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There have been 255 items by Meetanshi (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#20336 How To Update Product Attributes In Bulk In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 January 2021 - 06:43 AM in Magento general discussions

It would take so much time to update product attributes if you have hundreds and thousands products in your Magento 2 store. Of course, it is tiresome process.

Therefore, it is advisable to update product attribute in bulk in Magento 2 as it makes the process easier and faster.



#20339 How to Set Minimum Order Amount in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 January 2021 - 10:05 AM in Magento general discussions

What if I tell you, it is possible to increase average order amount by using just one method! You can encourage the customers to buy more by utilizing the default feature of Magento 2.

You need to
set minimum order amount in Magento 2 . Hence, the customers would prefer to increase the order amount to buy the goods and services.

Check the steps to
set minimum order amount in Magento 2.

#20304 How to Change Magento 2 Store Email Addresses

Posted by Meetanshi on 31 December 2020 - 05:20 AM in Magento general discussions

Majority of the time, E-commerce stores have different email addresses for different purposes. For instance, there should be different email address for customer support and general purpose.

Therefore, it would be better to set email addresses based on the purpose.

Check the method to
change Magento 2 store email addresses.

Visit: https://meetanshi.com/blog/change-magento-2-store-email-addresses/

#20268 How to Configure Free Shipping Promotion in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 22 December 2020 - 09:57 AM in Magento general discussions

For effective business strategy, E-commerce businesses promote free shipping facility.

Magento 2 allows creating complex conditions based free shipping with the method to
configure free shipping promotion in magento 2

#20234 How to Configure Magento 2 Default Page Layout

Posted by Meetanshi on 14 December 2020 - 08:19 AM in Magento general discussions

For better customer engagement, the website design plays huge importance. The page design mainly contains layouts, containers, and blocks.

The merchant can configure
Magento 2 default page layout. Make your store more attractive. 

#20459 Magento 2 Orange Money Payments

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 February 2021 - 09:25 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Orange Money Payments by Meetanshi offers integration of Orange money web payment service with Magento 2 to capture secure online payments.
It is compulsory for an E-commerce business to offer a secure and convenient payment method to its customers in order to succeed! For Magento 2 stores, Meetanshi has developed the Magento 2 Orange Money Payments extension that aids in offering safe online payments!
The extension integrates Magento 2 with Orange Money web payment service to enable capturing secure online payments from the customers.
Orange Money is a popular payment service that is available in 17 African countries and serves 40 million customers! With the popular payment method, reach a wide customer base!
Offer the secured payments with a hosted payment facility using Magento 2 Orange Money Payments extension!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Orange Money Payments:
  • Integration of Orange Money web payment with Magento 2.
  • Offers secure hosted online payments.
  • Improved shopping and payment experience in the Magento 2 store.
  • Earn customers' trust.
  • Easy steps for integration with the Magento 2 store.
Watch the video to understand Magento 2 Orange Money Payments extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...y-payments.html

#21178 How To Remove SKU Column From Magento 2 Invoice PDF

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 May 2021 - 07:24 AM in Magento general discussions

SKUs are the essential factor for a store admin as it is the unique identification of product however customer does not need to handle SKU. Hence, you need to remove SKU column from Magento 2 invoice PDF.


SKUs are important in Magento 2 for unique identification of the products

but the main focus of customers is to enjoy the shopping and leave handling the technical aspects on the developers.


#21859 Solved: Laminas Compile Error at Update to Magento 2.4.3

Posted by Meetanshi on 17 August 2021 - 10:11 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2.4.3 version is released on August 10, 2021.
While installing the latest Magento 2 version, you might have faced the laminas compile error at an update to Magento 2.4.3.
The Solution to Laminas Compile Error at Update to Magento 2.4.3:
There are two cases in which you may face the laminas compile error at update to 2.4.3 version of Magento 2.
You can check the solution in both the cases in detail at https://meetanshi.co...-magento-2-4-3/


#21660 10 Best Social Media Management Tools [2021]

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 July 2021 - 11:48 AM in Magento general discussions

Managing your social platforms is crucial as it helps to find new customers, drive more traffic to your website, and can even stay connected with your existing clients.
Social media management tools facilitate you to automate, analyze, and can focus more on social media accounts.
Top 10 Best Social Media Scheduler of 2021:
  1. Hootsuite
  2. Buffer
  3. Sprout Social
  4. Sendible
  5. Agora Pulse
  6. eClincher
  7. Social Pilot
  8. Coschedule
  9. Loomly
  10. MavSocial
Make the most out of the social media platforms for your businesses. And in this process, these social media management tools helps achieve your goal faster!


#21471 Magento 2 Saved Credit Card

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 July 2021 - 11:17 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Saved Credit Card by Meetanshi lets customer save their credit card details in the Magento 2 database using built in encryption for offline order processing.

The default offered the feature to save credit card details in encrypted format for offline order processing. However the Magento 2 platform does not support it. To overcome this default limitation, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Saved Credit Card extension.

The extension allows customers to save the credit card information in the database using the Magento's built-in encryption mechanism. Use the method when you have a card terminal in a brick and mortar store or have access to a virtual terminal.

Note: It is advisable to check the PCI Complaince standard applying to your country before using the Magento 2 Saved Credit Card module 

Benefits of Magento 2 Saved Credit Card:

  • Save credit card details including card type, number, and expiration date.
  • The extension saves the credit card details in the encrypted format.
  • Use the saved information for online and offline orders.
  • For offline orders, use the Magento built-in CC validation
  • Display custom title for the payment method.
  • Display credit card logo on the checkout page.
  • Set status for the new orders placed using this payment method.
  • Allow selected credit cards to allow using this payment method.
  • Allow selected countries to use the Saved Credit Card payment method.
  • Let admin see the customers' credit card details.
  • Admin can wipe out the credit card information after processing the order.
  • Collapse the credit card details view by enabling the mask mode.
  • View the credit card details using the "Show" link in the backend.
  • Display additional details on the checkout page.
  • Set conditions for the order total to use the saved credit card details.
  • Let customers check the payment details from the "My Account" section.
  • The admin can navigate to Sales > Order view in backend to see the payment details. 

For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...redit-card.html

#21303 How to Add Custom JS Validation Rule in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 June 2021 - 09:56 AM in Magento general discussions

Have you ever required to set validations before serving the products or services to customers? Have you also faced the situation where the validations of default Magento 2 are not enough for your business requirement and you need to add custom JS validation rule in Magento 2?


Processing the data of fake or unwanted users would be a waste of time. We can restrict such kind of users by validating the contact form or any other forms using this code. You can apply custom validations like the correct format of email addresses, or the contact number of the particular country only to be allowed.


#20204 Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 December 2020 - 09:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment by Meetanshi integrates Magento 2 store with M-Pesa payment gateway for secure online payments.
M-Pesa is the largest mobile network operators in Kenya and Tanzania. Safaricom, by Vodafone, launched M-Pesa payment gateway which is a mobile money phone-based transfer, and financing service.
Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension that integrates Magento 2 store with this payment gateway's API, Lipa Na M-Pesa and C2B M-Pesa
Based on the business requirements, the merchants can choose the API integration in Magento 2 store that will facilitate real-time payment notifications, easy reconciliation, low cost, and secure payment process.
Enhance online shopping experience, and win customers' loyalty with the Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension. 
Benefits of Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment:
  • Facilitates payment via phone, being a mobile money payment gateway.
  • Integrate the payment gateway with Magento 2 store using the details like ShortCode, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and Pass Key.
  • Let customers select the Lipa Na M-Pesa payment method on checkout, enter M-Pesa phone number, and confirm the payment from the phone to place the order.
  • Security in online payments by the integration of M-Pesa payment gateway with Magento 2.
  • Display custom title for the M-Pesa payment method
  • Display Lipa Na M-Pesa payment gateway logo at checkout
  • Offers sandbox mode
  • Option to enter the URL for request payment, access token URL, and register URL from the admin panel
  • Select the countries to allow using M-Pesa payments
  • Facilitates debug mode
  • Show additional message on the checkout
  • Let customers' check their payment details in "My Account" section and admin in Sales order view from the backend.
  • Facilitate customers' convenience and hence earn their loyalty.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...sa-payment.html

#20179 How to Add Custom Entries To Admin System Configuration in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 December 2020 - 05:08 AM in Magento general discussions

Being a Magento 2 developer, you may require to add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2 while developing a custom module.

Learn the programmatic solution to
add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2.


#19960 Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 October 2020 - 09:47 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order by Meetanshi automatically cancels the orders with pending and pending payment status.
Backend administration in Magento 2 can be complex, if not for amazing extensions that make this task easy. Meetanshi have developed one such extension, Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order. It automatically cancels the order with pending and pending payment status.
Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order extension eases the task of backend order management. When a store offers offline payment methods, some fake orders are created with pending payment status. Also, due to technical errors, sometimes payment process is hindered, causing pending order status. Such orders need to be canceled. Instead of doing it manually, the module automates the task!
Decrease payments abandoning by customers due to stock unavailability. Improve the backend system by removing the extra load of orders that are no longer useful. Everything with Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order extension!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order:
* Automated order cancelation with pending or pending payment status.
* Automated order cancelation after a specific time period.
* Admin gets an Email notification on order cancelation.
* Select the Email template for order cancelation notification.
* Easy backend order management.
Watch how the Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order extension works at  https://youtu.be/X6RMIqfjbqg

#19976 Magento 2 Barclaycard Direct Payments

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 October 2020 - 06:37 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Barclaycard Payments by Meetanshi integrates UK's Barclaycard Payments with Magento 2 for secure payments.
Magento 2 stores must offer secure payment facility to customers in order to win their trust and have a smooth payment system. Meetanshi have come up with Magento 2 Barclaycard Payments extension to allow Magento 2 store owners to accept secure online payments through UK's Barclaycard Payment gateway.
Magento 2 Barclaycard Payments supports accepting two types of payments: ePDQ Direct payment and ePDQ hosted payment. The ePDQ direct payment captures payments on site. The ePDQ hosted payment enables checkout using a hosted payment page for secure transactions using 3D secure and CVC verification.
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi for Magento 2 Barclaycard Payments:
Barclaycard ePDQ Direct payment
* Seamless checkout process.
* The card details are stored in the store's servers and sent to the payment gateway using encryption.
* Admin can handle more customers as card data stored and processed in the Magento 2 store.
* Allows creating orders from backend using Barclaycard Payment method.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Barclaycard ePDQ Direct Payments by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.


#19937 Magento 2 Order verification

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 October 2020 - 06:41 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Order Verification by Meetanshi help prevent fake orders by validating them via OTP sent to the registered mobile number, at the checkout step.
As a Magento 2 store owner, have you ever faced the issue of fake orders placed? Such orders are a part of prank or mischief that proves wastage of time and money. The order management system can be improved and such fake orders can be avoided using Meetanshi's Order Verification for Magento 2!
The idea to verify the orders at checkout via OTP before placing an order can be implemented using this extension. Restrict the "Place Order" button unless the customer verifies the order via OTP. Also, "Resend OTP" button can be implemented with customized text.
Save yourself from the turmoil of packaging, delivering and order management of fake orders with Magento 2 Order Verification module. Improve security with OTP verification using the registered mobile number.
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi's Magento 2 Order
Verification extension:
* Avoid fake orders by verifying them via OTP at the checkout step.
* Better order management system with reduced fake orders.
* Compatible with Msg91 and Textlocal to send SMS for the OTP on registered mobile number.
* Admin can enable order verification on the specific payment methods.
* Order verification based on customer groups.
* A customer can access the "Place Order" button only after the order is verified using the "Verify
Mobile Number" button and enter the OTP sent to the mobile number.
* Support for a custom message for the OTP text SMS.
* Set a customizable message at checkout step for the "Resend OTP" button in the frontend.
* Enhanced security.
Check video tutorials at https://youtu.be/TXB5JjqbRyM

#19906 Magento Shipping Per Product

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 September 2020 - 06:14 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Shipping Per Product by Meetanshi facilitates charging flat rate shipping per product.
Fumbling with shipping calculators? Fed up with the wrong calculations of shipping charges in the Magento store?
If yes, the solution to your problems is Meetanshi's Magento Shipping Per Product extension!
With the help of the module, charge flat rate shipping for every product in the Magento store. Having a variety of products with different weight, shipping address, etc. the extension can be handy to calculate accurate shipping charge!
Benefits of Magento Shipping Per Product:
  • Assign individual flat rate shipping charge for each product.
  • Option to assign the default rate when individual products are not assigned individual shipping charge.
  • Display custom title and method name in the frontend.
  • If the shipping cost is zero, admin can hide the method.
  • Enable the shipping per product for allowed countries only.
  • Display default error message when a shipping method is unavailable for the users.

#19883 How To Get Access Token Of Logged In Customer In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 17 September 2020 - 08:12 AM in Magento general discussions

You can improve the login method for customers and allowing them to login via Facebook or Google.
You can do so using the programmatic method to get access token of logged in customer in Magento 2.


#19996 Top 10 Reasons To Hire Certified Magento Developers

Posted by Meetanshi on 22 October 2020 - 07:22 AM in Magento general discussions

 Learning Magento and mastering it is a long term process that requires dedication and smart work.

The skill required to master Magento comes from practice, which makes a developer eligible for getting the shiny badge of certified Magento developer!

Hire certified Magento developers to get the most out of their talent for your next project!


Top 10 Reasons to Hire Certified Magento Developers:

  1. Certificate

  2. Experience in Magento

  3. Quality of code

  4. Time and Money Saver

  5. Ability to resolve issues

  6. Follows the best practices

  7. Develops SEO friendly and mobile-friendly website

  8. Post-delivery assistance

  9. Risk-free

  10. Passion

Why these reasons are important? Read at https://meetanshi.com/blog/reasons-to-hire-certified-magento-developers/


#20023 How to Change Magento 2 Admin Session Time

Posted by Meetanshi on 29 October 2020 - 05:04 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 admin session time out is set to 900 seconds, i.e., 15 minutes for the security purpose.
However, you can change Magento 2 admin session time which allows to reset the session time out as per your working pattern.
Watch the simple and short video tutorial to change Magento 2 admin session time

#20146 How to Add Static Block to Category Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 November 2020 - 12:10 PM in Magento general discussions

The Magento 2 store admin can add CMS block to show custom content on the category page.

You can change the layout of the category page as you want.

Check the stepwise
method to add static block to category page in Magento 2


#20120 Magento 2 B2B Registration Form

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 November 2020 - 05:28 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 B2B Registration Form by Meetanshi offers a separate registration form for B2B customers and wholesalers.
The default Magento 2 sign up form falls short when it comes to dealing with the wholesalers or B2B registration. To overcome this limitation, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 B2B Registration Form extension.
For the Magento 2 stores having B2B and B2C registrations, it is difficult to manage them at a time. Having a separate registration form for B2B accounts with additional fields like company name, VAT or TAX number, business type, etc. makes it easier.
With Magento 2 B2B Registration Form module, the admin is notified when a new B2B sign up is performed. Admin has to approve the registration and the customer is notified of the same via an Email or frontend message.
Simplify the B2B registration in the Magento 2 stores now!
Benefits of Magento 2 B2B Registration Form:
  • Enable a custom sign up form for B2B customers or wholesalers with fields like company name, tax number, etc.
  • Set a custom URL key for the B2B form page
  • Display the B2B sign up form URL in the top link
  • Display custom text in the top link for the URL
  • Display the custom title for the B2B registration form page
  • Option to add comma-separated name prefixes in the dropdown
  • Option to display the middle name field in the signup form
  • Option to add comma-separated name suffixes in the dropdown
  • Display additional form fields in the registration form
  • Approve or disapprove the B2B registration from the admin panel.
  • Assign a suitable customer group for the B2B customers once their account is approved.
  • Admin can enable/disable the default "Create an Account" form in the store.
  • Automatically or manually approve the B2B registrations as per requirements
  • Configure the success and failure message to display after the customer submits a form
  • Notification for new B2B signup to the admin. Add emails Ids and select the email sender and template for the same
  • Customers are notified via an Email and storefront message of admin's decision of approving or not their wholesaler's account.
  • Integrate Google reCAPTCHA v3 with the B2B form page
  • The "Customers" grid lists the B2B sign up form submissions with their approval status
  • Use the edit customer grid or mass action to approve or disapprove the customers' B2B account
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 B2B Registration Form extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...ation-form.html

#20077 Magento 2 Email Quote

Posted by Meetanshi on 10 November 2020 - 05:07 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Email Quote by Meetanshi allows customers to request for quotation and admin to place a customized order from backend as per the requirements.
Do you own a Magento 2 store selling wholesale or bulk products? Ever had the need to negotiate with customers for prices? Meetanshi offers a perfect solution to these requirements. Magneto 2 Email Quote extension enables customers to send a quote request by emailing their cart with the selected options.
Magento 2 Email Quote extension is apt for stores having customizable or wholesale products. It is not feasible to display a specific price as it may vary based on the customizations. With the help of the module, customers can request for quotation and admin can easily understand their requirements.
The extension offers a backend grid to create and manage the customers' quotes. It also allows admin to create a customized an order quote based on the customers' quote and sent it to customers via "Email Quote" button. Coupon codes can also be directly applied from the backend!
The Magento 2 Email Quote extension makes it easy for the customers to place such a customized order. The customers get Magento 2 order quote through Email which has a direct link that helps proceed to checkout quickly.
Benefits of Magento 2 Email Quote:
  • Customizable button label for Email Quote.
  • Set Email ID and template to receive customers' cart email for the quotations.
  • A frontend button for customers to fill the details and Email Quote to admin with selected product options.
  • As a customer submits details in the form, the admin gets the whole cart with selected options in the email.
  • Send a Thank You email to customers for submitting a quote.
  • Offers an admin backend option to create order and Email it to customers.
  • "Email Quote Statistics" backend grid for the quotation requests received to quickly send the quote.
  • Guest users auto-registered when an order quote sent to them via backend admin.
  • Option to apply coupon code in backend while creating the quote.
  • Use the default Magento feature of custom price to create a backend order quote.
  • Easy checkout for customers by emailing them the quote using "EMail Quote" button from the backend.
  • Edit and resend the already created and sent quotes from "Email Quote Statistics" with "Resend Quote" action.
  • "Resend Quote" action to edit and resend the already created and sent quotes
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Email Quote by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.

#20057 Magento Restrict Fake Registration

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 November 2020 - 05:00 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Restrict Fake Registration by Meetanshi secures the store from spam registration by validating Email domains and restricting the character lengths of the first name and last name.
Spams trying to enter the store knows the best way, by creating an account! Are you worried about how to stop such activities in a Magento store? The solution is Meetanshi's Magento Restrict Fake Registration extension! It validates the Email domain and restricts the character length of the first name and last name while creating an account!
Spam accounts not only risks the store security but can also be harassment for potential customers! Hindering customer experience is not at all bearable when the competition is so intense! The only way to stop spams is by using the Magento Restrict Fake Registration module!
The module goes an extra mile and offers Google reCAPTCHA v3 from the backend for security from bots!
Benefits of Choosing Meetanshi's Magento Restrict Fake Registration
  • Restrict email domains from the admin panel to validate the account sign up process.
  • Restrict the character lengths of the first name and last name of the new user creating an account.
  • Leverage the benefit of Google reCAPTCHA to restrict bots in signing up for an account in the store.
Check the configuration guide of Magento Restrict Fake Registration by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...gistration.html

#19849 How to Disable Ajax Add to Cart on Product page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 September 2020 - 10:00 AM in Magento general discussions

The default behavior of the Magento 2 “Add to Cart” button is on click, it uses an ajax to add the product to cart and keep the user on the product page.
You can disable ajax add to cart on the product page in Magento 2 to boost order process and redirect customers directly to the checkout page with the method given at https://meetanshi.com/blog/disable-ajax-add-to-cart-on-product-page-magento-2/