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#720 Home Tab Content - not displayed

Posted by jarkar on 16 August 2014 - 06:33 PM in PrestaShop issues & problems

Ok, which file I have to check? I don't remember any modyfications in tpl files except header in theme catalog.

Thanks for advice.

#714 Home Tab Content - not displayed

Posted by jarkar on 14 August 2014 - 05:49 PM in PrestaShop issues & problems


I am begginer in prestashop and have a problem with display home-page-tabs (the bar).

I installed presta v1.6.0.9 with default-bootstrap template and build my own template based on default-bootstrap template.

Here is an example: http://karolak.elekt...est/prestashop/


When I set up default-bootstrap template in back-office -> home-page-tabs is appear, but when I  set up my own template called Optomer, home-page-tabs disappear.


I hooked the same 3 modules (new products, featured products, top sellers) in displayHomeTab and displayHomeTabContent


What to do to fix the problem? Please, give me some advice.