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#5519 Youtube and Vimeo videos

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Youtube and Vimeo videos

This module allows you to download and add video files from youtube and vimeo to your online store's shopping cart. Video files can be located either at the top of product page, under the product description or in left column of category page. ? ? ?Module administration will be enabled through the admin section, product management, 'youtube' tab in every specific product and category page. All you need to do is to input the youtube video URL in the top input field. The module will automatically load three different versions of video preview to choose from, with editable pre-set title and video description. The last step is to hit 'save' button, and video will appear at the list below. Sorting videos in the list, you will be able to change video files' order by drag-n-dropping items toward the top or bottom of the list.?To edit or delete video, click "edit" or "delete" button next to the video. Please, try to use our product's demo with both consumer and administrative sites available. ?You can place list of video files in the preview slider at the top of the page, where click will trigger a full-sized video popup with a title and description. At the bottom of the product page you'll find list of video files in column, with a title and description per each separate video. Location can be selected in the module configuration settings. You will be able to preview module location and styling options on the attached screenshots or in the product demo. ?

#5515 Dimensional Characteristics and Measures Features

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Add dimension to the feature. For example, you can set dimention "kg" to the characteristic Weight (insted of putting "3 kg" in Value field, you write "3" and have "Weight, kg : 3"). ? ?You can create good-looking feature values in catalog filter (Layered navigation block) and in product card. Adding dimension of features become easy. ?This module gives an opportunity to make integer feature values simply in catalog filter without dimensions. Only features name consists dimension. ?

#5489 Purchasing and live baskets

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Displays a block that simulates additions in baskets or shopping based on past orders and baskets. Can increase the impulse purchases. ? Improve your revenues by boosting the impulse purchases. Video Displays a block that simulates additions in baskets or shopping based on past orders and baskets. Can increase the pulse purchases. The display is made randomly with type transitions "fade in" to give a realistic effect.

#5558 Facebook Page Plugin Pop-up

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Facebook Page Plugin Pop-up

This module gives you the ability to add a popup layer (window) with the new?Facebook Page Plugin when your webshop loads and asking them to ?like? your Facebook Page. Its help you promote through social media. ? This module gives you the ability to add a popup layer with a Facebook Page Plugin and any custom HTML content. You can add an extra image or text on the top or bottom of the popup window. You are able to ask your visitors to join your Facebook Page ? - Grow your fan base on Facebook - Increase sales through social media - Inform your fans about your new products or special offers ?- Fully customizable Facebook Page Plugin Width Height Hide Cover Photo Show Friend's Faces Show Page Posts - Extra content with WYSIWYG HTML Editor or HTML source - Pop-up window style settings: Overlay color and opacity Border color, opacity, radius and width Content padding Close button position Background color - Pop-up window behavior settings Delay open Automatic close Transition type ands speed Cookie expiration Customer Benefits - The customers can get offers from your Facebook Page - The customers easily find your Facebook Page

#5454 Correos - Carta certificada nacional

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Returns the cost of the spanish Correos ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service based on the package weight (up to 2 kgs) and destination. This module asks correos and gets the most updated price for every order. The costs for a ?Carta Certificada Nacional? Correos service can vary according the weight and destination.To obtain the cost is required to check the Correos website and fill a form. Additionally, the costs can vary in time without any notice making difficult to maintain the prices in PrestaShop.This module allows to obtain automatically in every moment the current costs to make a delivery using the weight and destination of the current customer shopping cart.Our service maintain updated in every moment the prices provided by Correos.?? Our service, through this module, can calculate in real time, the delivery costs for the customer from his shopping cart weight and destination without any limitation in the petitions number to our service, avoiding populate the table "Shipping locations and costs" of Prestashop.The module allows to price delivery costs in Spain and Balearic zones.It is possible to configure a fixed extra cost that can be used to represent the manipulation costs, transport to the Correos office, etc.? Customer Benefits Customers can know at any moment how much the costs for his delivery will be, depending on the current package weight up to 2 kgs (if they select the ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service)?

#5545 Login with amazon and pay button (include extra fee)

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Login with amazon and pay button (include extra fee)

This module adds "Login With Amazon" preventing your customers register, also includes the payment button "Amazon Payments" with the ability to optionally charge an extra fee to the customer.? Identity Identify Amazon customers when they login to your website. With Login with Amazon, you get the customer?s name and email address so you can personalize their on-site experience. Millions of online shoppers can now register with your site using the information stored in their Amazon account. Inline checkout Customers won?t leave your website to enter payment information. Maintain a consistent brand experience and help increase the likelihood of conversion by keeping more customers on your site. Fraud protection Help reduce your costs and protect your business with Amazon?s proven fraud protection, at no additional cost to you. Include button Login with Amazon (You can run without the Pay with Amazon) Include button Pay with Amazon (You can run without the Login with Amazon) Include Refound Money Sandbox Mode (Check that the module is operating properly before putting it into production) Asynchronous mode, orders are not verified instantly enabling faster payment process Does not require cronjob, pending orders are processed with visiting your website Customizing the login button and payment, you can choose three formats other than payment button Your Web site must have a valid SSL (HTTPS)?certificate This module only works in USA, Germany and?United Kingdom

#5512 Banco Popular Virtual POS (Redsys) - Card payment

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

This module allows you to integrate a Banco Popular Virtual POS based on the Redsys system, with which you can accept payments by credit card or debit card. Installation on your PrestaShop store will not take more than 2 minutes. Pre-configured with default values ??for quick and easy installation. You only need to enter 3 parameters to have your?Virtual POS running: trade name, trade code and password. Possibility to select between Real?environment and Testing environment. Possibility of emptying the client shopping cart?when an error occurs in the payment. Ability to add a surcharge on card payments. Compatible with multi-language shops: payment gateway page is displayed in the language chosen by the customer to navigate your website. Compatible with Responsive themes: your customers can place orders and complete payments from smartphones and tablets. Transactions are performed directly on the page of the payment gateway (Redsys), avoiding the need to implement additional security measures on your website. The pages of the ordering process include cool high quality?images, with modern and professional design to give greater confidence to your customers. Confirmation?and error pages after the payment process include clear and concise information, which helps the customer to complete the purchase process safely and without complications. Supported cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Citicorp.???SupportInstallation assistance and technical support at no additional charge.???UpdatesWe keep the module always updated, ensuring correct operation in future versions of PrestaShop and Redsys.???RefundIf you have any problems due to failure of the module and we can not fix it, we guarantee full refund. This module is specially designed for?Banco Popular Virtual POS but is compatible with any bank attached to the?Redsys platform: Banca March Banca Pueyo Banco Alcal? Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Banco Caixa Geral Banco Caminos Banco Cooperativo Espa?ol Banco de Caja Espa?a de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria Banco de Sabadell Banco Depositario BBVA Banco Espirito Santo, Sucursal en Espa?a Banco Etcheverr?a Banco Finantia Sofinloc Banco Gallego Banco Mediolanum Banco Popular Espa?ol Banco Santander Bancofar Bankia Bankinter Bankoa Barclays Bank Barclays Bank PLC BBVA Banco de Financiaci?n Caixa de Credit dels Enginyers - Caja de Cr?dito de los Ingenieros Caixa Popular Caixa Rural Altea Caixa Rural de Callosa d?En Sarria Caixa Rural de l?Alcudia Caixa Rural Galega Caixa Rural la Vall "San Isidro" Caixa Rural Sant Vicent Ferrer de la Vall d?Uixo Caixabank Caja de Arquitectos, Sociedad Cooperativa de Cr?dito Caja de Cr?dito Cooperativo Caja de Cr?dito de Petrel, Caja Rural Caja Laboral Popular Caja Rural Central Caja Rural d?Algemes? Caja Rural de Albacete, Ciudad Real y Cuenca, Sociedad Cooperativa de Cr?dito Caja Rural de Alginet Caja Rural de Almendralejo Caja Rural de Arag?n Caja Rural de Asturias Caja Rural de Burgos, Fuentepelayo, Segovia y Castelldans Caja Rural de Casas Ib??ez Caja Rural de Castilla-la Mancha Caja Rural de Cheste Caja Rural de C?rdoba Caja Rural de Extremadura Caja Rural de Gij?n Caja Rural de Granada Caja Rural de Guissona Caja Rural de Ja?n Caja Rural de Navarra Caja Rural de Salamanca Caja Rural de Soria Caja Rural de Teruel Caja Rural de Torrent Caja Rural de Utrera Caja Rural de Zamora Caja Rural del Sur Caja Rural Nuestra Se?ora del Rosario Caja Rural San Jos? de Almassora Cajamar Caja Rural Cajas Rurales Unidas Cajasiete, Caja Rural Catalunya Banc Citibank Espa?a Deutsche Bank Entre2 Servicios Financieros Finconsum Sabadell Solbank Sociedad Conjunta para la Emisi?n y Gesti?n de Medios de Pago Unoe Bank

#5502 Responsive Slideshow Gallery

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

So Responsive! So Customizable! So Modern! With module "Responsive Slideshow Gallery" you can show featured content in beatiful slideshow gallery on your Prestashop store.? ? ??"Responsive Slideshow Gallery" is an enhanced tool to create Responsive and Beautiful Galleries for your store. You can add gallery into a simple, robust and lightweight slideshow. This Prestashop Gallerry is a premium module which is good looks and really well thought out workflow. It makes super easy to manage and deploy galleries across your store. Gallery is fully responsive and it will support to any device such as iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows phone etc. Slideshow gallery on store helps to keep it looking fresh and keeping your audience engaged. Fully responsive ? will adapt to any device. Gallery mode to create an image slideshow with thumbnails. Supports swipe and mouse Drag. Auto play and infinite loop to create a content slideshow. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE7+ Auto width, Vertical Slide, Adaptive height, Rtl support? Easy instalation. Quick integration. HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power. CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean. Full documentation. Support.

#5569 Orders reference format to your liking

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:19 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Orders reference format to your liking

Customizing of orders reference with a variety of a dynamic lexicon words Save time: no need to delve into all the tabs for information about a command Internal Management Facility Personnalitation effective ERP software third Glossary varied to give you all the customization options Present wherever the order is available: email, invoices, admin, ...? This module provides a varied vocabulary to customize the references of your order to your liking. You have a configuration fields that allows you to use your own words and terms in the lexicon to form references command at your leisure.?? ?This reference will be changed everywhere bills, mail, administration, order history, ....This lexicon is composed of:?? ??? ?- [ORDER] Represents the identifier of the order?? ??? ?- [CART] Represents the cart identifier?? ??? ?- [CUSTOMER] Represents the ID of the customer placing the order?? ??? ?- [YYYY] or [YY] Represents the current year in four digits for [YYYY] and two digits for [YY]?? ??? ?- [MM] Represents the current month?? ??? ?- [DD] Represents the current day?? ??? ?- [RX] Represents the status of the order. It is defined as a function of X. Ansi:?? ??? ?* [RY] is the rank of the command in the current year?? ??? ?* [RM] is the rank of the command in the current month?? ??? ?* [RD] is the rank of the command in the current dayFor example:?? ??? ?* COM- [ORDER] - [CART] - [DD] / [MM] / [YY] - [RD] will give you example COM-10-20-13 / 04 / 15-3 where 10 is the id of Order, 20 and the id of the basket, 4/13/15 is the current date and 3 means "third order of the day"?? ??? ?* # [ORDER] / [RY] - [YYYY] will give you example # 10 / 100-2015 where 10 is the id of the order, 100-15 means "100th command does 2015". The next control in this case will certainly # 11 / 101-2015?? ??? ?* # [ORDER] - [CUSTOMER] / [RY] - [YYYY] will give you example # 10-15 / 100-2015 where 10 is the id of the command, 15 is the id of the customer placing the order 100-15 and means "100th command does 2015". The next control in this case will certainly # 11-15 / 101-2015 (if the same customer who placed the order yet)?? ?Note that you can use any string that does not belong to the lexicon. And these will concerv?es as is.

#5474 Fs2Ps: From FactuSOL to Prestashop in one clic

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Do you have a real shop managed with FactuSOL and are thinking about jumping to Internet? Try Fs2Ps connector and upload your catalog to Prestashop in one clic. This module will save you hours of work and headaches to get catalog and stock sinchronized between FactuSOL and Prestashop. Just worry about using FactuSOL as usual. After that you only have to press a button to send changes to Prestashop. Do you need support for producs with combinations of sizes and colors? Do not worry. Fs2Ps handles this also. Video What Fs2Ps does? Fs2Ps is able to migrate this information from FactuSOL to Prestashop: Sections and families estructure. Products. Manufactures. Products images. Sizes and colours. Stock and prices of simple products, and also for products with combinations of sizes and colours. How can I select the products to be migrated? Enabling the check "Allow the user of this product in the web" of a product, family or section, you will tell to Fs2Ps to migrate all the products inside. But remember, if a product is migrated, the family and the section containig the product will be show in Prestashop as nested categories containing the product,?although neither the family nor the section have been selected?to migrate. Which are the limitations of?Fs2Ps? The purpose of Fs2Ps is to make it ease for real shops using Fs2Ps to migrate to Prestashop. When there are conflicts between FactuSOL and Prestashop, Fs2Ps allways considers that the info in the FactuSOL side is the good one. So the information allways travel from FactuSOL to Prestashop and not the other. At least by the moment, Fs2Ps is not able to take Prestashop orders and migrate them to FactuSOL. But this feature may be added in future releases of Fs2Ps. ?

#5471 Customers Pictures on your product pages

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

This module allows your customers to publish their own pictures on?your?product pages, in order to show them on the product footer, in the same way that the customers reviews. Increase, thanks to?your customers, the number of pictures presenting your products. Additionally, these pictures are usually pictures "in situation",?it will allow your prospective buyers to plan the use of the products. Moderate pictures in the back-office, or self-validation Choice of resizing pictures published in "thumbnail" version (preview) and "large" version (fancybox) Displaying the form in front--office?in a fancybox Email Notification when a new picture is published Opening of the feature only to registered customers, or to all your visitors Display front-office as bullet?list Light and fast Module Customer Benefits Your potential customers can see how your product is used by your previous customers, so that they can imagine how to use it.