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#20736 What is the difference between motion graphics and animation?

Posted by jamesmerino on 05 April 2021 - 04:51 PM in Magento general discussions

If you're thinking about making animated videos for your business, you've probably wondered what the distinction is between animation and motion graphics.
Animation in the form of best motion graphics is a method of animation. Although motion graphics refers to animated or moving graphics, animation refers to the whole world of moving imagery, which includes anything from cartoons to Claymation. Motion graphics animate graphic design components, but they don't have as much of a narrative dimension as other forms of animation.
The words are often used interchangeably, and the distinction is not always clear.
We'll describe motion graphics and explain how it varies from other types of animation in this article. When it comes to motion graphics and animation, we'll also go into when to use which words.