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There have been 54 items by lookshoper (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#1258 Facebook Open Graph

Posted by lookshoper on 30 November 2014 - 08:15 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x

#1257 Twitter Widget Box

Posted by lookshoper on 30 November 2014 - 08:14 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x

#1256 Responsive Touch Slider

Posted by lookshoper on 30 November 2014 - 08:14 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x

#1254 Module Instagram images carousel

Posted by lookshoper on 30 November 2014 - 08:14 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x

#1255 Social ShareThis Button Module

Posted by lookshoper on 30 November 2014 - 08:14 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x

#1120 Responsive Facebook Like Box

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 10:16 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Hi, thank you!
I'll update the module.
But I'm more like this, but he is also a good ...


Responsive Facebook Like Box   Like more configuration admin panel :)




#1119 Responsive special product carousel 1.5 1.6

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 10:07 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

hello ?!




Sorry for the wait...

#1118 Pinterest Feed 1.5 1.6

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 10:03 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

can i display pictures from my account tagged with some selected by me tag?







Thank you

#1117 Instagram user feed all instagram images

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 09:42 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

what is the difference between this module 

and another one that you sell: http://cart-help.com...stagram-images/








Accident, I now delete a topic

Thank you very much!

#1116 Responsive Carousel with Categories for Prestashop

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 09:37 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

is this the same module as another one: 




i see similar name here





He's not like my module, the old version is very similar to his, he now looks quite different

Very nice unit!

#1115 Instagram user feed all instagram images

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 09:22 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Yes mickey, it supports v1.6.x


They have mentioned in features itself, kindly refer the featured listed above





#1114 Instagram user feed all instagram images

Posted by lookshoper on 12 November 2014 - 09:21 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

does it work with prestashop ?




I tested five days ago this module locale on wamp.



#850 Responsive category carousel

Posted by lookshoper on 20 September 2014 - 09:54 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#849 Responsive Banner Manager

Posted by lookshoper on 20 September 2014 - 09:51 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#848 Navigation Next/Previous product on the product page

Posted by lookshoper on 20 September 2014 - 09:49 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#829 Module Zoom Product Images

Posted by lookshoper on 13 September 2014 - 09:37 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#828 Pure Live Chat

Posted by lookshoper on 13 September 2014 - 09:34 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#827 Instagram user feed all instagram images

Posted by lookshoper on 13 September 2014 - 09:31 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



Add demonstration Prestashop version 1.6

#820 News popup

Posted by lookshoper on 12 September 2014 - 01:02 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

settings-icon.png   Setting  Video demostration: 

#819 Pinterest Feed 1.5 1.6

Posted by lookshoper on 11 September 2014 - 11:07 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

settings-icon.png   Setting  Video demostration: 



      View Video

#809 Responsive new product carousel

Posted by lookshoper on 09 September 2014 - 06:48 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins



   This responsive module will display a carousel, with sliding new product on the homepage and column of your store.

   This module allows you to boost your store by displaying a carousel of new products. You can setup many parameters to customize the module and it's fully responsive, so it will adapt to any device and theme.

   This module allows your customers to have a direct view of all the new products you want to highlight. It can also make your shop more attractive and professional in the eyes of your customers.





  • Width carousel items.
  • Minimum number of carousel items.
  • Maxmimum number of carousel items.
  • Speed slideshow.
  • Speed animations.
  • Disable and Enable - Short description, Price product, Price product, Button Add to cart
  • Navigation for previous/next.
  • Navigation for pagination.
  • HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power.
  • CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean.
  • Stylish and clean design.
  • Fully responsive 100%.
  • Compatible with Prestashop 1.5.x and 1.6.x.
  • Compatiblility(IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome).
  • Multi-language ready.
  • Mobile compatible.
  • User Guide Documentation.pdf, full documentation.
  • 24/7 Technical Support

#798 Pinterest Feed 1.5 1.6

Posted by lookshoper on 07 September 2014 - 09:55 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Pinterest-icon.png  Pinterest Feed






    Pinterest Feed  will grab your Pinterest post automatically. You can display images and title text from pinterest on your website. Pinterest Feed presents a module that immediately enhances your content.

   Pinterest Feed  display time since posted, options to set the number of feed items to display plus Facebook and Twitter share links to your pins. This is one of the most advanced yet easy to install pin board style website. This is a very simple, very light plugin that will make it easy to add a dynamic social feed to any post.                         







File-info-icon.png  Featured


  • Configuration - pinterest list ID.
  • Configuration - Number of results to display.
  • Configuration - Twitter username for share links.
  • Works on responsive websites.
  • Display time since posted.
  • Display plus Facebook and Twitter share links.
  • HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power.
  • CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean.
  • Stylish and clean design.
  • Fully responsive 100%.
  • Compatible with Prestashop 1.5.x and 1.6.x. 
  • Compatiblility(IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome).
  • Multi-language ready.
  • Mobile compatible.
  • User Guide Documentation.pdf, full documentation.
  • 24/7 Technical Support








#777 [FREE MODULE] Youtube Video

Posted by lookshoper on 03 September 2014 - 10:31 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Youtube Video for PrestaShop allows you to publish Youtube videos. Module - This code loads the IFrame Player API code synchronously




  • Set your module position: right column, left column.
  • Player should play second and then stop.
  • Edited width and height video block.
  • Set your module position: Tab Page or Tab Product page.
  • Configuration - Short name.
  • Tab animation left page.
  • HTML5 markup: scrubbed clean of bulk and infused with semantic power.
  • CSS3 galore: progressively enhanced styles reward modern browsers while staying lean.
  • Stylish and clean design.
  • Fully responsive 100%.
  • Compatible with Prestashop 1.5.x and 1.6.x.
  • Compatiblility(IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome).
  • Multi-language ready.
  • Mobile compatible.
  • User Guide Documentation.pdf, full documentation.
  • 24/7 Technical Support




Attached Files

#757 Responsive special product carousel 1.5 1.6

Posted by lookshoper on 28 August 2014 - 11:19 PM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

 Responsive special product carousel





  This responsive module will display a carousel, with sliding special product on the homepage and column of your store.This module allows you to boost your store by displaying a carousel of special products. You can setup many parameters to customize the module and it's fully responsive, so it will adapt to any device and theme.

  • Width carousel items.
  • Minimum number of carousel items.
  • Maxmimum number of carousel items.
  • Speed slideshow.
  • Speed animations.
  • Short description.
  • Price product.
  • Button Add to cart.
  • Navigation for previous/next.
  • Navigation for pagination.
  • Clearn code.
  • Cross browser.



Actions-view-calendar-upcoming-events-ic  Demonstration:


   View demo 1.5.x


   View demo 1.6.x


   Buy module

#669 Responsive carousel manufacturer

Posted by lookshoper on 04 August 2014 - 12:27 AM in PrestaShop addons, modules, plugins

Update module, for version 1.6.x