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#20264 How to Create a New Root Category in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 21 December 2020 - 07:55 AM in Magento general discussions

A root category works as a container for the main menu in Magento 2. If you have multiple stores and wish to show different categories as a root category in each store.

For that, you can easily create a new root category in Magento 2.     


#20297 How to Configure Magento 2 Newsletter

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 December 2020 - 04:23 AM in Magento general discussions

Sending newsletters to the customers is the best practice to leverage to increase the engagement with the customers. The store owner can send newsletters regarding latest updates, promotions, discounts and so on.

Thankfully, the default Magento 2 allows the send newsletters to customers. For that, you need to configure Magento 2 newsletter from the admin panel.


#20223 How to Import Product Images in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 10 December 2020 - 12:37 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you tired of uploading product images each time while creating product? It takes a lot of time if there are hundreds of products. What if I tell you, you can save a lot of time and effort.

import product images in Magento 2, you can upload multiple product images quickly.


#20201 How to Get Value of Custom Attribute on Magento 2 Rest API

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 December 2020 - 06:31 AM in Magento general discussions

While developing an app for your Magento 2 store, you would prefer to use Magento 2 REST API and require to get value of custom attributes on Magento 2 REST API.
Learn the programmatic solution to get value of custom attribute on Magento 2 REST API.


#20174 How to Add a Custom Column in Magento 2 Products Grid

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 December 2020 - 07:18 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 does not support to add a custom column in Magento 2 product grid. However, you can add columns like stock, quantity, website or any data that is not product attribute using the programmatic solution given in this post.


#20333 How to Change Currency Symbol Position in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 06 January 2021 - 10:50 AM in Magento general discussions

Mostly, the currency symbol resides on the left side by default. During the conversation, we speak like "two euros". Aren't we? Do you want to modify the position of a currency symbol in the Magento 2 store?


#20457 Meet Magento India 2021 – Recap and Insights [#MM21IN]

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 February 2021 - 07:36 AM in Magento general discussions

Meet Magento India 2021, the biggest Magento event in India was a grand success.

Meetanshi participated in the event as "Community Sponsor"!


The Magento Community came together virtually and shared their knowledge to grow and expand the E-commerce!


#21850 Top Benefits of Partial Payment in Ecommerce [2021]

Posted by Meetanshi on 13 August 2021 - 12:03 PM in Magento general discussions

Partial payment is referred to the fraction of the invoice that is paid at the time of the purchase.

If your potential customer may not have the purchasing power right now, you may offer the “buy now, pay later” facility with installments that is a win-win situation for your business and the customer.

Online stores have started adopting the installment payment feature to leverage the benefits of partial payment in Ecommerce.

Advantages of using Partial Payment in E-commerce:

Benefits of Partial payment for Customers:

  1. The best option for budget buyers

  2. Encourages customers to buy valuable products

Benefits of Partial Payments for Business:
  1. increased sales and generate more traffic
  2. Helps in building better relations with your clients

  3. Increased customer base

  4. Improves brand loyalty

  5. Competitive advantage

For more information, visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/benefits-of-partial-payment-in-ecommerce-2/

#21654 How to Configure Table Rate Shipping Method in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 July 2021 - 11:31 AM in Magento general discussions

Are you finding a better way to avoid miscalculations in shipping rates? You might lose sales and conversion if the shipping calculation goes wrong! Configure table rate shipping method in Magento 2
In order to avoid such a situation.


Calculate shipping rates based on specific conditions combination, optimize the shipping system and transparently pass on savings to the customers!


#21403 15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 June 2021 - 11:45 AM in Magento general discussions

WhatsApp is most popular messaging app in the world. Considering the high demand for leveraging WhatsApp for a business perspective, WhatsApp launched WhatsApp Business application.
15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021:
  1. Create a Business Profile
  2. Create Broadcasts and Groups Effectively
  3. WhatsApp on your Website
  4. Greet Customers with Welcome Message
  5. Create a Catalogue
  6. Leverage Contacts as Leads
  7. Share Coupon Codes
  8. Use Quick Messages
  9. Feedback
  10. Personal Touch
  11. Customer Support
  12. Giveaway
  13. Create Useful Content
  14. Demo your Product
  15. Allow Special Access
If you keen on using WhatsApp for business, check more details at https://meetanshi.co...p-for-business/

#21158 How to Remove Breadcrumbs From Product Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 25 May 2021 - 03:16 PM in Magento general discussions

Breadcrumbs are simply the path to a product with the reference of the store map. It helps visitors with navigation in the store. But every business is different! If you need to remove breadcrumbs from product page in Magento 2 store


#20142 Magento 2 Import Export Newsletter Subscribers

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 November 2020 - 08:33 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Import Export Newsletter Subscribers by Meetanshi offers the facility to import and export newsletter subscribers in bulk via CSV file.
The newsletter subscribers data is important for marketing purpose and interaction with potential customers. However, the default Magento 2 does not support to import and export newsletter subscribers. Hence, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Import Export Newsletter Subscribers extension to overcome this default functionality.
The extension facilitates to import and export newsletter subscribers in bulk via CSV file! Easily access the newsletter subscribers' list in a single click.
The Magento 2 Import Export Newsletter Subscribers extension is a time saver module for admin while migrating the data to Magento 2!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Import Export Newsletter Subscribers:
  • Bulk import and export newsletter subscribers via CSV file and thus saves time.
  • Sample CSV file available to download and complete the data.
  • Import guest customers who have subscribed for the newsletter.
  • Allows to assign subscription statuses like Subscribed, Unsubscribed, Not Activated, and Unconfirmed.
  • Get the list of newsletter subscribers in a single click.
  • Useful to migrate data to Magento 2.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...ubscribers.html

#20139 How To Hide Add To Cart Button in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 November 2020 - 05:20 AM in Magento general discussions

There may be scenarios where the store owner may want to restrict the users to add products to cart.

Disabling add to cart button in Magento 2 store can restrict the users to do so.


Check the method to hide add to cart button in Magento 2 that disables it from product page as well as the category page.


#19958 How To Get Shipping Method From Order In Magento

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 October 2020 - 11:39 AM in Magento modules & themes

You can fetch the shipping method or carrier from the order in Magento. Any feature based on the shipping and order fulfilment in Magento store may requireto get shipping method from order in Magento!

#19974 How to Create Magento 2 XML Sitemap

Posted by Meetanshi on 14 October 2020 - 12:29 PM in Magento general discussions

XML Sitemap is a text file that contains the list of URLs, their metadata, and website structure.

Improve your website’s SEO with Magento 2 XML Sitemap. Moreover, ease the navigation of your website for new visitors and improve the user experience. 


Configure Magento 2 XML Sitemap

  1. Configure the Frequency and Priority Values
  2. Configure the Generation Settings
  3. Configure the Sitemap File Limits
  4. Complete the Search Engine Submission Settings

Read each step in detail at https://meetanshi.com/blog/create-magento-2-xml-sitemap/

#19932 How to Install Magento 2 Extension

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 September 2020 - 07:40 AM in Magento general discussions

 There are so many Magento 2 extensions available in the market that you can install in the Magento 2 store to extend the default functionality. By installing the Magento 2 extensions, the merchants can offer additional benefits to customers. 



Read everything about Magento extensions and how to install Magento 2 extension at https://meetanshi.co...to-2-extension/

#19902 Magento 2 KNET Payments

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 September 2020 - 06:14 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 KNET Payments helps you integrate Kuwait's KNET Payment Gateway with Magento 2.
With increasing popularity of E-Commerce, Security in online transactions has become utmost important. Magento 2 KNET Payments Extension by Meetanshi facilitates to integrate Kuwait's KNET Payment Gateway with Magento 2 to capture secured online payments.
It is essential for your customers to know that online payment is fully secured. KNET is a popular Payment Gateway of Kuwait Country. Magento 2 KNET Payments extension enables secure payments on your Magento 2 stores. By installing this extension in your store, the customers will be redirected to KNET payment gateway for payment of their purchases.
To install and use the Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension in your Magento store, you must be having SSL certificate implemented.
Key features of Magento 2 KNET Payments extension:
  • Facilitates Secure payment.
  • Enables redirection to KNET payment gateway after selection of this payment method
  • Make your customer believe you as reliable and assure them safe payment methods thus benefiting your business.

Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension works in your store.

For more information about Magento 2 KNET Payment Integration extension visit: https://meetanshi.co...ntegration.html

#19877 How to Create an Admin Theme in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 September 2020 - 06:06 AM in Magento general discussions

A custom theme allows the admin to have a customized backend panel with custom logo, font, responsive design which makes it easier for the admin to administer!
One can create an admin theme in Magento 2 using the solution at https://meetanshi.co...e-in-magento-2/

#19992 Magento 2 Payment Fee

Posted by Meetanshi on 21 October 2020 - 04:57 AM in Magento modules & themes

There is no doubt that payment methods impact sales in E-commerce stores. Magento 2 store owners, therefore, provides multiple payment methods in the store for convenient payment options to customers. However, in the process of providing multiple payment options, the store owners end up spending notable money on the facility. To overcome the cost, if the product prices are raised, shoppers may not choose to buy from the store. To overcome the issue, Meetanshi have developed Magento 2 Payment Fee extension that allows the store owner to pass on the payment fees to customers transparently.
Offer multiple payment methods like Paypal, bank transfer, cash on delivery, etc. and charge customers according to their selection of payment option. The payment fee is displayed separately in the order summary or customer account as well as in the backend order.
The extension facilitates to create as many payment fees as required. Admin can also exclude charging payment fees for particular customer groups. Configure the module to refund the payment fee in case of order refund from the admin backend.
Labeling the payment fee separately along with the product price is a good idea to avoid price rise and at the same time offering multiple payment options without having the admin to spend payment fees! The Magento 2 Payment Fee extension allows implementing this idea in the Magento 2 store.
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Payment Fee:
  • Configure unlimited payment fee
  • The admin can enable refund for payment fees along with the order refund
  • Enable payment fees based on customer groups and store views
  • Supports charging payment fees for the backend orders
  • Collect payment fees from the customers for using specific payment methods so that it can be transparently passed on to the customers
  • Option to add custom label using the variable to display along with the payment method
  • Option to apply tax amount on the payment fee and select the tax class
  • Option to display payment fee exluding tax, including tax or both
  • Charge the fee amount either in a fixed amount or in the percentage of the product price that is to be set from the backend.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Payment Fee by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.


#20019 Magento 2 Improved Sorting

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 October 2020 - 05:09 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Improved Sorting by Meetanshi enables customers to browse products by sorting them based on various options and offer a rich shopping experience.
Magento 2 is a platform for the E-commerce business that can offer a variety of products. However, the large variety of products can sometimes affect the sales if users cannot find their desired products easily. No one is going to browse through hundreds and thousands of the products to find one or few of them. The solution to the problem is Meetanshi's Magento 2 Improved Sorting extension!
The extension enables admin to offer a rich shopping experience in their store. Allow customers to sort the products based on options like best sellers, popularity, prices, number of reviews, discounts and much more!
The Magento 2 Improved Sorting extension is a way to boost your popular products, enhance the on-site shopping experience and increase the conversion rate!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Improved Sorting:
  • Enable the sorting in the category page based on Date of Product Creation, Featured, Most Viewed, Bestseller, Average Ratings, Number of Reviews, Most Wishlisted, Discount, Recently Ordered, and Stock Quantity.
  • Select multiple sort options from the admin backend.
  • Facilitates automated addition of the selected options to the "Sort By" drop-down on the category page.
  • Help visitors find the desired products easily, hence offer excellent user experience!
  • Increase the conversion rate with the help of the user-friendly features.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Improved Sorting by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...ed-sorting.html

#20111 How to Add Validation in System Configuration in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 20 November 2020 - 05:51 AM in Magento general discussions

 Magento 2 is a flexible platform that allows data validation in system configuration. Extend the functionality to satisfy the business requirements, for example, validate the Email, numberical value, etc.

Learn the programmatic method to add validation in system configuration in Magento 2.


#20075 Magento 2 Product Testimonial

Posted by Meetanshi on 09 November 2020 - 10:15 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Product Testimonial by Meetanshi allows showing customer reviews in the website to enhance store creditability!
Customers tend to see the reviews of other customers before shopping online. Good reviews make a positive impact and help push a potential customer for conversion! Why not display such a useful content attractive in Magento 2 store! Hence Meetanshi have developed Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension that enables attractive display of customer reviews in the store.
The extension is a perfect choice to manage the customer reviews from the backend. Allow visitors to read product reviews before shopping at your store. The module allows admin to restrict review submission based on customer groups. Admin can also disapprove a review to avoid displaying it in the store frontend.
The Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension allows a customer to submit a review with their photograph, nickname, and rate the product on the scale of 1 to 5! It is always good to hear from the customers. It helps to improve as well as good reviews boost store creditability and sales! 
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi's Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension:
  • Set custom page title for the testimonial page.
  • Allow testimonial submission for the selected customer groups only.
  • Configure the settings for admin approval requirement to display the submitted product testimonials.
  • Show the product testimonial page URL in the top link and in the footer as well.
  • Easily auto scroll all the added testimonials under the product testimonial tab on product view page.
  • Comply with EU's GDPR by enabling a privacy checkbox with the custom text to get the consent of personal data display on the testimonial page.
  • Select page to redirect customers to read the privacy policy before agreeing.
  • Send a Thank You Email to customers for sharing their review.
  • Admin is notified via Email when a customer submits product testimonial.
  • A separate testimonial page to show all the submitted testimonials.
  • An attractive display for customer’s name, image, review, and star rating display.
  • Product specific testimonials can be seen under the testimonial tab under each product page.
  • The slider auto changes the testimonials display.
  • Fully responsive testimonial slider and page.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Product Testimonial by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...estimonial.html

#20053 How To Add Magento 2 Terms And Conditions Checkbox

Posted by Meetanshi on 03 November 2020 - 11:12 AM in Magento general discussions

A “Terms and Conditions” is an agreement that imposes a rule for your users to agree and follow when using your product or service.
Reasons to add terms and conditions in Magento 2 store:
  1. Own your content
  2. Prevent exploitation
  3. Limit the accountability
  4. Set the law

#20051 How to Configure Magento 2 Shipping Methods

Posted by Meetanshi on 03 November 2020 - 05:40 AM in Magento general discussions

Default Magento supports five type of shipping method. Read a detailed tutorial on how to configure Magento 2 Shipping Method.
The Magento 2 Shipping Methods are:
  1. Free Shipping
  2. Flat Rate
  3. Table Rates
  4. Magento Shipping
  5. Dimensional Weight
One needs to set up the store’s information from Admin Panel in Stores -> Configuration. Navigate to Sales -> Shipping Settings where store’s details have to be updated. For detailed method, visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/configure-magento-2-shipping-methods/


#19835 How To Set Up Order Confirmation Email In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 August 2020 - 11:44 AM in Magento general discussions

When a customer orders a product, the email of order confirmation should be sent to the customers. Therefore, you need to set up order confirmation email in Magento 2.


Check the steps to set up confirmation Email in Magento 2

For more details, visit https://meetanshi.co...l-in-magento-2/