive Videos based on HTML5. Through semantic structure of Interactive Video, you can develop projects using HTML5 that have various interconnected pieces that Web crawlers know how to recognize. But with Flash, you’re getting a black box that, when crawled, shows up as just a Flash video without any extra information. Flash is entirely closed container due to which Web crawlers and search engines can’t see inside of it.


On some platforms such as Linux and Mac OS X, Flash runs very slowly as it does not have access to Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) processing. GPU is performed on the CPU & this causes the application to slow down enormously. Other drawback of Flash is that in order to play a SWF file, you need to install Adobe Flash and so you have to ensure that the device and the operating system are attuned with Adobe Flash.

When it comes to running on Linux and Mac OS X, HTML5 outshines and it has been shown that HTML5 content excels Flash by running 58% faster.

HTML5 is the only application to dart across all mobile devices is replacing Flash, and firms that have long believed on Flash need to get on board. Those who still think Adobe Flash is the way to go ahead will likely be changing their tune in the near future. HTML5 is becoming more and more popular with various companies providing easy to use, interactive platforms to create presentations and websites that are wonderfully designed with least work on the user's end.
Product Designer Tool

#15541 Why Australia Post Shipping is the Preferred Option for Australian E-tailers

Posted by RichardWashington on 21 June 2017 - 09:56 AM in Magento modules & themes

Like the rest of the world Australian ecommerce industry also saw massive changes in the ecommerce landscape and the year 2016 will witness the further growth of trends like video marketing, same-day delivery, mobile commerce and omni channel buying behavior. While these indicate exciting times ahead for Australian e-tailers, none of these would result in sales growth if not supported adequately by a reliable shipping partner.


This is probably the reason why Australia Post is the preferred shipping partner for all the leading Australian ecommerce stores. Australia Post is the most trusted and admired freight service provider in Australia and offers a variety of shipping options and benefits that other international players don't.

Here are some reasons Australia Post is a leading Shipping Partner for Australian E-tailers.

  1. Consistent Change for The Better

    Australia Post constantly modernized and innovates to meet the future requirements of the e-commerce industry. Bifurcating delivery into priority delivery and standard delivery, creating a more efficient nationwide delivery network, incorporating technology in delivery mechanism are some of these measures.

  2. E-commerce Focused Business Strategy

    Australia Post is actively investing in ecommerce solutions for domestic and international market. Australia Post is fully equipped to maintain its leadership role in the ecommerce shipping domain.

  3. Collaborations with International Postal Organizations

    To strengthen its international delivery capabilities Australia Post is actively collaborating with Overseas postal services to create Australia's largest retail and parcel delivery network.

  4. Plethora of Sending Options

    Whether you want to pay a fixed price for your packages or you want to pay by size and distance, whether you want domestic delivery options or international, whether you want to pack your items yourself or want Australia Post to do the packaging for you - with Australia Post, there are plenty of options for everyone.

  5. Solutions Tailored to Your Growth Needs

    With Australia Post you can be rest assured that your requirements, as your business grows, will be taken care of. Innovative solutions like printing your own shipping labels, streamlined order processing and progressive discounts as your parcel count grows - all help ensure that you never have to pay more than you need to.

  6. Customer Focussed Return Shipping Services

    With around 40% of online shoppers choosing to return the item they purchase, return shipping is as important as delivery. With services like Paid Return Parcel services and eparcel Services, merchants, again, have plenty of options to choose from.

For all the above reasons Australia Post is the preferred choice of shipping service in Australia for both domestic and international shipping. And with Ecommerce tools that automate updation of all shipping rates and delivery charges, you can enjoy all the benefits of Australia Post without having to bother about keeping track of changes in freight rates and other terms and conditions.

So, if you are an Australian online store owner, you don't need to look beyond Australia Post for all your domestic and international shipping requirements.

#15304 Magento Multilingual Translation: Is Google Translator Enough?

Posted by RichardWashington on 05 June 2017 - 12:41 PM in Magento modules & themes

The advent of Ecommerce has changed everything. Price comparisons, 24 hours convenience, one click shopping, rapid delivery right at your doorstep and what not! Having a good product and displaying it online definitely maximizes the shopping experience. But what about the information displayed on the store which influences people to make a buying decision? Should it be displayed just in one language? Although English is a universal language, it ranks third (after Chinese and Spanish) when it comes to the most widely spoken languages.



A report named “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy: Why Language Matters on Global Websites” which was released by Common Sense Advisory in 2014 revealed that there is a strong association between the language used by online store owners and the buying decisions of people. Customers are more comfortable surfing the store that uses their local language.

If you are a Magento store owner, it is quite likely that you will get visitors from other countries. And Google translator certainly proves to be a boon during such times. But is it enough? The professional translators and the users of translation tools have come across two major drawbacks of Google Translator:

  • The quality of translated text isn’t of superior quality
  • The translated text cannot be edited

Google Translator literally translates a phrase into another language. And by doing so, it quite often fails to convey the intended message.

So how do you overcome this drawback and still use the power of Google translator to minimize your translation costs and automate the translation process without compromising on the quality of translation? By using Google translation API to translate text and then manually editing it wherever the translation isn’t meaningful.

This exactly what our Magento Language Translator Extension does for Magento store owners. Let’s see how you can improve the quality of your translations with Magento Language Translator extension.

1. Control the content that gets translated

When you go by the usual translation functionality of Google Translator, every page gets translated. But with the help of Language Translator extension, admin can select text fields out of the products, CMS Pages and categories that he/she wants to translate. All you need to do is enter the Google API key. The language in which the content needs to be translated can also be selected.

2. Translate store reviews

Reviews play a key role in influencing people’s decision to buy a product. Our extension provide the facility of translating reviews at a store level. You can also select a particular store view and change the review language for that store. When you select multiple languages, a translate button will enable the translation which is available on the default configuration.

3. CMS Page language translation

With the help of an extension like this, you can easily translate CMS page details including Page Title and Content Heading. The Meta keywords and Meta description can also be translated. This means you can boost SEO performance not only in your local language but also in other languages. For example, if you translate the content in French, your website will also get ranked amongst other French language websites.

4. Enables editing

With Google translator, you have no choice but to rely on the translated content. But with our Language Translator you can edit the content that has been translated by Google translator. Be it a couple of paragraphs, sentences or words, you can easily make whatever changes you want to. Thereafter, you can hire a professional translator so that they can proofread the content and make sure it is perfect.

5. Translate all at once

If you do not intend on wasting time looking into every product detail and translating it individually, you can translate all the content at once. All you have to do is select multiple store fields, product details and categories and choose the bulk translation option. Thereafter, you can select the language you want to translate your store content into and the content will get translated in no time.

You must be very well aware of the fact that the number of online purchases is growing exponentially every year. This means that the amount of international Internet sales is sure to rise too. Hence, it is very important for you to target foreign markets. Sometimes, having a Google Translate option is not enough. Our Magento translation extension widens your likelihood of making a mark in these markets helping you to thrive with your business globally. Conduct ample amount of research and find out which type of language translator extension would be most compatible with your store.

#15812 Magento Australia Post Shipping Extension: Boon for Australian Online Stores

Posted by RichardWashington on 20 July 2017 - 10:09 AM in Magento modules & themes

Biztech has come up with an exciting Magento Australia Post Shipping Extension for online store owners of Australia who ship parcels to domestic & international market. In current scenario customers want multiple shipping options to get the product delivery.

For Example, if they have something important to be shipped they will choose any express parcel service. If they think they can wait for the parcel they’ll opt for regular delivery method. With Australia Post Shipping extension of Biztech, store owner can give multiple options to customers for choosing shipping method.

Here are key features to look out for in Magento Australia Post Extension:

Set handling fees
Store owner can set handling fees for the order. It can be fixed or percentage based as per store requirements.

Set Multiple Services for Domestic & International Parcel & Letter
Admin can add / delete multiple services for Parcels & Letters going to domestic areas of Australia or going to international areas out of Australia.

Manage On Delivery Signature & Extra Covers for Shipment
Admin can enable / disable signature for shipment delivery. Admin can also add extra cover price for shipment.

Setting Product Attributes
Admin will set the attributes which will be taken into consideration while getting rates for Australia Post Shipping methods. The final shipment dimensions will be counted by Best Fit Algorithm to get best possible rates.

Manage Countries Where Shipping is Available
Admin can add specific countries to shipping list if shipping is available for specific countries. Or admin can enable it for all countries.

Set default Values for Dimension
Admin can set default values for dimensions, if product dimensions are not defined these dimensions will be taken into account while fetching shipping rates.

Multiple Shipping Methods on Check out Page
Customer will be provided with all the shipping methods which admin has enabled for delivery.

Thus, an improved online shopping activity is done from any nook and corner of the globe.Shipping extension[/url] is well sleeved with various specifications, to add value to the online stores and offer an unmatched buying experience to the buyers.

#15789 eCommerce Stores Can Increase Sales With Product Customization Tools

Posted by RichardWashington on 19 July 2017 - 06:03 AM in Magento modules & themes

In the current E-Commerce market customers look for customization in every product. They want their own footprints on every product from Clothes to Cards and Mugs to covers! So, as a Store owner, to grow forward in the current e-commerce world store owners need to provide product design tools to configure products as per user requirements.
To fulfill all these needs AppJetty has come up with magento advance product designer extension for magento store owners. Store owners can add Custom Online Product Designer Software into the store and give multiple options for Personalized Products. With Product Designer can help multiple industries for product customization.

Some of the industries are stated below

Cloth Designer
With cloth designer magento extension let your customers design their own clothes the way they want. Let them design own costumes and accessories. Let them apply their own image with masking effects onto apparels and modify with elegant quotes.

Card Designer
With personalized products designer tool let your customers design graceful card for their auspicious occasions. The card Designer Tool provided by AppJetty is not only restricted for card designing, customers can also design Business cards, flyers, postcards, brochures, envelop, tags and catalogue.

Gift Designer
With custom gift design tool for magento store owners, your customers can give personal touch to the gift before handing it away. Including our “Advance Product Designer” extension with your online store for selling gift products like mugs, clock, photo frame and pen will provide the customers, an artistic edge to design the products.

Skin Designer
With Magento skin designer Tool let you customers design own skins for laptops & mobiles. This gives an opportunity of self-expression to your customers, thus bringing them closer to your store. You can also help them by providing templates for skin designs and let them make the work easy.

Signs & Poster Designer
With personalized product designer, you can let your customers design their own banners, posters, labels, stickers and calendars. They can make posters and signs as creative as possible with their own ideas and thoughts. This gives a personalized touch to the products.

Thus, eCommerce stores can change a whole scenario of offering custom made products online. This can not only attracts more buyers but also helps generate more business ROI rapidly with great results.

#15542 E-Commerce Personalization: Ideas for A Customized Shopping Experience

Posted by RichardWashington on 21 June 2017 - 10:10 AM in Magento modules & themes

In today's digital economy when e-commerce industry is witnessing an ever increasing growth, especially in developing countries like India and China, one of the biggest challenges is acquiring and retaining highly valued customers. A plethora of online stores, big and small, are gunning for the same set of customers. In such a competitive environment, those who offer more, get to retain their customers and acquire more. E-commerce personalization is an effective strategy in this regard, that ensures differentiation in a highly commoditized and competitive market.


When everyone selling more or less the same things in more or less the same way, offering customized shopping experience goes a long way in brand building and enhancing customer loyalty. The biggest advantage brick-and-mortar stores have over online stores is their ability to offer personalized services to their customers based on their wants and preferences.

So What Can The Online Stores Do?

To start with they can implement personalization options in their storefront design. Some suggestions include:

> Product Customization: The ability to customize product design is a great way to offer a personalized shopping experience. Though not every product can be customized, those that can be like t-shirts, shirts, stationery items, gift items, etc should have customization options.

> Personalized Product Recommendation: When you visit an online store you almost always have to search for your favourite category or product. What if the home page showed always showed product categories that you are interested in and usually shop, based on shopping and browsing history? Wouldn't it be great you are favourite e-commerce store suggested you the right product at the right time?

> Personalized Order Shipping: Order shipping is an area that can make or break the reputation of an online store. Most people worry about the product delivery date and whether or not they will be available to take the order delivery. Mere fast shipping is not enough. What is orders were shipped on the day you wanted it to? What if you favourite store had a delivery date scheduler?

> Ability to Choose Shipping Partner: Since order shipping is such an important area in e-commerce success, why not offer your customers an option to choose their own prefered shipping partner from a pool of 3-4 options?

What Else Can Be Personalized?

Online Stores can greatly improve customer satisfaction by going out of their way in keeping their customers happy. Here are a couple of suggestions:

> Send a Thank You Note: A personalized thank you note at the end of their browsing or shopping experience, displayed on the page itself or sent through email can delight customers. It's a small gesture that goes a long way in enhancing customer loyalty.

> Send a Freebie: A small gift to your valuable customers on their special days like birthday or marriage anniversary will again delight them in such a way that they would never think of shopping from anywhere else.
There are many other ways personalized services can be offered to e-commerce customers. You just have to be more creative in your approach and a little more thoughtful about your customers wants. Think of how you will service your customers if they came to your shop, had a cup of coffee and chatted with you, all the while shopping their favourite items. Replicate such experiences online and you will have a winner!

#15814 How Delivery Date Scheduler Helps eCommerce Stores?

Posted by RichardWashington on 21 July 2017 - 09:03 AM in Magento modules & themes

Process of delivering products through e-commerce has evolved since the start of ecommerce, as conclusions from a new Retail Survey show, clients want more & more flexibility in ordered product delivery options, and retailers have to present this to boost conversions.

Insufficient Delivery Options = Dumped Purchases!

Let's face it, all the customers don’t have the time to hang around for delivery of their purchase, so need of the hour is to use Delivery Date Scheduler. Regular delivery will go well with few clients but most of them would not prefer to wait longer and will be willing to pay for preferred delivery schedule.

If your rival has next day delivery for the same item and you don't, your client may opt for that product.

A Brief On Our Delivery Date Scheduler Plugin

To match the ever evolving need of E-Commerce customers regarding delivery options, Biztech Store has come up with Magento Delivery Date Scheduler. Our plug-in will enhance your customer's’ shopping experience with various usages such as, customers can select day and time of delivery from range of given options. They can also create delivery messages. Get shipping details on checkout page. As well as there is a delivery option available to select, which is - “Timeslot view (with Price)” or “Calendar view”!

How An Admin Can Use This Plugin?

> Delivery dates can be disabled for specific days.
> Specification of step which contains details of shipping arrival date and time.
> Dashboard displays today’s orders.
> Notification for the admin of upcoming order deliveries.
> Export of date-wise orders in form of a graph or any other format for future reference.
> Admin can select number of delivery days available for Delivery.
> Admin has right to define different time slots available for product delivery.
> Delivery Date Calendar to help admin see orders date wise from the calendar.
To conclude, there is nothing superior than meeting demands of your store customers and exceed your competitors. With Delivery Date Scheduler, impart flexible delivery options to your customers. Nothing can make as interesting as this Plugin.