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#5565 Cookie Law Pro (Notification Banner)

Posted by Victor on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Cookie Law Pro (Notification Banner)

Display a responsive and customized warning banner when users enter your website. ? This module fully complies with the European Cookie Law. This module is displaying a warning banner. As established by the law, you "shall ensure that the storing of information, or the gaining of access to information already stored, in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user is only allowed on condition that the subscriber or user concerned has given his or her consent, having been provided with clear and comprehensive information." Display a warning banner on every page to inform users about the use of cookies and ask for their consent Fully customize the warning banner (colour, text, link, font, position, multilingual mode, transparency...) Real time preview the design Works with multistore Perfect workflow with ajax Customer Benefits The best and only way to inform users about the use of cookies and respect their will and consent. ?

#5556 Attributes explanations

Posted by Victor on 23 November 2015 - 02:17 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Attributes explanations

This module allows you to display the explanation of an attribute when the mouse is moved over the icon of the module. ? Add of explanations about complex attributes or additional informations about its values. ? This module allows you to define an explanation for wholes attributes. If it exists, an icon is added near the attribute name, when the mouse passes over it, the explanation is displayed. The icon, placement and color can be easily modified via CSS and image. ? Customer Benefits Informations about attributes in order to have a better way to choose. ?

#5470 Autocompletion de la ville

Posted by Victor on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

?Ce module compl?te le champ "Ville" d?s que le client entre son code postal dans le formulaire d'adresse ? Simplifie la saisie de l'adresse pour le client, ce qui r?duit le temps sur le formulaire. Evite les risques d'erreur de code postal et de mauvaise saisie de la ville, ce qui r?duit les probl?mes de livraison ??Compl?te le champ "ville" du formulaire d'ajout d'adresse en fonction du code postal saisi.Si plusieurs villes correspondent au code postal, une liste est affich?e, et un simple click sur la ville remplit le champ "ville".Liste des codes postaux dat?e d'octobre 2014Liste officielle publi?e par "La Poste"

#5466 Automatic positioning of your products

Posted by Victor on 23 November 2015 - 02:12 PM in PrestaShop modules reviews

Automatically and?intelligently change your products' position in your categories thanks to many different criteria (best sales, stock, price, profit, etc...).? ? This module allows you to change automatically your products' position thanks to sort you would have previously defined. ? For a given sort, you can choose one or several categories that will be impacted. Then, you will be able to add one or multiple criteria. It is possible to combine several criteria while giving them a different degree of importance. ? Examples of simple sort: Sort by descending stock Sort by descending profit ? Examples of combined sorts Sort by descending stock and ascending age Sort by descending stock, descending profit and presence of special offers ? When several criteria are combined, you can adjust the "weight" of each of them in order to set their priorities between them. ? Essential?if you have a lot of products in your catalog! NEW: you can now easily create your own criteria from patterns! For instance, maybe you will be more interested by the last 10 days sales rather than the 90 days one? No worries, you just need to create a criteria with the wizard included! Available criteria to arrange your sorts: - Stock quantity - Number of images - Product discounted - Profit - Last three months' sales - Product's views/sales ratio, - Product's price - Stock availability (yes or no) ? Numerous other criteria are on their ways and should be available soon! Some of them are even customizable, allowing you to use you own settings! ? You can also define for every sort a number of "locked" positions: products' positions that are positioned within this range will not be altered. You can still keep control of your nth first products' position in each of your categories. For more information, you can read the documentation:?http://www.mdweb.fr/documentations/en/mdpositions_readme_en.pdf Customer Benefits A smarter positioning of your products will ensure your visitors a better experience while browsing your website. ?