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#17770 Google Customer Reviews - Prestashop 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7

Posted by Anthony on 30 May 2018 - 07:23 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Google Customer Reviews module enables you to collect valuable feedback from customers who’ve made a purchase on your site. Your customers can choose to take a survey to rate their experience with just one click on your checkout page. Ratings from customer surveys apply to seller ratings eligibility and, optionally, to Product Rating eligibility. 

This article will give you basics about how Google Customer Reviews works and how it connects with both product and seller ratings.


  • Google Customer Reviews data is accepted by seller ratings, helping you gain seller ratings on Search ads and Shopping ads
  • Google Customer Reviews badge helps you let your users know what other customers have said about their experiences on your site
  • Google Customer Reviews data is accepted by Product Ratings, helping you gain product reviews and ratings on Shopping ads.



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