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There have been 29 items by Victor (Search limited from 05-July 23)

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#45 Import groupon codes with import csv tool

Posted by Victor on 04 April 2014 - 10:14 PM in PrestaShop theme development & modifications



thank you for videoguide but i searched for this module in my back office but i failed

can you help me please?

#35 How to speed up my store?

Posted by Victor on 04 April 2014 - 11:51 AM in PrestaShop performance

I'm looking for cheap solution to speedup my store,

now load time of my shop is about 2 sec for first load, any other load takes about ~1s


is there any chance to speed it up a little more?

#34 Integrations with google + are good for seo? any modules?

Posted by Victor on 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM in PrestaShop SEO


Im reading right now articles from moz foundation about social networks and their correspondence to SEO cases.

it's true that social networks are now most important seo factors? 

i wondering about intergration especially with google

what you think about google marketplace? or google+ social network? any modules?

#43 How to remove "conditions" of product (new, refubrished etc.) form pr...

Posted by Victor on 04 April 2014 - 10:10 PM in PrestaShop theme development & modifications

My question is in the title of the topic

i wondering how i can remove the conditions from product page 

i use prestashop with default-bootstrap template