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#21591 10 Best eCommerce Platforms in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 19 July 2021 - 11:42 AM in Magento general discussions

Looking for the best eCommerce platforms is quite a challenging task as your business entirely depends on the CMS platform you opt for. Ecommerce platforms should be selected keeping in mind the long-term growth.
The feature-rich best online store platforms offer functionalities that allow businesses to carry out businesses with the best user experience, payment experience, and utmost security.

Top Best eCommerce Website Builders in 2021:
  1. Shopify
  2. Magento
  3. WooCommerce
  4. BigCommerce
  5. Wix
  6. Squarespace
  7. 3DCart
  8. Volusion
  9. Prestashop
  10. Ecwid
Things to Consider While Selecting Best CMS for eCommerce:
  1. Offers a customer’s eyes view

  2. Excellent order management

  3. Security

  4. Good support

Follow the guide at https://meetanshi.co...erce-platforms/ to give you an insight into a list of eCommerce platforms available in the market that would help you to select the best and cheapest eCommerce platform available!

#21624 10 Best Payment Gateways in UK [2021]

Posted by Meetanshi on 22 July 2021 - 11:40 AM in Magento general discussions

A payment gateway facilitates customers to make fast and secure payments, ensuring smooth cash flow.
For setting up an online store all it requires is an eCommerce website builder and excellent payment gateway integration.
It would be quite confusing to find the best payment gateway in UK when there are many options available in the market. Here's a list of the best payment gateways for UK that helps to boost the payment experience of the store with a customer base in the United Kingdoms.
10 Best UK Payment Gateways:
  1. Worldpay
  2. PayPal
  3. Stripe
  4. Sage pay
  5. Amazon Pay
  6. Braintree
  7. 2Checkout
  8. Authorize.Net
  9. Cardstream
  10. Klarna
Factors to Consider While Choosing the Best Payment Gateway for Your Business:
  1. Security
  2. Payment Methods Supported
  3. Budget
  4. Support Service
  5. Integration Process
  6. Support for Partial Payments
  7. Bank Settlement Time
  8. Responsiveness
  9. Checkout
  10. Recurring Billing
After determining the cost and the requirement of the payment gateway features in your business, choose the payment gateway that offers a secure payment gateway for your customers. Read the detailed guide at https://meetanshi.com/blog/best-payment-gateways-in-uk/


#21574 10 Best Payment Gateways in USA [2021]

Posted by Meetanshi on 16 July 2021 - 09:45 AM in Magento general discussions

Select the best payment gateways in USA that will enhance the security in online payments, customer experience, and increase sales!
If you are a business in the US, you have multiple options to choose from among the top payment gateways in USA. Based on factors like easy integration, compatibility with your CMS, security, pricing, and ease of use, you need to select the best us payment gateway from the list.
Top 10 List of Payment Gateways in USA:
  1. PayPal
  2. Authorize.Net
  3. Stripe
  4. 2Checkout
  5. Amazon Pay
  6. PaySimple
  7. WePay
  8. Braintree
  9. Payline
  10. WorldPay (Direct)
How to Choose the Right Payment Gateway for your Business?
  1. Supported Payment Types
  2. Secure Transactions
  3. Hosted or Direct Payment Method
  4. Consolidation of Payments
For more information, you may visit https://meetanshi.co...ateways-in-usa/


#21660 10 Best Social Media Management Tools [2021]

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 July 2021 - 11:48 AM in Magento general discussions

Managing your social platforms is crucial as it helps to find new customers, drive more traffic to your website, and can even stay connected with your existing clients.
Social media management tools facilitate you to automate, analyze, and can focus more on social media accounts.
Top 10 Best Social Media Scheduler of 2021:
  1. Hootsuite
  2. Buffer
  3. Sprout Social
  4. Sendible
  5. Agora Pulse
  6. eClincher
  7. Social Pilot
  8. Coschedule
  9. Loomly
  10. MavSocial
Make the most out of the social media platforms for your businesses. And in this process, these social media management tools helps achieve your goal faster!


#21346 12 Benefits Of E-commerce Product Customization & Personalization

Posted by Meetanshi on 17 June 2021 - 01:45 PM in Magento general discussions

The best way to offer your customers exactly what they want is possible by offering them the facility to customize and personalize products. When E-commerce product customization and personalization planned out thoughtfully, it can add value to your store.


Offer such facility and leverage the benefit of customer engagement, satisfactory shopping experience, and impressive revenue!


#21403 15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 June 2021 - 11:45 AM in Magento general discussions

WhatsApp is most popular messaging app in the world. Considering the high demand for leveraging WhatsApp for a business perspective, WhatsApp launched WhatsApp Business application.
15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021:
  1. Create a Business Profile
  2. Create Broadcasts and Groups Effectively
  3. WhatsApp on your Website
  4. Greet Customers with Welcome Message
  5. Create a Catalogue
  6. Leverage Contacts as Leads
  7. Share Coupon Codes
  8. Use Quick Messages
  9. Feedback
  10. Personal Touch
  11. Customer Support
  12. Giveaway
  13. Create Useful Content
  14. Demo your Product
  15. Allow Special Access
If you keen on using WhatsApp for business, check more details at https://meetanshi.co...p-for-business/

#21334 7 Reasons to Set up Facebook Shop for E-commerce Store in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 16 June 2021 - 01:19 PM in Magento general discussions

Have you integrated your Ecommerce store with Facebook? If not, then you need to look over 7 reasons to set up Facebook shop for E-commerce store in 2021.


Don't miss out the benefits ofReaching out to new customers, getting product reviews, posting new content, and generating revenue for your business



#19907 Best Practices for E-commerce Thank You Page

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 September 2020 - 07:41 AM in Magento general discussions

Thank you Page increases the credibility and shopping experience of customers. Therefore, it is better to leverage a thank you page for E-commerce. 



These are the eight outstanding practices for Thank You Page for E-commerce. https://meetanshi.co...thank-you-page/


#21352 How Experts are Leveraging SMS Notification in E-commerce

Posted by Meetanshi on 18 June 2021 - 12:52 PM in Magento general discussions

The benefits of SMS functionality in online stores can't be underestimated. It's the best way to keep the customers updated about their store activities. Clear up the confusion with this talk of how experts are leveraging SMS notification in E-commerce.


Offer your customer notification regarding their store activities like new order placement, cancellation, a contact inquiry, website registration, etc and leverage all the benefits of SMS notification


#21326 How To Add A Column To Existing Database Table In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 June 2021 - 01:33 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you looking for the method to add a column to existing database table in Magento 2? This method can be useful when you need to add the order delivery date column to the order table or any column in the table.
Magento 2 offers a facility to create, upgrade or delete a table in the database. Additionally, whenever we need to add columns to an existing table, it can be done easily and quickly.


#19953 How To Add A Column To Existing Database Table In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 06 October 2020 - 07:24 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 allows a developer to create, upgrade, or delete a table in the database. 

Learn the programmatic method to add a column to existing database table in Magento 2 at https://meetanshi.co...e-in-magento-2/


#20174 How to Add a Custom Column in Magento 2 Products Grid

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 December 2020 - 07:18 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 does not support to add a custom column in Magento 2 product grid. However, you can add columns like stock, quantity, website or any data that is not product attribute using the programmatic solution given in this post.


#19893 How to Add a Custom Column in Order Grid in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 22 September 2020 - 06:51 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 sales order grid offers a number of columns to easily manage the order processing. However, the admin may need to add a custom column in order grid in Magento 2 store which is not offered by default. 


Check the programmatic method to add a custom column in the sales order grid in Magento 2 store at https://meetanshi.com/blog/add-custom-column-in-order-grid-in-magento-2/

#20193 How to Add and edit Footer Links in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 December 2020 - 04:30 AM in Magento general discussions

Website footers may not be the place with great design or content, but its the place where the visitors look for the details.

The Magento 2 store owners cannot afford to miss any vital details or links in the footer and hence visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/add-and-edit-footer-links-in-magento-2/


#20127 How to Add Category Attribute to Custom Attribute Group in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 November 2020 - 04:48 AM in Magento general discussions

When you are developing a module and need to customize the native feature or add a new feature altogether, adding a custom group is a must. For example, integrating a third-party API and using a category attribute!  


Learn the method to add category attribute to custom attribute group in Magento 2

#20076 How to Add Category Column to Product Grid in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 10 November 2020 - 05:03 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 product grid allows adding columns of the product attribute. However, adding custom columns of category in the product grid in Magento 2 is not easy.

#20070 How to Add CLI Commands in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 09 November 2020 - 06:50 AM in Magento general discussions

 Command Line Interface (CLI) allows the developers to use default commands to manage modules and indexes, generate classes and carry out database updates. It is useful for tasks like installation of Magento, clearing cache, update database schema and so on.


Adding CLI commands in Magento 2 is also possible for utilizing multiple benefits.

For more details, visit https://meetanshi.co...s-in-magento-2/

#20322 How to Add Custom Block in Checkout Success Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 05 January 2021 - 07:27 AM in Magento general discussions

One of the most vital pages of a store is the checkout success page therefore, to improve the customer experience, optimizing this page is necessary.


Check the programmatic solution to add custom block in checkout success page in Magento 2


#19901 How To Add Custom CSS and JS in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 September 2020 - 05:28 AM in Magento general discussions

Add custom CSS and JS in Magento 2 is useful to improve the layout and design of the store to attract customers and improve the shopping experience. 
This programmatic method makes it easy to add a custom CSS and JS to Magento 2 store. Visit: https://meetanshi.co...s-in-magento-2/


#21274 How to Add Custom Customer Attribute in Registration Form in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 June 2021 - 02:51 PM in Magento general discussions

Offering the best products, services, and customer experience is one of the most essential tasks in an eCommerce store that makes it possible to know the customer base. One such aspect to fulfil those requirements, the store owner needs to add custom customer attribute in registration form in Magento 2.


The store owner can create fields that are not a part of the default Magento 2 like mobile number, interest/hobbies, images, GST number, etc. Collect maximum customer information using such tactics.


#20179 How to Add Custom Entries To Admin System Configuration in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 December 2020 - 05:08 AM in Magento general discussions

Being a Magento 2 developer, you may require to add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2 while developing a custom module.

Learn the programmatic solution to
add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2.


#21303 How to Add Custom JS Validation Rule in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 June 2021 - 09:56 AM in Magento general discussions

Have you ever required to set validations before serving the products or services to customers? Have you also faced the situation where the validations of default Magento 2 are not enough for your business requirement and you need to add custom JS validation rule in Magento 2?


Processing the data of fake or unwanted users would be a waste of time. We can restrict such kind of users by validating the contact form or any other forms using this code. You can apply custom validations like the correct format of email addresses, or the contact number of the particular country only to be allowed.


#20366 How to Add Custom Menu Item in Magento 2 Frontend

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 January 2021 - 10:36 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 generates the menu link while adding the category and enabling "Include in Menu" option of the category.

However, it does not allow to
add custom menu item in Magento 2 frontend that helps the users to find the link of an important page or form.


#20279 How to Add Date of Birth in Registration Form in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 December 2020 - 05:37 AM in Magento general discussions

There are multiple reasons to add the date of birth attribute in registration form such as it is helpful to know the age group of customers and using the age group, the store owner can use effective marketing strategies.

Well, don't worry as the default Magento 2 allows to add date of birth in registration form.

Check the steps to add date of birth in registration form in Magento 2

#20061 How to Add EAV Attribute for the Product in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 05 November 2020 - 05:26 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento has two types of attributes that can be used to provide extra functionalities, i.e., Eav attributes and extension attributes.
Entry attribute value (eav) attributes are the attributes added by the merchant from the admin panel to describe the products.
Add Eav attribute for the Product in Magento 2 using the programmatic method easily!