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#5558 Facebook Page Plugin Pop-up

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Facebook Page Plugin Pop-up

This module gives you the ability to add a popup layer (window) with the new?Facebook Page Plugin when your webshop loads and asking them to ?like? your Facebook Page. Its help you promote through social media. ? This module gives you the ability to add a popup layer with a Facebook Page Plugin and any custom HTML content. You can add an extra image or text on the top or bottom of the popup window. You are able to ask your visitors to join your Facebook Page ? - Grow your fan base on Facebook - Increase sales through social media - Inform your fans about your new products or special offers ?- Fully customizable Facebook Page Plugin Width Height Hide Cover Photo Show Friend's Faces Show Page Posts - Extra content with WYSIWYG HTML Editor or HTML source - Pop-up window style settings: Overlay color and opacity Border color, opacity, radius and width Content padding Close button position Background color - Pop-up window behavior settings Delay open Automatic close Transition type ands speed Cookie expiration Customer Benefits - The customers can get offers from your Facebook Page - The customers easily find your Facebook Page

#5570 Dynamic Events Calendar

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:19 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Dynamic Events Calendar

Add complete custom events in your sidebar listing of product and a dedicated page with an interactive calendar ! Keep your customers informed of all your shows and help them to join you with Google Maps geolocation. ? Dynamic Events Calendar allows you to view all types of events on your Website, your next three events appear in your sidebar product list and an interactive calendar on a dedicated page. Dynamic Events Calendar?brings you closer to your customers by giving them appointments to all your exhibitions, shows, etc ... This allows you to retain your regulars and give appointment to potential new customers. Due to its highly modular construction, you can create comprehensive events, the description of your event is managed via the integral text editor of your shop. With a rich configuration interface, you will create your events without special technical knowledge : ????Responsive ????Multilingual ????Unlimited number of events ????Simple and complete customization ????Automatic generation of your schedule compared to your events ????All types of content and media managed Creating complete events : ???? Title ???? Start date ???? End date ???? Address of the place ???? Geolocation ???? Description with complete editor ???? Title Color ???? Background color Display in the sidebar listing product : ???? 3 upcoming events ???? Display the title and the date of start / end ???? Displaying the description by clicking on Modal ???? Management of the title block ???? Changing the block link to send to an external URL (Google calendar) Page dedicated to Calendar Interactive : ???? Multilingual Interactive Calendar ???? Fully responsive ???? Visual Style Bootstrap ???? As color and background editable events Customer Benefits Dynamic Events Calendar allows your customers to know all your shows in details to follow you and you meet new customers

#5515 Dimensional Characteristics and Measures Features

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Add dimension to the feature. For example, you can set dimention "kg" to the characteristic Weight (insted of putting "3 kg" in Value field, you write "3" and have "Weight, kg : 3"). ? ?You can create good-looking feature values in catalog filter (Layered navigation block) and in product card. Adding dimension of features become easy. ?This module gives an opportunity to make integer feature values simply in catalog filter without dimensions. Only features name consists dimension. ?

#5616 Delivery days

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:27 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Delivery days

Allow your customers to select a delivery date! They will be more likely to order on your shop. Allow your customers to select a delivery date! They will be more likely to order on your shop. You can export orders for delivery and products to prepare for a specific date. If you want the requested delivery date may appear on the invoice and the delivery (core modification required). This module can be useful for?delivery of fresh produce, flowers or birthday presents... You can choose : the days of week available for delivery minimum days before delivery maximum hour for ordering Non delivery days Maximum days avaible for delivery If the delivery day is required for ordering If the merchant will receive the delivery day when the order is validated If the customer will receive the delivery day when the order is validated The requested delivery date appears in the order detail in admin panel. You can export orders for delivery and products to prepare for a specific date. If you want the requested delivery date may appear on the invoice and the delivery (core modification required). This module has an automatic update and personalized support if you register it. Customer Benefits Your customer will receive the product the day it will have previously chosen on your site. Save time: the product will be delivered on time to the recipient Transparency and loyalty: your client may renew their purchases since it will have obtained from you transparency in terms of delivery time.

#5471 Customers Pictures on your product pages

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

This module allows your customers to publish their own pictures on?your?product pages, in order to show them on the product footer, in the same way that the customers reviews. Increase, thanks to?your customers, the number of pictures presenting your products. Additionally, these pictures are usually pictures "in situation",?it will allow your prospective buyers to plan the use of the products. Moderate pictures in the back-office, or self-validation Choice of resizing pictures published in "thumbnail" version (preview) and "large" version (fancybox) Displaying the form in front--office?in a fancybox Email Notification when a new picture is published Opening of the feature only to registered customers, or to all your visitors Display front-office as bullet?list Light and fast Module Customer Benefits Your potential customers can see how your product is used by your previous customers, so that they can imagine how to use it.

#5611 Custo.me Facebook Like Box + Coupons + Connect

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:25 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Custo.me Facebook Like Box + Coupons + Connect

This module allow you to display your fan on your shop. You can create multiple coupons and integrate facebook connect. Likebox : Increase your popularity on facebook while displaying your fans or your shop and a like button.Coupons : Increase your fan number and create a referral program. The module assign your fan on a group fan on your shop. To this group you can give multiple coupons along the year with different filters. ??? Create a group of customer in your shop backoffice ??? Create a prices rules and assign it to the group ??? Link the module to the group ??? Connect : Your customer can create an account faster using facebook connect. Display your facebook fan in your PrestaShop Create coupons for fan ( PS 1.4 / 1.5 ) Facebook connect Customer Benefits Your customer get coupons when they become a fan of your shop and can create an account faster using facebook connect

#5454 Correos - Carta certificada nacional

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Returns the cost of the spanish Correos ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service based on the package weight (up to 2 kgs) and destination. This module asks correos and gets the most updated price for every order. The costs for a ?Carta Certificada Nacional? Correos service can vary according the weight and destination.To obtain the cost is required to check the Correos website and fill a form. Additionally, the costs can vary in time without any notice making difficult to maintain the prices in PrestaShop.This module allows to obtain automatically in every moment the current costs to make a delivery using the weight and destination of the current customer shopping cart.Our service maintain updated in every moment the prices provided by Correos.?? Our service, through this module, can calculate in real time, the delivery costs for the customer from his shopping cart weight and destination without any limitation in the petitions number to our service, avoiding populate the table "Shipping locations and costs" of Prestashop.The module allows to price delivery costs in Spain and Balearic zones.It is possible to configure a fixed extra cost that can be used to represent the manipulation costs, transport to the Correos office, etc.? Customer Benefits Customers can know at any moment how much the costs for his delivery will be, depending on the current package weight up to 2 kgs (if they select the ?Carta Certificada Nacional? service)?

#5583 Combinations table - attributes matrix

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:19 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Combinations table - attributes matrix

Module displays attributes matrix on product page. This tool allows to easily browse available variations of the product based on its combinations (attributes). You can easily add selected attributes of product to cart, also in bulk. Possibility to display product combinations in attractive way, with combination thumbnail, price, availablility, and with all attributes like color etc. Video The main feature of this addon is possibility to add combinations table (attributes grid) to your product pages.Module contains a lot of features to personalize it, here i attached the list of the most important of them.? you can display image of combination you can enable fancybox zoom (click on thumbnail to enlarge picture) you can select image type to display it as a thumbnail you can select image type to display it as a enlarged picture of thumbnail you can define the way of how attributes will appear in attributes matrix.? a) All atributes in one column (for example: size: XL, color: red, material: cotton) B) Attributes in separated columns (each attribute will have own column - it's great for sort purposes) you can select the way of color attribute will appear. You can display this kind of attribute as: a) colored box (module will display square with color) B) display color as text (red, blue, orange) you can hide out of stock products you can display combination price you can display price with or without tax you can display attribute reference you can display combination name you can display available quantity of combination you can display availability (to order) of combination you can display add to cart feature (this allows to add selected combination to cart) you can display add to cart quantity field you can enable combinations table sort feature (each column will have a possibility to sort, WOW!) you can enable ajax cart feature you can enable "add to cart in bulk" option - with this option you will be able to add many combinations to cart with one mouse click - WOW! You can hide default add to cart block for each product, or for selected products only You can display combinations table only for selected products Customer Benefits Possibility to see all available combinations of product in an attractive way. This means - high usability for customer experience.

#4 Cant activate left column prestashop 1.6

Posted by javier.propescu on 03 April 2014 - 03:04 PM in PrestaShop settings & configuration



i can't activate left column in my prestashop 1.6

it's a updated version (from


i go to preferences > themes then i click on "default bootstrap" theme, and i see page to configure the columns visibility, when i want to enable or disable column i see:


[color=rgb(104,115,127);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:13px;]"An error occurred while updating this meta"[/color]

no matter what and where i click.

#5512 Banco Popular Virtual POS (Redsys) - Card payment

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

This module allows you to integrate a Banco Popular Virtual POS based on the Redsys system, with which you can accept payments by credit card or debit card. Installation on your PrestaShop store will not take more than 2 minutes. Pre-configured with default values ??for quick and easy installation. You only need to enter 3 parameters to have your?Virtual POS running: trade name, trade code and password. Possibility to select between Real?environment and Testing environment. Possibility of emptying the client shopping cart?when an error occurs in the payment. Ability to add a surcharge on card payments. Compatible with multi-language shops: payment gateway page is displayed in the language chosen by the customer to navigate your website. Compatible with Responsive themes: your customers can place orders and complete payments from smartphones and tablets. Transactions are performed directly on the page of the payment gateway (Redsys), avoiding the need to implement additional security measures on your website. The pages of the ordering process include cool high quality?images, with modern and professional design to give greater confidence to your customers. Confirmation?and error pages after the payment process include clear and concise information, which helps the customer to complete the purchase process safely and without complications. Supported cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Citicorp.???SupportInstallation assistance and technical support at no additional charge.???UpdatesWe keep the module always updated, ensuring correct operation in future versions of PrestaShop and Redsys.???RefundIf you have any problems due to failure of the module and we can not fix it, we guarantee full refund. This module is specially designed for?Banco Popular Virtual POS but is compatible with any bank attached to the?Redsys platform: Banca March Banca Pueyo Banco Alcal? Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Banco Caixa Geral Banco Caminos Banco Cooperativo Espa?ol Banco de Caja Espa?a de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria Banco de Sabadell Banco Depositario BBVA Banco Espirito Santo, Sucursal en Espa?a Banco Etcheverr?a Banco Finantia Sofinloc Banco Gallego Banco Mediolanum Banco Popular Espa?ol Banco Santander Bancofar Bankia Bankinter Bankoa Barclays Bank Barclays Bank PLC BBVA Banco de Financiaci?n Caixa de Credit dels Enginyers - Caja de Cr?dito de los Ingenieros Caixa Popular Caixa Rural Altea Caixa Rural de Callosa d?En Sarria Caixa Rural de l?Alcudia Caixa Rural Galega Caixa Rural la Vall "San Isidro" Caixa Rural Sant Vicent Ferrer de la Vall d?Uixo Caixabank Caja de Arquitectos, Sociedad Cooperativa de Cr?dito Caja de Cr?dito Cooperativo Caja de Cr?dito de Petrel, Caja Rural Caja Laboral Popular Caja Rural Central Caja Rural d?Algemes? Caja Rural de Albacete, Ciudad Real y Cuenca, Sociedad Cooperativa de Cr?dito Caja Rural de Alginet Caja Rural de Almendralejo Caja Rural de Arag?n Caja Rural de Asturias Caja Rural de Burgos, Fuentepelayo, Segovia y Castelldans Caja Rural de Casas Ib??ez Caja Rural de Castilla-la Mancha Caja Rural de Cheste Caja Rural de C?rdoba Caja Rural de Extremadura Caja Rural de Gij?n Caja Rural de Granada Caja Rural de Guissona Caja Rural de Ja?n Caja Rural de Navarra Caja Rural de Salamanca Caja Rural de Soria Caja Rural de Teruel Caja Rural de Torrent Caja Rural de Utrera Caja Rural de Zamora Caja Rural del Sur Caja Rural Nuestra Se?ora del Rosario Caja Rural San Jos? de Almassora Cajamar Caja Rural Cajas Rurales Unidas Cajasiete, Caja Rural Catalunya Banc Citibank Espa?a Deutsche Bank Entre2 Servicios Financieros Finconsum Sabadell Solbank Sociedad Conjunta para la Emisi?n y Gesti?n de Medios de Pago Unoe Bank

#5588 AtraNewProducts

Posted by javier.propescu on 23 November 2015 - 02:25 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: AtraNewProducts

AtraNewsProducts module Block to display new products of your e-shop with shading effect. ? You can: - Define display duration for products - Select to hide the block if no new product - Select the maximum number of product to display ? Demonstration: http://demo.atragene-saas.com/shop7 (right column) Compatibility : Tested on Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorere 8, Firefox 3.5 and 3.6, Chrome 4.1 Tested with Prestashop 1.2.5 and 1.3 beta