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#21471 Magento 2 Saved Credit Card

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 July 2021 - 11:17 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Saved Credit Card by Meetanshi lets customer save their credit card details in the Magento 2 database using built in encryption for offline order processing.

The default offered the feature to save credit card details in encrypted format for offline order processing. However the Magento 2 platform does not support it. To overcome this default limitation, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Saved Credit Card extension.

The extension allows customers to save the credit card information in the database using the Magento's built-in encryption mechanism. Use the method when you have a card terminal in a brick and mortar store or have access to a virtual terminal.

Note: It is advisable to check the PCI Complaince standard applying to your country before using the Magento 2 Saved Credit Card module 

Benefits of Magento 2 Saved Credit Card:

  • Save credit card details including card type, number, and expiration date.
  • The extension saves the credit card details in the encrypted format.
  • Use the saved information for online and offline orders.
  • For offline orders, use the Magento built-in CC validation
  • Display custom title for the payment method.
  • Display credit card logo on the checkout page.
  • Set status for the new orders placed using this payment method.
  • Allow selected credit cards to allow using this payment method.
  • Allow selected countries to use the Saved Credit Card payment method.
  • Let admin see the customers' credit card details.
  • Admin can wipe out the credit card information after processing the order.
  • Collapse the credit card details view by enabling the mask mode.
  • View the credit card details using the "Show" link in the backend.
  • Display additional details on the checkout page.
  • Set conditions for the order total to use the saved credit card details.
  • Let customers check the payment details from the "My Account" section.
  • The admin can navigate to Sales > Order view in backend to see the payment details. 

For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...redit-card.html

#21459 Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates – Meetanshi Extension Explained

Posted by Meetanshi on 29 June 2021 - 10:53 AM in Magento general discussions

Are you finding the best way to offer multiple shipping options to customers that can deliver quickly and conveniently? The most beneficial solution is Magento 2 shipping table rates extension that can help you to beat the competitors by providing an excellent user experience!


This extension allows choosing various shipping options based on shipping destination, Product Weight, Price, and Quantity in Magento 2 store. Moreover, customers can choose a more suitable shipping method from among the different custom shipping methods available.


Visit: https://meetanshi.com/blog/magento-2-shipping-table-rates-meetanshi/

#21403 15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 June 2021 - 11:45 AM in Magento general discussions

WhatsApp is most popular messaging app in the world. Considering the high demand for leveraging WhatsApp for a business perspective, WhatsApp launched WhatsApp Business application.
15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021:
  1. Create a Business Profile
  2. Create Broadcasts and Groups Effectively
  3. WhatsApp on your Website
  4. Greet Customers with Welcome Message
  5. Create a Catalogue
  6. Leverage Contacts as Leads
  7. Share Coupon Codes
  8. Use Quick Messages
  9. Feedback
  10. Personal Touch
  11. Customer Support
  12. Giveaway
  13. Create Useful Content
  14. Demo your Product
  15. Allow Special Access
If you keen on using WhatsApp for business, check more details at https://meetanshi.co...p-for-business/

#21388 How to Stop Spam Registrations in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 22 June 2021 - 12:30 PM in Magento general discussions

Spam registrations are a result of bots all over the internet, trying to exploit your store and harm your business. The fake signup process uses the fake email address or the real Email IDs without the knowledge of the owners. To save the business from a huge damage, store owners must stop spam registrations in Magento 2.


The bots activity affects your user experience, email campaigns, and overall business. Customers will have a wrong image of your store. Also, you won’t be able to get the actual idea of where you stand in the market with all the wrong traffic.

Get useful tips to stop spam registrations in the store at https://meetanshi.co....-in-magento-2/

#21378 How to Select The Best Magento 2 Migration Agency

Posted by Meetanshi on 21 June 2021 - 01:14 PM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 is better than Magento 1 in every aspect and this should be enough to compel every merchant to migrate to Magento 2 and stay ahead of the competition. However, selecting the best Magento 2 migration agency can be a tough task and hence you need to consult a professional company for the same!
Points to remember while hiring a Magento 2 Migration Company:
  1. Check the expertise in Magento
  2. Check the experience in Magento 2 migration process
  3. Check their migration process
  4. Check their past process
  5. Check their customer reviews
  6. Check their familiarity with the latest technologies
  7. Check the assurance they give for store’s security
  8. Check their other Magento related services
  9. Check their support services
  10. Check their delivery time
  11. Check the cost estimate
  12. Check their pre and post-migration service
Read in detail about how to select a Magento migration agency at https://meetanshi.co...gration-agency/

#21354 Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration

Posted by Meetanshi on 18 June 2021 - 01:30 PM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration by Meetanshi integrates Magento 2 store with Facebook shop.

Facebook remains the top social media platform even today among the competitors and leveraging it for the business is the first thing you should do if you want to get the most out of social media platforms. To make this easy for the Magento 2 store owners, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration extension.

Synchronize the store products with the Facebook store to allow visitors to check them on Facebook. With its rich features, the extension redirects the user to Magento 2 store cart and the product is already added to the cart, making the shopping process quick!

Boost sales and gain business from the Facebook platform by integrating it with Magento 2 store using the Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration extension.

Benefits of Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration:

  • Sync Magento 2 store products with Facebook shop with ease.
  • Manually generate product CSV to upload in the Facebook store and also schedule it with a fixed frequency and start time.
  • Opt-out the products that are out of stock while generating CSV
  • Apply the catalog rules for product pricing display.
  • Set Google category for products using category ID or name based on the Google Product Taxonomy
  • Enable/disable the product display in the Facebook shop
  • Set the product condition and its details in the Facebook shop
  • Use mass action for bulk updating the Facebook product status
  • The admin can update Facebook attributes for multiple products using "Update Attributes" mass action.
  • Create default mappings for the required fields.
  • With the "Add New Mapping" button, create new attribute mapping for required and missing fields.
  • Check the "Facebook Attribute Mapping" grid for the list of required Facebook fields.
  • Add new attribute code to create the new mapping. And for that, select Facebook attribute code and the Magento attribute code.
  • Create the Facebook product feed from Facebook Business Manager.
  • Show products under "Shop" on the Facebook page.
  • Allow users to check the product and its detail in the popup or in the store itself where they are redirected to the cart with that item already added to the cart.
  • Support for Instagram tagging and shoppable Instagram for the approved regions.
  • Supports multi-store
  • The backend grid "Product Feed CSV Log" lists details of CSV generation log like start date, finished at, triggered by, product IDs, status and message.

Implementing Instagram shopping using Magento 2 Facebook Product Feed Extension:


Meetanshi’s Magento 2 Facebook Store Integration supports shoppable Instagram too.  Using your Instagram account as a store, tag the images with your products, add their details, and link it your product pages.


A shopping bag is displayed in the corner of each Insta image and a user can see the product tags on hovering over them

For more information, visit https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-facebook-store-integration.html

#21352 How Experts are Leveraging SMS Notification in E-commerce

Posted by Meetanshi on 18 June 2021 - 12:52 PM in Magento general discussions

The benefits of SMS functionality in online stores can't be underestimated. It's the best way to keep the customers updated about their store activities. Clear up the confusion with this talk of how experts are leveraging SMS notification in E-commerce.


Offer your customer notification regarding their store activities like new order placement, cancellation, a contact inquiry, website registration, etc and leverage all the benefits of SMS notification


#21346 12 Benefits Of E-commerce Product Customization & Personalization

Posted by Meetanshi on 17 June 2021 - 01:45 PM in Magento general discussions

The best way to offer your customers exactly what they want is possible by offering them the facility to customize and personalize products. When E-commerce product customization and personalization planned out thoughtfully, it can add value to your store.


Offer such facility and leverage the benefit of customer engagement, satisfactory shopping experience, and impressive revenue!


#21334 7 Reasons to Set up Facebook Shop for E-commerce Store in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 16 June 2021 - 01:19 PM in Magento general discussions

Have you integrated your Ecommerce store with Facebook? If not, then you need to look over 7 reasons to set up Facebook shop for E-commerce store in 2021.


Don't miss out the benefits ofReaching out to new customers, getting product reviews, posting new content, and generating revenue for your business



#21326 How To Add A Column To Existing Database Table In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 June 2021 - 01:33 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you looking for the method to add a column to existing database table in Magento 2? This method can be useful when you need to add the order delivery date column to the order table or any column in the table.
Magento 2 offers a facility to create, upgrade or delete a table in the database. Additionally, whenever we need to add columns to an existing table, it can be done easily and quickly.


#21317 How To Get Customer Address Data By Address ID In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 14 June 2021 - 10:05 AM in Magento general discussions

Are you looking for a way to restrict the shipping of fragile or heavy items in certain areas? Managing the shipping process can be easy with organizing the customer addresses and in order to do so, you need to get customer address data by address ID in Magento 2


It's an easy programmatic way to get customer address data and customer address information using address ID in Magento 2 store. AddressRepositoryInterface is used to get Customer address data by Address ID.



#21303 How to Add Custom JS Validation Rule in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 June 2021 - 09:56 AM in Magento general discussions

Have you ever required to set validations before serving the products or services to customers? Have you also faced the situation where the validations of default Magento 2 are not enough for your business requirement and you need to add custom JS validation rule in Magento 2?


Processing the data of fake or unwanted users would be a waste of time. We can restrict such kind of users by validating the contact form or any other forms using this code. You can apply custom validations like the correct format of email addresses, or the contact number of the particular country only to be allowed.


#21297 How to Copy One Column to Another in SQL

Posted by Meetanshi on 10 June 2021 - 02:51 PM in Magento general discussions

Ever faced a situation where you misplace the values in a column that originally intended to place in another column? If yes then you just need a solution to copy one column to another in SQL

It's always confusing to copy the data of one column to another column in MySQL. Simply one query can save you from this tricky requirement.


#21274 How to Add Custom Customer Attribute in Registration Form in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 June 2021 - 02:51 PM in Magento general discussions

Offering the best products, services, and customer experience is one of the most essential tasks in an eCommerce store that makes it possible to know the customer base. One such aspect to fulfil those requirements, the store owner needs to add custom customer attribute in registration form in Magento 2.


The store owner can create fields that are not a part of the default Magento 2 like mobile number, interest/hobbies, images, GST number, etc. Collect maximum customer information using such tactics.


#21234 How To Load Email Template By Template ID In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 June 2021 - 07:37 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 offers many default email templates for the body section of the individual email message. From that, a store owner may need to load email template by template id in Magento 2 to send customers an email with a customized email template.


You can load the default or custom template using the ID and get the template text by creating an object of Helper Class and call the function.


#21218 How to Get Static Block Content in Block File in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 June 2021 - 01:30 PM in Magento general discussions

Have you ever tried to get static block content in block file in Magento 2?

CMS block facilitates to reuse of the content in a convenient, modular and manageable way. Static blocks provide simple text or HTML, CSS, Javascript to display content. One can get the content of the static block in the block file


#21211 How to Move Apply Coupon to Sidebar in Magento 2 Checkout Page

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 June 2021 - 12:15 PM in Magento general discussions

Store owners often need to try new things on their Magento 2 store's checkout page. One such requirement is to move apply coupon to sidebar in Magento 2 checkout page.


Rearrange your "apply coupon" to the sidebar from the payment section and change the visual appeal and flow of the store! Try something new on your store checkout page using this post.


#21207 What Experts Think About Leveraging Partial Payments in E-commerce

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 June 2021 - 10:06 AM in Magento general discussions

Payment options in an E-commerce store can make or break a conversion! Offering a convenient payment facility nudges a potential customer to make a purchase.

Leveraging partial payments in E-commerce store means allowing your customer to buy now and pay later in instalments.

Experts’ opinion on leveraging partial payment in E-commerce:

Even experts recommend this payment-related marketing technique that can go a long way for your store! Read their opinions on partial payments in E-commerce at https://meetanshi.co...t-in-ecommerce/


#21197 How To Get Special Price Product Collection In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 31 May 2021 - 01:11 PM in Magento general discussions

Ever faced the situation that you configured a special price for the products and after some time lost the track of it? If yes, then the method to get special price product collection in Magento 2 store is for you.


It is essential to study special prices products while calculating the profits and to avoid manually listing the products with special prices. Additionally, you may need the list of all discounts offered in the Magento 2 store for market study!


#21188 What Is CCPA And How It Will Affect Ecommerce Stores

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 May 2021 - 01:20 PM in Magento general discussions

As there is the significant importance of data privacy and personal information protection every business need to be aware of what is CCPA and how it will affect eCommerce stores!


There is no escape to make the business compatible with CCPA as California is home to the largest online economy in the world. You cannot escape even if you are an online business outside of California but you have customers resident in California.

Check, https://meetanshi.com/blog/ccpa-in-ecommerce/

#21182 How to Check if a Customer is Logged into Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 May 2021 - 01:11 PM in Magento general discussions

Offer exclusive features to your customers by implementing the method to check if a customer is logged into Magento 2.
You would need to check whether the user is logged into Magento 2 for restricting some kind of display for them. Keep a check on your customer by using this programmatic method.

#21178 How To Remove SKU Column From Magento 2 Invoice PDF

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 May 2021 - 07:24 AM in Magento general discussions

SKUs are the essential factor for a store admin as it is the unique identification of product however customer does not need to handle SKU. Hence, you need to remove SKU column from Magento 2 invoice PDF.


SKUs are important in Magento 2 for unique identification of the products

but the main focus of customers is to enjoy the shopping and leave handling the technical aspects on the developers.


#21170 How to Get the Price Range of Bundle Products in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 May 2021 - 02:44 PM in Magento general discussions

You need to get the price range of bundle products in Magento 2
to show the minimum or the maximum price while selling bundled products on multiple sales channels.


You can enter a base price with applied taxes for a bundle product with a fixed price and enter the price range from least expensive to the highest price for the dynamic price.



#21158 How to Remove Breadcrumbs From Product Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 May 2021 - 03:16 PM in Magento general discussions

Breadcrumbs are simply the path to a product with the reference of the store map. It helps visitors with navigation in the store. But every business is different! If you need to remove breadcrumbs from product page in Magento 2 store


#21153 How to Get Parent Product ID in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 May 2021 - 12:59 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you wondering if you can get parent product ID in Magento 2?


You can get the parent id of the configurable, bundled and grouped product that contains children products. Get the parent product ID and enhance the shopping journey by selling the store products on third-party platforms!