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There have been 36 items by javier.propescu (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#5471 Customers Pictures on your product pages

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

This module allows your customers to publish their own pictures on?your?product pages, in order to show them on the product footer, in the same way that the customers reviews. Increase, thanks to?your customers, the number of pictures presenting your products. Additionally, these pictures are usually pictures "in situation",?it will allow your prospective buyers to plan the use of the products. Moderate pictures in the back-office, or self-validation Choice of resizing pictures published in "thumbnail" version (preview) and "large" version (fancybox) Displaying the form in front--office?in a fancybox Email Notification when a new picture is published Opening of the feature only to registered customers, or to all your visitors Display front-office as bullet?list Light and fast Module Customer Benefits Your potential customers can see how your product is used by your previous customers, so that they can imagine how to use it.

#5454 Correos - Carta certificada nacional

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Returns the cost of the spanish Correos ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service based on the package weight (up to 2 kgs) and destination. This module asks correos and gets the most updated price for every order. The costs for a ?Carta Certificada Nacional? Correos service can vary according the weight and destination.To obtain the cost is required to check the Correos website and fill a form. Additionally, the costs can vary in time without any notice making difficult to maintain the prices in PrestaShop.This module allows to obtain automatically in every moment the current costs to make a delivery using the weight and destination of the current customer shopping cart.Our service maintain updated in every moment the prices provided by Correos.?? Our service, through this module, can calculate in real time, the delivery costs for the customer from his shopping cart weight and destination without any limitation in the petitions number to our service, avoiding populate the table "Shipping locations and costs" of Prestashop.The module allows to price delivery costs in Spain and Balearic zones.It is possible to configure a fixed extra cost that can be used to represent the manipulation costs, transport to the Correos office, etc.? Customer Benefits Customers can know at any moment how much the costs for his delivery will be, depending on the current package weight up to 2 kgs (if they select the ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service)?

#309 Logo overlaps menu

Posted by javier.propescu on 26 April 2014 - 02:26 PM in PrestaShop issues & problems


i use simple standar theme that is a part of each installation of prestashop.

i changed several things in back office like appearance of modules

but now my header looks like:


as you can see logo and search bar overlaps my menu, what i did? and how to fix?

#11 Feature to update product quantities

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:15 PM in PrestaShop features modification & development

i posted also topic in job offers section:


so please if you've got idea - write PM or just comment post

#10 Feature to update product quantities

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:15 PM in PrestaShop features modification & development

Im lookig for feature to easily update product quantities 2-3 times per week.

i've got csv file from warehouse with product reference number (6digits+2chars) and quantity value.


im looking for free or paid solution,

any ideas?

#9 How you print orders list?

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:13 PM in PrestaShop general discussions

Just wondering, how you all print list of orders ?

we have got about 20-30 orders per day (for each of our 4 shops based on ps engine) so it's about 100-150 orders / day.


just wondering how all of you creates a printable list of orders to organise the delivery process?

#8 I'm looking for someone to develop module

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:11 PM in PrestaShop Job offers

I'm looking for tallented developer to create a module to import products from csv file with deature to easily update quantities.

i just want to easily update quantities of products for example 2-3 times a week. In bulk for all products of course

#7 It's better to install fresh or update?

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:10 PM in PrestaShop script installation

Today i updated my shop to latest release of PS engine: 1.6

i wondering about one thing. What you think: it's better to reinstall prestashop (install fresh 1.6 version) or update it from 1.5 ?


#6 i updated my shop from

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:08 PM in PrestaShop script updates

I updated my shop from

i will loose my changes that i made (not me, but my dev) before?

i changed several things in module files

#5 How to remove phone number from top section?

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:06 PM in PrestaShop settings & configuration

I wondering how to remove the phone number in my default bootstrap template (prestashop 1.6)

i mean this number:

Posted Image

#4 Cant activate left column prestashop 1.6

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:04 PM in PrestaShop settings & configuration



i can't activate left column in my prestashop 1.6

it's a updated version (from


i go to preferences > themes then i click on "default bootstrap" theme, and i see page to configure the columns visibility, when i want to enable or disable column i see:


[color=rgb(104,115,127);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:13px;]"An error occurred while updating this meta"[/color]

no matter what and where i click.