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#21569 Magento 2 Order Attachment - Meetanshi Extension Explained

Posted by Meetanshi on 15 July 2021 - 12:59 PM in Magento general discussions

Are you a Magento 2 store owner with a store where your customer can purchase customized or personalized products? Do you need to communicate with your customer about their requirement? If yes, then our Magento 2 order attachment extension is the one to fulfil your requirement.


Magento 2 Order Attachment by Meetanshi allows customers to add additional information in the form of attachments like Images, PDFs or any type of Files/Docs while placing the orders. Moreover, the admin can upload order attachments from the backend also!


#20193 How to Add and edit Footer Links in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 December 2020 - 04:30 AM in Magento general discussions

Website footers may not be the place with great design or content, but its the place where the visitors look for the details.

The Magento 2 store owners cannot afford to miss any vital details or links in the footer and hence visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/add-and-edit-footer-links-in-magento-2/


#20322 How to Add Custom Block in Checkout Success Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 05 January 2021 - 07:27 AM in Magento general discussions

One of the most vital pages of a store is the checkout success page therefore, to improve the customer experience, optimizing this page is necessary.


Check the programmatic solution to add custom block in checkout success page in Magento 2


#20089 How to Configure Layered Navigation in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 November 2020 - 11:18 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 offers layered navigation to improve the on-site experience. The customers can easily find the products on the basis of category, price, and other such attributes.
The store admin can configure layered navigation in Magento 2. to improve the navigation facility, help customers find the best-fit product with the user-friendly filter, and lower the bounce rate!

#20178 How to Change PDF Invoice Logo in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 01 December 2020 - 10:19 AM in Magento general discussions

You can add the logo of your brand in the pdf invoice and shipment in Magento 2 store.
Promote your brand by adding logo in the invoice pdf and shipment.
From the admin panel, you can change PDF invoice logo in Magento 2. Check the step-wise method at https://youtu.be/jPKNTw1e8Zg

#19971 How to Set Special Prices for Products in Magento

Posted by Meetanshi on 14 October 2020 - 05:40 AM in Magento general discussions

Triggering the FOMO of the target audience, offering a product under a special price for limited time works fantastic to boost the sales. 
A potential customer will not want to be left out while others will enjoy this product and leverage the special offer.
If you are a Magento store owner, you can set special prices for products in Magento and Magento 2 respectively with the methods given at https://meetanshi.com/blog/set-special-prices-for-products-in-magento/
 Or, you can watch the video that shows the method to set special prices for products in Magento 2.

#20016 Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 October 2020 - 08:31 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer by Meetanshi enables to impose a limit on the maximum product quantity purchase per customer.
Marketing tactics play an important role in sales. Magento 2 store owners use various such techniques and Meetanshi's extension Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer extension helps for the same!
The extension allows the admin to limit product quantity purchase per customer. It means, every customer can buy an item only for "X" number of times!
The Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer extension is helpful when you want to offer a trial version of your products once for each customer or want to offer a coupon code that can be used only once.
Additionally, the module can be used to force the visitors to sign up in order to place an order! Also, effectively manage the stock with Limit Product Quantity Per Customer for Magento 2!
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer:
  • Display error message on exceeding the product quantity purchase limit.
  • Make it compulsory for the guest users to sign up and login in order to place orders.
  • Option to set the quantity limit per product per customer.
  • Display an error message to guest users when they place an order.
  • Display error message, preventing registered and logged in customers to order the products exceeding the quantity limit.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Limit Product Quantity Per Customer by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...r-customer.html

#19992 Magento 2 Payment Fee

Posted by Meetanshi on 21 October 2020 - 04:57 AM in Magento modules & themes

There is no doubt that payment methods impact sales in E-commerce stores. Magento 2 store owners, therefore, provides multiple payment methods in the store for convenient payment options to customers. However, in the process of providing multiple payment options, the store owners end up spending notable money on the facility. To overcome the cost, if the product prices are raised, shoppers may not choose to buy from the store. To overcome the issue, Meetanshi have developed Magento 2 Payment Fee extension that allows the store owner to pass on the payment fees to customers transparently.
Offer multiple payment methods like Paypal, bank transfer, cash on delivery, etc. and charge customers according to their selection of payment option. The payment fee is displayed separately in the order summary or customer account as well as in the backend order.
The extension facilitates to create as many payment fees as required. Admin can also exclude charging payment fees for particular customer groups. Configure the module to refund the payment fee in case of order refund from the admin backend.
Labeling the payment fee separately along with the product price is a good idea to avoid price rise and at the same time offering multiple payment options without having the admin to spend payment fees! The Magento 2 Payment Fee extension allows implementing this idea in the Magento 2 store.
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Payment Fee:
  • Configure unlimited payment fee
  • The admin can enable refund for payment fees along with the order refund
  • Enable payment fees based on customer groups and store views
  • Supports charging payment fees for the backend orders
  • Collect payment fees from the customers for using specific payment methods so that it can be transparently passed on to the customers
  • Option to add custom label using the variable to display along with the payment method
  • Option to apply tax amount on the payment fee and select the tax class
  • Option to display payment fee exluding tax, including tax or both
  • Charge the fee amount either in a fixed amount or in the percentage of the product price that is to be set from the backend.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Payment Fee by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.


#20228 How To Programmatically Create Coupon Code In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 December 2020 - 07:51 AM in Magento general discussions

You can give discounts by creating coupon codes for your Magento 2 store so that the customers can use coupon code and avail the discounts.

Learn the
programmatic method to create coupon code in Magento 2

#20299 How to Configure Invoice Emails in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 December 2020 - 05:59 AM in Magento general discussions

To improve the shopping experience, sending an invoice as soon as the customers make a purchase is the one of the best practices to implement.
It is easy to configure invoice emails in Magento 2 that allows the merchat to send invoice emails to customers.

Check the steps to
configure invoice emails in Magento 2

#20085 How to Edit Store View in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 11 November 2020 - 04:44 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 allows offering different store views based on languages, location, etc.
The view name appears in the language chooser. Hence, the store admin may want to change the name of the default view that is descriptive.

#20149 Magento 2 ICICI Payment Gateway

Posted by Meetanshi on 27 November 2020 - 06:46 AM in Magento modules & themes

ICICI is an Indian multinational banking and financial services company. It offers a secure payment gateway to allow merchants to collect online payments from the Indian customers.
Hence, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 ICICI Payment Gateway extension to integrate the Magento 2 store with ICICI payment gateway. Securely capture online payments via ICICI in Magento 2 store from your customers.
The extension uses hosted payment processing method for enhanced security. No card details are entered or stored in Magento 2 store. The customers are redirected to the hosted payment page of ICICI where the card details are entered, authenticated, and payment is completed successfully.
Capture payments via major credit and debit cards in your Magento 2 store only with Meetanshi’s Magento 2 ICICI Payment Gateway extension.
Benefits of Magento 2 ICICI Payment Gateway:
  • Allows Magento 2 store merchants to accept payments via major credit and debit cards and other international cards
  • Improved security with the use of hosted payment processing
  • Option to set the custom title for the payment method.
  • Display ICICI logo at the checkout
  • Offers sandbox mode for testing
  • Easy integration using store ID, shared secret key, and the gateway URL obtained while the registration with the First Data ICICI
  • Offers the below payment modes:
    • PayOnly mode
    • PayPlus mode
    • FullPay mode
  • Supports multiple languages for the hosted payment page
    • German
    • English (UK)
    • English (USA)
    • Italian
  • Auto-generate invoices for the orders
  • Allow selected countries to pay using the First Data ICICI payment method
  • Display additional instructions along with the payment method at checkout
  • The customers are redirected to the hosted payment page on the click of “Continue to Payment” button
  • The customers are requird to enter the card details on the hosted payment page of ICICI 
  • Enhanced security with the card details authentication using the password for successful payments.
  • Let customers check the First Data ICICI payment details in the “My Account” section.
  • Let the admin check the First Data ICICI payment details in the Sales order view section in the backend.
Watch the video to understand how the Magento 2 ICICI Payment Gateway extension works in your store.

#19999 Magento 2 Force Login

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 October 2020 - 04:51 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 Force Login by Meetanshi makes it compulsory for visitors to login in order to access the store pages.
Do you need to protect your page content from the competitors? Are you looking for accumulating maximum customer database? Do you want to focus only on potential customer out of the huge traffic? Above all, are you interested in enhancing the Magento 2 store customer experience?
The answer to all these questions is Meetanshi's Magento 2 Force Login extension. It restricts page access and makes it mandatory for visitors to log in.
Implement the force login feature in Magento 2 and identify the potential customers. Offer the best service to these customers. Focus your efforts with Force Login for Magento 2 extension.
The extension helps to protect your content such as prices, demo, etc. from competitors. Moreover, the login and registration enable collecting the customer database which can be used for marketing campaigns!
Benefits of Magento 2 Force Login:
  • Enable force login feature for all or particular pages.
  • Restrict competitors to check the page content such as prices, features, etc.
  • Control on store pages access.
  • Option to enable/disable the default Magento 2 customer registration link.
  • Option to show the custom alert message for login request when a visitor is restricted to access a page.
  • Admin can redirect the users to any specified page after they log in. By doing so, they can smoothly continue surfing the store which was denied prior to logging in.
  • Collect customer database useful for marketing.
  • Improve B2B store order management.
Check the configuration guide of Magento 2 Force Login by Meetanshi and how it works in the frontend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...orce-login.html

#20196 How to Enable Company Field From Address in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 December 2020 - 07:22 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 offers such features for the store owners that can help collect the customer info.

Asking customers about their company name in the registration form can give an idea about their financial status and purchase power.
Know more about the customers to understand purchase behaviour with the method to enable company field from address in Magento 2

#20285 How to Configure Customer Account Scope in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 28 December 2020 - 10:33 AM in Magento general discussions

If you have multiple websites within one Magento installation and want to restrict the customers for using the same customer account information for all the website, what you can simply do is to configure customer account scope in Magento 2.



#21234 How To Load Email Template By Template ID In Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 June 2021 - 07:37 AM in Magento general discussions

Magento 2 offers many default email templates for the body section of the individual email message. From that, a store owner may need to load email template by template id in Magento 2 to send customers an email with a customized email template.


You can load the default or custom template using the ID and get the template text by creating an object of Helper Class and call the function.


#20297 How to Configure Magento 2 Newsletter

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 December 2020 - 04:23 AM in Magento general discussions

Sending newsletters to the customers is the best practice to leverage to increase the engagement with the customers. The store owner can send newsletters regarding latest updates, promotions, discounts and so on.

Thankfully, the default Magento 2 allows the send newsletters to customers. For that, you need to configure Magento 2 newsletter from the admin panel.


#20277 How to Configure Shipment Emails in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 23 December 2020 - 10:31 AM in Magento general discussions

Sending shipment emails to customers is extremely important to maintain customer shopping experience. The default Magento 2 provides facility to configure shipment emails so that the customers can receive shipment emails.

Therefore, it is the best practice to learn to
configure shipment emails in Magento 2.

Check the steps to configure shipment emails in Magento 2

#20051 How to Configure Magento 2 Shipping Methods

Posted by Meetanshi on 03 November 2020 - 05:40 AM in Magento general discussions

Default Magento supports five type of shipping method. Read a detailed tutorial on how to configure Magento 2 Shipping Method.
The Magento 2 Shipping Methods are:
  1. Free Shipping
  2. Flat Rate
  3. Table Rates
  4. Magento Shipping
  5. Dimensional Weight
One needs to set up the store’s information from Admin Panel in Stores -> Configuration. Navigate to Sales -> Shipping Settings where store’s details have to be updated. For detailed method, visit https://meetanshi.com/blog/configure-magento-2-shipping-methods/


#21835 Solved: Magento 2.4.2 Admin Login Not Working on Localhost

Posted by Meetanshi on 09 August 2021 - 01:03 PM in Magento general discussions

Experts recommend upgrading to the latest Magento 2 version asap in order to not only leverage the latest enhancements in performance but also improve the security of the store!


However, if you might have tried to install the Magento 2.4.2 in localhost and started to explore the admin panel, you may face an issue.




If your Magento 2.4.2 admin login is not working on localhost, it is because the libsodium extension of apache is not enabled.


Check the solution to avoid this issue at https://meetanshi.co...g-on-localhost/

#20032 How To Add Magento Shopping Cart Price Rules

Posted by Meetanshi on 30 October 2020 - 05:50 AM in Magento general discussions

Discounts and coupons make it easy to encourage hesitant shoppers to finally pull the trigger. And they incentivize the past customers to convert again!
The default settings offer the feature to add Magento shopping cart price rules easily.
Learn the stepwise method to add shopping cart price rules in Magento 1 and Magento 2 at https://meetanshi.com/blog/add-magento-shopping-cart-price-rules/

#20143 Magento 2 JusPay Payment Gateway

Posted by Meetanshi on 26 November 2020 - 09:43 AM in Magento modules & themes

Magento 2 JusPay Payment Gateway by Meetanshi integrates the Juspay payment gateway with Magento 2 store for secure online payments.
JusPay is a popular payment gateway, trusted widely in India. Hence, Meetanshi has developed the Magento 2 JusPay Payment Gateway extension to integrate the JusPay payment gateway with Magento 2 store.
The extension ensures capturing secure online payments from the customers via JusPay. Being a hosted payment method, the credit card details are not stored in the Magento 2 store. The customers are redirected to the JusPay hosted payment page where the details are entered and the payment is completed with security.
The Magento 2 Juspay Payment Gateway extension is a perfect tool if your store has an Indian customer base. Enhance the customer experience and security with this feature-rich module.
Benefits of Magento 2 JusPay Payment Gateway:
  • Integrate Juspay payment gateway with Magento 2 for capturing secure online payments.
  • PCI DSS compliance
  • Set custom payment method title
  • Display the payment gateway logo in the storefront
  • Offers sandbox mode
  • Use the live API key and live gateway key obtained while registration with Juspay for integrating it with Magento 2
  • Admin can generate auto invoices for orders paid via Juspay
  • Select countries to allow using the Juspay payment method
  • Display additional information on the checkout page
  • The hosted payment process for better security
  • Let customers check the payment details from "My Account" section
  • The admin can check the payment details from the order view section in the backend.
For more information, visit https://meetanshi.co...nt-gateway.html

#20060 How to Display Stock Availability Message on Product Page in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 04 November 2020 - 07:37 AM in Magento general discussions

As a part of a good shopping experience, it is important for the admin to display the stock status to the frontend customer according to the inventory.
Follow the method to display stock availability message on product page in Magento 2 store as per the inventory and never deliver a bad user experience

#20179 How to Add Custom Entries To Admin System Configuration in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 02 December 2020 - 05:08 AM in Magento general discussions

Being a Magento 2 developer, you may require to add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2 while developing a custom module.

Learn the programmatic solution to
add custom entries to admin system configuration in Magento 2.


#21104 How to Change Order Status Programmatically in Magento 2

Posted by Meetanshi on 19 May 2021 - 02:00 PM in Magento general discussions

Looking forward to a method to change order status programmatically in Magento 2?

You can create custom order status in Magento 2 as per your business requirement. Moreover, one needs to programmatically change the order status that is linked with a state in the order processing flow.