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#21317 How To Get Customer Address Data By Address ID In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 14 June 2021 - 10:05 AM in Magento general discussions

Are you looking for a way to restrict the shipping of fragile or heavy items in certain areas? Managing the shipping process can be easy with organizing the customer addresses and in order to do so, you need to get customer address data by address ID in Magento 2


It's an easy programmatic way to get customer address data and customer address information using address ID in Magento 2 store. AddressRepositoryInterface is used to get Customer address data by Address ID.



#21501 Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact

Posted by Meetanshi on 05 July 2021 - 01:18 PM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact extension allows visitors to contact store admin instantly via WhatsApp and ask any queries. Such a direct conversation with potential customers benefits the business as well as improve the user experience.

Communicate with your visitors directly!

Customers may be doubtful about the products while an online purchase. They may have an inquiry regarding the service you offer or the features of your products. Instantly providing them a platform for communication to solve their doubts increases the chances of a purchase. WhatsApp is the best platform for instant communication as it is easy to use and widely popular. Meetanshi have developed Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact extension to let visitors in Magento 2 store contact the store owner via WhatsApp!

Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact extension lets the store owner have a direct communication with potential customers. It gives them a chance to convince for conversion. Also, getting instant replies for their doubts improves the store's user experience. Customers will find it convenient to use WhatsApp over Emails. Direct chat via WhatsApp gives an impression of personal approach!

Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact extension:

  • Enable/disable the module from the backend.
  • Option to display WhatsApp Contact button on the desktop, mobile or both.
  • Admin can set default message to start WhatsApp chat when someone contacts him.
  • Specify the mobile number of admin to allow direct contact with the users in the frontend.  
  • Admin can customize button hover text, button background color, and icon color to create the button as per the need.
  • Specify the date range to display WhatsApp Contact button in the frontend. If you don't set the range, it will be shown all the time. 
  • Set top, bottom, left and right position in pixels to position the WhatsApp Contact button in the frontend. 
  • Choose one of the sixteen button animation effects to highlight contact button and to make it look better. 
  • Admin can select to allow visitors close contact button if they don't need it.
  • Compatibility with Whatsapp web, app, and the business app.

For more details, visit https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-whatsapp-contact.html

#21274 How to Add Custom Customer Attribute in Registration Form in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 June 2021 - 02:51 PM in Magento general discussions

Offering the best products, services, and customer experience is one of the most essential tasks in an eCommerce store that makes it possible to know the customer base. One such aspect to fulfil those requirements, the store owner needs to add custom customer attribute in registration form in Magento 2.


The store owner can create fields that are not a part of the default Magento 2 like mobile number, interest/hobbies, images, GST number, etc. Collect maximum customer information using such tactics.


#20374 How to Get Product Price Including Tax in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 18 January 2021 - 10:43 AM in Magento general discussions

The default Magento 2 shows the original product price as configured from the admin panel. However, it does not include tax amount information that the customer has to pay.

You can
get product price including tax in Magento 2 using the provided programmatic solution.


#20204 Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment

Posted by Meetanshi on 07 December 2020 - 09:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment by Meetanshi integrates Magento 2 store with M-Pesa payment gateway for secure online payments.
M-Pesa is the largest mobile network operators in Kenya and Tanzania. Safaricom, by Vodafone, launched M-Pesa payment gateway which is a mobile money phone-based transfer, and financing service.
Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension that integrates Magento 2 store with this payment gateway's API, Lipa Na M-Pesa and C2B M-Pesa
Based on the business requirements, the merchants can choose the API integration in Magento 2 store that will facilitate real-time payment notifications, easy reconciliation, low cost, and secure payment process.
Enhance online shopping experience, and win customers' loyalty with the Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension. 
Benefits of Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment:
  • Facilitates payment via phone, being a mobile money payment gateway.
  • Integrate the payment gateway with Magento 2 store using the details like ShortCode, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and Pass Key.
  • Let customers select the Lipa Na M-Pesa payment method on checkout, enter M-Pesa phone number, and confirm the payment from the phone to place the order.
  • Security in online payments by the integration of M-Pesa payment gateway with Magento 2.
  • Display custom title for the M-Pesa payment method
  • Display Lipa Na M-Pesa payment gateway logo at checkout
  • Offers sandbox mode
  • Option to enter the URL for request payment, access token URL, and register URL from the admin panel
  • Select the countries to allow using M-Pesa payments
  • Facilitates debug mode
  • Show additional message on the checkout
  • Let customers' check their payment details in "My Account" section and admin in Sales order view from the backend.
  • Facilitate customers' convenience and hence earn their loyalty.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 M-Pesa Payment extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...sa-payment.html

#20056 How to Translate Magento 2 Email Templates

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 November 2020 - 04:56 AM in Magento general discussions

Generally, store owners use Emails to communicate with customers. Be it sales Email, newsletter, etc. By default, Magento offers Email templates in English language only. To overcome this limitation, one can translate Magento 2 Email templates.
Implement the method at https://meetanshi.com/blog/translate-magento-2-email-templates/ in the Email template and the translated Emails will be sent to your customers in the language set in Magento 2 frontend.

#20250 How To Check If Product With SKU Exists in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 16 December 2020 - 11:48 AM in Magento general discussions

It would be so difficult and time-consuming to develop a complete functionality based on product ID.

#21403 15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 June 2021 - 11:45 AM in Magento general discussions

WhatsApp is most popular messaging app in the world. Considering the high demand for leveraging WhatsApp for a business perspective, WhatsApp launched WhatsApp Business application.
15 Top Effective Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business in 2021:
  1. Create a Business Profile
  2. Create Broadcasts and Groups Effectively
  3. WhatsApp on your Website
  4. Greet Customers with Welcome Message
  5. Create a Catalogue
  6. Leverage Contacts as Leads
  7. Share Coupon Codes
  8. Use Quick Messages
  9. Feedback
  10. Personal Touch
  11. Customer Support
  12. Giveaway
  13. Create Useful Content
  14. Demo your Product
  15. Allow Special Access
If you keen on using WhatsApp for business, check more details at https://meetanshi.co...p-for-business/

#19986 Magento Mobile Login

Posted by Meetanshi on 16 October 2020 - 12:07 PM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Mobile Login extension by Meetanshi allows customers to login and register using mobile number!
With an increasing number of mobile phone users, E-commerce store business is growing fast. Providing facilities accessible from the phone itself will enhance the user experience of the store. Similarly, for Magento stores, Meetanshi developed Magento Mobile Login extension to let customers login via mobile number.
Magneto Mobile Login extension allows customers to login or register with a mobile number after OTP verification. Such a facility improves store's customer service and benefits the business.
The mobile login is preferred over the default login with Email as it is more convenient. At present, the extension is compatible with Mag91 but it can be customized for compatibility with other SMS gateways.
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi's Magento Mobile Login extension:
  • Allow users to register and login through mobile number after OTP verification.
  • Select OTP type from numeric or alphanumeric.
  • Specify OTP length.
  • Integration with Msg91 Gateway to send OTP for registration and login.
  • Select message type to send to users, i.e., transactional or promotional.
  • Easily enable mobile login with OTP verification for login, registration, etc.
  • Customize SMS text for OTP message to customers.
  • Use system variable to create SMS text for OTP verification messages.
  • The register or login button opens up a responsive popup to add the mobile number and verify using OTP.
  • Allow customer to reset their password whenever they want using mobile number or Email.
  • Customers can update the registered mobile number from their “My Account” section.
  • Enhanced security to register, login, forgot password and update mobile by verifying mobile number with OTP.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento Mobile Login extension works in your store.

#20281 Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 December 2020 - 10:40 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India by Meetanshi offers to automate Indian GST charges on the orders for the multi-vender Magento 2 marketplace.
The Government of India passed the Goods and Service Tax (GST) in 2017 intending to make one nation, one tax policy.
The implementation of GST for E-commerce business is a challenging task. Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India by Meetanshi extension allows charging GST on orders based on the business category set by vendors in the store.
The module helps to calculate GST in Magento 2 store. By integrating Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India extension, merchants can automate GST calculations.
As the Government of India has made GST mandatory for Indian businesses, this module is must-have for your Magento 2 store.
Benefits of Choosing Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India Extension:
  • Allows adding buyer GSTIN from the frontend.
  • Offers to automate the calculation and applies a GST rate on product purchase.
  • Product prices can be set based on an inclusive or exclusive GST rate to calculate the GST amount on purchases.
  • Allows setting the minimum cost to apply set GST rate and also GST rate to apply if product prices are below the specified minimum price.
  • It has an option to set the business birthplace to make an automatic calculation and apply SGST, CGST, IGST, UTGST based on states and union territories of India.
  • Offers auto calculation and applies GST to cart subtotal on the destination address, tax rate slab and business origin.
  • The order details such as order view, invoice, credit memo, new order email, shipment and PDFs display a comprehensive bifurcation and view of GST.
  • Option to add a digital signature image and signature text to add in order invoice PDFs.
  • Allows adding GST on shipping charges.
  • Option to enable shipping GST inclusive or exclusive of GST.
  • It works smoothly in all Magento 2 product types.
  • Navigate to Reports – GST Orders Report for order-related data and to export it.
  • The PDFs of order invoices include mandatory order details such as GSTIN, PAN number, CIN, state code, HSN code, bifurcated GST amount, and digital signature.
Benefits of Choosing Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India Extension for Vendors:
  • After adding a new vendor, the module automatically includes the fields like business origin, GSTIN, CIN, Pan Number, a signature line for the invoice pdf, and the option to upload a signature image for each vendor.
  • When the vendor adds a new product, the module includes the below fields to be set:
    • GST Rate
    • Minimum product price to apply GST rate
    • GST rate to apply on products below a minimum set price Product HSN code
  • CGST, IGST, SGST and, UT GST details are displayed on the order view on each vendor’s business origin.
  • The invoice and the invoice PDFs also includes GST details for each vendor.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Multi Vendor GST India extension works in your store.
For more details feel free to visit: https://meetanshi.co...-gst-india.html

#20463 Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount For Customer Group

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 February 2021 - 11:43 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount For Customer Group by Meetanshi limits the order amount per customer group in the store to improve the selling efficiency.
Magento 2 store owners need to plan the strategies in order to maintain a considerable profit margin. One such strategy is to enable minimum order amounts for the purchase. Meetanshi has developed the Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount for Customer Group extension that helps implement this strategy in the Magento 2 store.
The extension enables restriction on the minimum order amount based on the customer groups. Configure the extension so that the store does not incur a loss for packaging, and delivering an order that generated a lower revenue!
Improve the selling efficiency by setting a threshold amount for purchase based on customer groups such as wholesalers, retailers, guest customers, etc. Explore the feature-rich Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount for Customer Group extension to get the most out of it!
Benefits Meetanshi's Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount For Customer Group:
  • Admin can set the condition for the minimum order amount based on customer groups.
  • Admin can display the custom alert message on the checkout page for minimum order amount validation.
  • Restrict customers to check out until the minimum order amount criteria is fulfilled.
  • Improve the sales with the extension!
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...omer-group.html

#20027 Magento 2 Partial Payment

Posted by Meetanshi on 29 October 2020 - 05:54 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Partial Payment by Meetanshi lets customers make a purchase with installment payments, layaway price plans, EMIs, etc.
Do you want to implement a payment option which can be helpful in business competition and is also budget friendly for customers? The Magento 2 Partial Payment allows customers to pay in installments, down payments, EMIs or layaway price plans.
With this optimized payment method, encourage the customers to purchase, maintaining their budget and stand out in the competition.
Allow customers to make a purchase by paying a token amount and then pay the remaining amount with installment using the Partial Payment extension!
Benefits of Magento 2 Partial Payment extension:
  • Offer products with the partial payment, layaway plans or EMIs.
  • Let customers pay down payment at the time of the order and remaining amount later in an installment.
  • Option to define the partial payment availability to particular customer groups and payment methods.
  • Select the scope of the Partial Payment:
    • All Products
    • Selected Products
    • Whole Cart
  • Allow the partial payment facility for the specified minimum order amount for the whole cart scope.
  • The Magento 2 partial shipment feature allow charging shipping cost and tax amount on the down payment or equally divide them into instalments.
  • Disable guest checkout for partial payment.
  • Option to set the credit limit for partial payment. The orders above the credit limit won’t be facilitated with partial payment facility.
  • Display custom error message for overreaching the maximum partial payment credit limit.
  • A customer can skip the partial payments and pay the entire amount at a time using the Pay All Installments checkbox in My Account section.
  • The store owner can auto capture the instalment amount for the orders placed using PayPal and Authorize.net payment methods.
  • Offers fixed instalment and flexy layaway plan for partial payments.
  • Options for payment frequency for the instalments:
    • Based on Days
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
  • Customized label for the down payment amount.
  • Calculate the down payment amount in fixed amount or percent of product price.
  • Set the down payment amount to charge on orders with partial payment. Customized label for pay later amount to display in the storefront.
  • Option to charge payment fee for using the instalment as:
    • No Fee
    • On First Instalment
    • On All Instalments
  • Custom label for partial payment fee
  • Set a surcharge amount to add to the installments, to be paid either in fixed or percentage.
  • Set fee amount to charge on orders with partial payment
  • Set a custom Partial Payment availability label to show in frontend.
  • Enter and display the terms and conditions to use the Partial Payment facility in the payment calculation box shown on the product page.
  • Enable email notifications on various partial payment actions and events.
  • Manage partial payments and orders with backend grid.
  • The admin can enable product specific Partial Payment. Set the number of installments, custom down payment and fee amount.
  • Option to opt out of partial payment and pay full amount
  • Facilitates the “Partial Payment Orders” from the “My Account” section
  • The “View Orders” display information like:
    • Installment amount
    • Due Date
    • Paid date
    • Status of instalment payment
    • The payment method used
  • Allow customers to pay selected or all instalments from the instalments section.
  • Ability to approve or disapprove payments for offline methods
  • The Revenue report in the backend shows the revenue generated from the partial payment.
  • Filter and export data from the revenue report for a specific date range from the backend
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Partial Payment extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...al-payment.html

#19901 How To Add Custom CSS and JS in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 September 2020 - 05:28 AM in Magento general discussions

Add custom CSS and JS in Magento 2 is useful to improve the layout and design of the store to attract customers and improve the shopping experience. 
This programmatic method makes it easy to add a custom CSS and JS to Magento 2 store. Visit: https://meetanshi.co...s-in-magento-2/


#21474 Magento 2 SMS Notification – Meetanshi Extension Explained

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 July 2021 - 01:19 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you looking for a quick and best way to notify customers about their store activities and order statuses? Magento 2 SMS Notification facilitates the same with easy configuration of the SMS integration! Keep your customer updated via this module.


Rather than that, it also notifies the admin regarding customers' activity like a contact inquiry, new orders placed, canceled, registration, etc., via SMS. So, gain customers' trust via communicating with them through SMS.



#19825 This project is deleted

Posted by Meetanshi on 24 August 2020 - 10:51 AM in Magento modules & themes

This project is deleted 

#20347 Magento 2 PDF Catalog

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 January 2021 - 05:14 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 PDF Catalog by Meetanshi is the best tool to create PDF catalogs for products and categories.
Offering a better shopping experience is more of a requirement than benefit when it comes to E-commerce business due to the cutthroat competition. In such scenarios, any tools that make it easier to improve the user experience are welcome.
Hence, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 PDF Catalog extension. It allows creating PDF catalogs that prompt conversion due to its media-rich and updated content.
The feature-rich module allows you to design the PDF catalog design and access product pages easily using QR codes!
Magento 2 PDF Catalog is what you need if you are a B2B business or any type of business that offer products over multiple sales channel!
Benefits of Magento 2 PDF Catalog:
  1. Print pdf catalogs quickly
  2. Upload image for PDF cover background
  3. Select the PDF text color
  4. Add product attributes to display in PDF catalog
  5. Show custom text in the PDF footer
  6. Show the date in any required format in the header
  7. Allow catalog printing based on:
  8. Customer groups
  9. For child product only
  10. For child product & parent product
  11. Multiple options for the product sorting in pdf
  12. Option to order products in PDF in ascending or descending order
  13. Configure the product list view and the product grid view, set the limit of description character display and enable read more link
  14. Offers QR code to access the product pages
  15. The admin can include the selected product attribute in PDF catalog
  16. Allow printing catalog from the frontend
  17. Print the PDF catalog either in grid or list view
  18. Print the PDF catalog from the backend category page.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 PDF Catalog extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...df-catalog.html

#20042 Magento 2 VAT Exemption

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 November 2020 - 04:58 AM in Magento modules & themes

Value Added Tax (VAT), is the tax levied on products and services bought and sold in UK. Meetanshi's Magento 2 VAT Exemption extension allows store owners to sell 100% VAT-free products in Magento 2 store.
Offer VAT relief on medical equipments, health-related goods, products helpful to differently abled people, etc. with the help of the module. Manage the products on which the VAT relief can be offered and what are the valid reasons for the same from the Magento 2 VAT Exemption extension backend. Allow customers to claim for VAT relief by checking the checkbox on the checkout page.
Benefits of Choosing Meetanshi's Magento 2 VAT Exemption extension:
  • Enable/disable the extension as per the requirement.
  • Set customer declaration notice to show in the backend.
  • Option to set customer notice to show in the VAT exempt step while checkout.
  • Option to enable terms and conditions to agree prior to claiming for VAT exemption.
  • Easily create and manage disabilities reasons for VAT Exemption from VAT Exemption > Manage
  • Disabilities Reasons in the backend.
  • Option to assign the products to allow VAT relief from the Catalog > Products.
  • Customers can add the product with VAT exempt and claim exemption on the checkout page.
  • Select the reason from the dropdown to claim the VAT Exemption.
  • Customers can click buttons to checkout with or without VAT Exemption claim for the order.
  • Supports simple, configurable and bundled products.
  • No other product can be purchased with the VAT exempted product.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 VAT Exemption by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.

#20075 Magento 2 Product Testimonial

Posted by Meetanshi on 09 November 2020 - 10:15 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Product Testimonial by Meetanshi allows showing customer reviews in the website to enhance store creditability!
Customers tend to see the reviews of other customers before shopping online. Good reviews make a positive impact and help push a potential customer for conversion! Why not display such a useful content attractive in Magento 2 store! Hence Meetanshi have developed Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension that enables attractive display of customer reviews in the store.
The extension is a perfect choice to manage the customer reviews from the backend. Allow visitors to read product reviews before shopping at your store. The module allows admin to restrict review submission based on customer groups. Admin can also disapprove a review to avoid displaying it in the store frontend.
The Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension allows a customer to submit a review with their photograph, nickname, and rate the product on the scale of 1 to 5! It is always good to hear from the customers. It helps to improve as well as good reviews boost store creditability and sales! 
Benefits of choosing Meetanshi's Magento 2 Product Testimonial extension:
  • Set custom page title for the testimonial page.
  • Allow testimonial submission for the selected customer groups only.
  • Configure the settings for admin approval requirement to display the submitted product testimonials.
  • Show the product testimonial page URL in the top link and in the footer as well.
  • Easily auto scroll all the added testimonials under the product testimonial tab on product view page.
  • Comply with EU's GDPR by enabling a privacy checkbox with the custom text to get the consent of personal data display on the testimonial page.
  • Select page to redirect customers to read the privacy policy before agreeing.
  • Send a Thank You Email to customers for sharing their review.
  • Admin is notified via Email when a customer submits product testimonial.
  • A separate testimonial page to show all the submitted testimonials.
  • An attractive display for customer’s name, image, review, and star rating display.
  • Product specific testimonials can be seen under the testimonial tab under each product page.
  • The slider auto changes the testimonials display.
  • Fully responsive testimonial slider and page.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Product Testimonial by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...estimonial.html

#19926 Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates

Posted by Meetanshi on 29 September 2020 - 05:30 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates by Meetanshi offers to create an unlimited number of shipping methods with different shipping rates based on product weight, quantity, price and shipping address.
Effective shipping process management is a part and parcel of ideal Magento 2 store. However the default Magento 2 does not offer the feature to create multiple custom shipping rates. Hence, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates extension. It enables creating unlimited custom shipping methods based on product price, quantity, destination, and weight.
With Shipping Table Rates for Magento 2, offer multiple shipping options as well as show the estimated delivery date and time with each shipping method!
Calculate accurate shipping charges based on shipping address, product weight, price and quantity before defining shipping table rates through CSV file. It results in better customer experience in the Magento 2 store! Everything with Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates.
Benefits of Magento 2 Shipping Table Rates:
  • Create any number of custom shipping methods on the basis of the shipping address, product weight, price, and quantity.
  • Ability to define table rates in bulk through uploading CSV having shipping rates.
  • Show the estimated delivery date and time with every shipping method.
  • Option to calculate shipping rates in the flat rate or in percentage.
  • Option to assign shipping rates for particular product types and groups.
  • The extension allows assigning minimum or maximum shipping rates based on the combination of destination, price, weight, or quantity.
  • With shipping table rates extension, assign minimum or maximum rates to apply shipping charges to the entire order having more than one product.
  • Option to not include virtual products from shipping rates calculations.
  • Allows the merchants to write a custom name method to the lists of its shipping method. 
  • Easy to set shipment priority. 
  • Option to delete existing rates while uploading new rates via CSV.
  • To enable shipping rate with Table Rate Shipping in Magento 2, the admin can select store views or customer groups. 
  • Option to define in which countries or areas, these shipping methods are available.
  • It is also possible to create rates based on a delivery address, order subtotal, weight, and price. 
  • Allows the merchants to display the error message when shipping methods of the carrier are not available to customers. 
  • Allows creating rates that work with numeric and string type zip codes.
  • Option to exclude free shipping items from shipping methods.
  • Allows the merchants to use the prices after discounts are applied for rate generation.
  • Option to select which prices should be used for the generation of rates that include tax/VAT or without tax/VAT. 
  • Restrict the use of only one shipping type for a shipping method.

#19835 How To Set Up Order Confirmation Email In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 August 2020 - 11:44 AM in Magento general discussions

When a customer orders a product, the email of order confirmation should be sent to the customers. Therefore, you need to set up order confirmation email in Magento 2.


Check the steps to set up confirmation Email in Magento 2

For more details, visit https://meetanshi.co...l-in-magento-2/

#20168 How to Disable Compare Products in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 November 2020 - 11:53 AM in Magento general discussions

Shoppers usually have the habit of comparing products before making the purchase. Comparing products that fulfill similar needs helps shoppers to make educated buying decision. It is a vital feature an ecommerce store can provide which helps the buyer to compare the value of the products based on their specifications, quality and features.
But in case of selling products like clothing, footwear, etc. comparing products is not required and buying decision depends purely based on the size, choice, type of material, etc.
Magento 2, by default provides the functionality to compare products. But as discussed in the above scenario, comparing 2 shirts neither required nor useful and in that, the store owner requires to Disable Compare Products in Magento 2.
Here, I'm sharing the programmatic solution to disable compare products in Magento 2 for your help.

#20454 Magento 2 Pop Up

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 February 2021 - 06:39 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Magento 2 Pop Up by Meetanshi helps draw customers' attention with attractive popups.
Popups in web pages are one of the E-commerce tactics to increase conversion! For Magento 2 stores, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Pop Up extension that generates attractive popups to grab visitors attention.
Promote your products, increase the newsletter subscribers, promote an offer, increase your social media engagement! Everything with custom popups powered by attractive animation effects. 
Display a popup with CTA image link, contact form, subscription box, videos, product widget, etc. with Magento 2 Pop Up extension. Grab the visitors attention at the right time and boost the conversion rate!
Benefits of Magento 2 Pop Up:
  • Set custom title for the popup
  • Display popup for a fixed date range. 
  • Show the popups on different store pages like home page, category page, product page, cart page, checkout page, etc. 
  • The “Manage Popup” grid enlists all the created popups. Option to create new popup from this grid using “Add New Popup” button
  • Option to activate popup
  • Custom showcasing of the popups based on customer groups and the store views.
  • Option to set priority of popups in case of multiple priority for a page
  • Display custom popup based on the users' behavior like after he spends a definite amount of seconds on the page, after the page is scrolled by a certain percent, immediately, etc. 
  • Option to auto-close the popups after fixed seconds.
  • Use WYSIWYG editor to add content in popup from the admin panel
  • Allows adding custom CSS for the popup
  • The “Manage Popup” grid displays the number of views for each popup
  • Generate responsive popups for desktops, mobiles, and tablets.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Pop Up extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...o-2-pop-up.html

#19860 How To Call Phtml File In CMS Static Block In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 08 September 2020 - 07:05 AM in Magento general discussions

Add and control HTML code to be displayed in the frontend using CMS static blocks. For example, you want to call an Instagram image on a page in your Magento 2 store.
Learn the method to call Phtml file in CMS static block in Magento 2 at https://meetanshi.com/blog/call-phtml-file-in-cms-static-block-in-magento-2/


#20012 Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 October 2020 - 05:17 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking by Meetanshi help enhance order delivery experience by enabling the tracking of orders that are shipped via Chile Post Shipping.
The user experience of any E-commerce store decided its fate and Magento 2 stores are no exception. One of the features that contribute to optimizing the customer experience is order tracking. Owing to this fact, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking extension that allows customers to track their order shipped via Chile Post without having to log in.
The Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking extension offers a separate order tracking page where customers can enter their tracking number and the tracking details are fetched in the Magento 2 store.
Each activity details along with its time and date are presented in the table format which makes it easy for customers to read them. Improve the customer experience in Magento 2 store even after the purchase is made and payment is received. This results in building a loyal customer relationship!
Benefits Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking:
  • Customers do not have to log in to track their ordered items shipped via Chile Post.
  • The top link section and the footer contains the Chile Post tracking URL.
  • The extension makes it convenient to track the orders as they do not need to visit the Chile tracking webpage. The tracking details are fetched in the Magento 2 store itself.
  • The tracking details are displayed in an easy to read table format.
  • Display an error message when a customer tries to track a non-existing order or if the tracking data is missing of any order.
  • Improve the order delivery experience of your store.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 Chile Post Tracking extension works in your store.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...t-tracking.html

#19963 Magento Instagram

Posted by Meetanshi on 12 October 2020 - 05:30 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento Instagram enables integration of Magento with Instagram to create an Instagram shop in Magento!
"Instagram is growing in users, use, and prominence" as per Forbes.
Instagram, a popular social media platform, can boost your E-commerce business. Meetanshi have developed Magento Instagram extension for Magento store owners to boost the sales via Instagram in their store.
Integrate Instagram with Magento and create a beautiful Insta shop in Magento. Boost traffic in your store using the widespread use of Instagram! Fetch Instagram images in the store, promote your products and improve the conversion rate. 
The Magento Instagram extension allows setting hotspots on Instagram images for indirect marketing. Set caption with hyperlink or product feed with the hotspots. An ultimate marketing tool for the Instagram platform in Magento store, it also helps increase your Instagram followers!
Benefits of Magento Instagram:
* Display Instagram images for the whole store, particular categories or particular products.
* Authenticate your Instagram profile by adding the access token before commencing the use of the extension.
* Add multiple hashtags or use your username and update the Instagram content on the store in order to fetch the image.
* Options for the Instagram popup views to make the Instagram view attractive: Caption with hyperlink, Product feed and default Insta view.
* Select the username or hashtags from product edit and category section to display Instagram images on product and category page respectively.
* Display the Instagram images to any CMS pages of the store.
* Restrict the number of images to be displayed on the home page, category page, product page, as well as Instagram page from the backend.
* Easily fetch and update image list from the admin backend, just with a single click.
* Option to review, approve or delete and edit Instagram images for the admin, before displaying it.
* Option to edit the image details such as captions, hyperlinks, product SKUs, hotspots from the Manage Instagram Images section.
* Set hotspot positions from backend with drag and drop function to display in frontend automatically.
* Flaunt the likes and comments counts on hover of Instagram images on any page.
* Facilitates to automatically bring the original caption in Default Insta View to show in image popup in the frontend.
* Display hotspots on Instagram images on hover of captions or products.
* Shows the Instagram profile with a follow button in image popup to encourage users to follow you on Instagram for continued updates.
* Navigation buttons on the popup.
* Use the plugin as an Instagram widget on any page.
* Supports multi-store.
Watch how the Magento Instagram extension can be helpful to you at  https://youtu.be/PAYcSu0aPz4