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There have been 2 items by George Loo (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#15958 Magento vs Shopify

Posted by George Loo on 01 August 2017 - 08:14 AM in Magento general discussions

I fully agree with you, this is an eternal question which CMS is better.

#15959 What is the best shopping cart for your business? WooCommerce or Magento

Posted by George Loo on 01 August 2017 - 09:15 AM in Magento general discussions

I have already decided on e-commerce platform. Magento completely satisfied me, I do not want to experiment with other. Recently I connected myself to the site magento 2 multi warehouse extension I liked how it was integrated. This company has me correctly set it up, there are no problems at all.