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#18368 SEO Google Hreflang Tag and Canonical URLs Tag Module for Prestashop 1.6 / 1.7

Posted by Yevhen99 on 26 September 2018 - 10:52 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

SEO Google Hreflang Tag and Canonical URLs Tag Module

Improve your SEO with tags recommended by Google.




This module adds Google Hreflang tags that helps search engines correctly recognise the different languages of your store. And Canonical meta-tag into duplicated pages of your store.


What this product does for you:

  • Recommended by Google Tags.
  • This module tells Google which language you are using on a specific page, so the search engine can serve that result to users searching in that language.
  • If you run a Prestashop store with targeted pages for different countries and/or languages, this plugin is for you. Hreflang tag helps you improve SEO for those regions and languages. 
  • Search engines can easily detect the language of a page and automatically match it to the language settings on user’s browser. However, your pages may still be competing with each other in the search results which may affect your site’s SEO. You can implement hreflang tags to fix that.
  • This module easily improve your store’s SEO Adds canonical tags to home page Adds canonical tags to category pages Improves canonical tags on products pages by including category path Adds canonical tags to info pages (about us, shipping, terms, etc) Fixes duplicate home page URL.
  • Now you can solve the issue of duplicate content like: 
     This will make your store convert all of the SEO links to only a single word (without any paths).
     So as a result all links to child categories and products will look like this:
     Looks great, right? No more ugly long URLs - only meaningful paths from now on.
  • Easy to install.
  • Super easy to configure.
  • Built by SEO experts.
  • Automatically generate the hreflang tags with the correct regional language codes.
  • Supporting different languages and / or region.
  • Automatically add a global default (x-default) tag.
  • Automatically add a Canonical URLs Tag.
  • Support Multi-Store.
  • Full documentation.



#18366 Ultra Camera Slider on your Homepage. Module for Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6

Posted by Yevhen99 on 25 September 2018 - 09:30 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Ultra Camera Slider on your Homepage
 Module for Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6






   This is premium slider for your store. If you will add this module for your store, you will get awesome Responsive Images Camera Slider, fully configurable and support for touch devices.
   Module allows you quick and simple integrate a customizable, link supported, cross-browser, multi language, (different images, text and url for each language),multi store, and mobile-friendly ( responsive layouts ) slider with animated captions on your Prestashop store. Visitors will give users a better customer experience. This module helps to improve your store  and make it more professional and usability. Also makes your store  more friendly!

#18319 Instagram Feed Photos Carousel for Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6 / 1.5

Posted by Yevhen99 on 13 September 2018 - 05:58 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Instagram Feed Photos Carousel





Responsive Instagram Carousel is a module that allows you to create a responsive slideshow or carousel to showcase items. Module has position on the homepage and page product of your Store. The carousel also supports touch devices like iPad, iPhone, Android and others, so you can just swipe to scroll through the items. Don’t have time to update your photos on your site? Save time and increase efficiency by only posting your photos to Instagram and automatically displaying them on your store. If you add this module for your store, you get nice gallery with actual images and videos from your Instagram. Module include variety of configuration like for change color style ideal for the overall design of your store. With our module will increase the number of site visitors to your store, and hence the amount of your sales. Earn more with our module!



Main settings for Module






Settings for carousel


Design and Style elements







  • Simple,quick and easy installation.
  • Display photos from Instagram account.
  • Completely customizable.
  • Set your module position: Home Page, Footer and Product Footer Page.
  • Completely responsive and mobile ready.
  • Touch enabled for all mobile devices
  • Change color styles of elements module
  • Compatible with Prestashop  1.5 /  1.6 /  1.7
  • Compatiblility (IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari,Chrome)
  • HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power.
  • CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean.
  • Full documentation.
  • Technical Support.

#18318 Integration Google AdSense Ads. Module for Prestashop

Posted by Yevhen99 on 13 September 2018 - 05:49 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Integration Google AdSense Ads. Module.

PrestaShop 1.7 / 1.6




This module is a superb solution to earn money by placing ads to your online store. This is the best module for inserting Google AdSense ads.

Easy manage available ads from your admin dashboard! With this module, there is no need to manually add AdSense ads/code to selected position on your store. Just select Hook that you want. You just enter your Google Adsense Client and Google Adsense Slot in the settings. In module documentation very datailed step by step you can read How to Create AdSense Ad Code. And Google will automatically start showing ads at optimal times when they are likely to perform well for your website and provide a good experience for your users. Also, ads are reviewed to ensure they’re high quality and relevant to your content or audience, even when viewed on smartphones and tablets. The result? You can make more money online. You will get  largest network of online advertisers who are bidding for your ad space so you get the most for your ads

#17980 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance Module Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6

Posted by Yevhen99 on 27 July 2018 - 09:47 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance


Module Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6




This module assists store owners to comply with European privacy regulations known as GDPR. By using this GDPR Compliance module, you can continue to grow your site with confidence. Make sure your store is fully compliant with GDPR.

Specify who sees the GDPR Compliance Tool – include all visitors or limit to only EU visitors. Customize language to create a user experience that aligns with audience expectations. Choose your theme color. Make sure your store is fully compliant with GDPR. Take the hassle out of becoming GDPR compliant and ensure you're ready in minutes. 

Give Users Control of Their Data

  • Confirm Consent
      A simple and streamlined way to confirm a user’s initial acceptance or rejection of cookie collection
  • Select Purpose
     A transparent system of verifying the intent of collecting a user’s cookies, and giving the option to opt in or out
  • Indicate Company
     A comprehensive record of company-level information that allows users to monitor and control the recipients of cookie collection
  • Access Data Rights
     A centralized database where users can review the latest privacy policies and information pertaining to their cookie collection

#17973 WhatsApp Chat Button. Module PrestaShop 1.7 / 1.6

Posted by Yevhen99 on 24 July 2018 - 05:47 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

WhatsApp Chat Button. Module.

PrestaShop 1.7 / 1.6




 This module adds the button to open WhatsApp Chat at bottom right or left on your site. Provide real-time support via LiveChat based on WhatsApp.

 With this module, you can set the availability to quick support. This will minimize the chance of letting down your customers. No matter how your customers reach you from web, desktop or mobile... you are there when they need you. You will never leave them without an answer again. You will be always available to answer their questions and get more sales. Increase your conversion rate by providing real-time customer support. Improve your customer service and satisfaction and develop deeper customer relationships. Customer care faster and more efficient. Chat with customers on-the-go. Let’s make your Web page visitors Contact you through WhatsApp chat with a single Click. WhatsApp is used in more than 100 countries and supports more than 50 languages. Recent surveys say that 96% of users prefer to use a messaging app before calling by phone. 

#17967 Product Gallery Images with Zoom Effect for Prestashop 1.7 / 1.6 / 1.5

Posted by Yevhen99 on 23 July 2018 - 10:15 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Product Gallery Images with Zoom Effect 1.7 / 1.6 / 1.5






With the help of the module “Prestashop Product Images ZOOM”, users are able to magnify an image to have a more detailed view of the image. It clears and highlights customizable modules for your store. Let’s zoom on your products!!! This module best using two images, one low resolution for the visible image, and one high resolution for the zoomed image. If you only have one image available, this module will still work if you scale down the image, larger images. Configuration options for the zoom. This module provides a field formatter to zoom an image while hovering over it. An image style is selected for the default display image, and an additional style is selected to be used as the zoomed image. When a user hovers over the displayed image, the zoomed image appears and is positioned relative to the current mouse position. User can see every aspect of your product with this module “Prestashop Product Images ZOOM”. It extension is allows to see the product images as is. You easily bring your products closer to customers. So it helps to improve store more professional and usability. Also makes your store more frendly!



Example Product Zoom Window.




 Zoom Window




Example Product Zoom Lens.



Zoom Lens




Example Product Zoom Inner.




Zoom Inner




  • Display zoom product page.
  • Possible Values: Lens, Window, Inner.
  • The default cursor is usually the arrow, if using a lightbox, then set the cursor to pointer so it looks clickable – Options are default, cursor, crosshair.
  • Can also be round (note that only modern browsers support round, will default to square in older browsers).
  • Used when zoom type set to lens, when zoom type is set to window, then the lens size is auto calculated.
  • Opacity of the tint.
  • Set to true to activate zoom on mouse scroll.
  • Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Lens fadeIn.
  • Set as a number e.g 200 for speed of Lens fadeOut.
  • Responsive display.
  • Prestashop: set the large image with this parameter.
  • Quick integration.
  • HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power.
  • CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean.
  • Fully responsive 100%.
  • Multi-language ready.
  • Mobile compatible.
  • Full documentation.
  • Technical Support.

#17964 Web Analysis with StatCounter Module PrestaShop 1.7 / 1.6

Posted by Yevhen99 on 23 July 2018 - 06:17 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Web Traffic Analysis with StatCounter Module. 

PrestaShop 1.7 / 1.6




This awesome module brings you all the powerful StatCounter features to your online store. With help of our module you could be viewing in-depth webstats and a real-time analysis of the visitors to your online store.

 Our module inserts StatCounter tracking code to ensure the fastest loading speed your Prestashop store and to avoid conflicting with any other scripts. Using this module will help you avoid errors on your site. It loads fast and is updated regularly, meaning its more reliable than pasting your tracking code. This module provides free customisable hit counters, visitor tracking, web analytics and website stats for Prestashop store. You will get is a web traffic analysis tool with free services. StatCounter is used on 1.1% of all websites. More than 3 million sites truste to StatCounter. It is the most useful, engaging and easy to use analytics module for Prestashop. Also it helps make it easy for you to understand your visitors and make the most informed decisions about your website. Statcounter have user friendly interface. It was designed with placed priority on clarity and ease-of-use typography, colours, icons, spacing and visual hierarchy. Our aim is to help you easily understand your visitors, so you can make good decisions to become more successful online. It's the best web tracker available to webmasters and website owners. Sign up for your free account right now. With help of our module you could be viewing in-depth webstats and a real-time analysis of the visitors to your Prestashop store in the next few minutes! What could be better than that.