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#804 Problem with login to backoffice (VEKIA HELP)

Posted by Jola1992 on 08 September 2014 - 06:38 PM in PrestaShop issues & problems

And since now, my proforma doesnt work...
I dont see any products on proforma and the prices are different... what a f...server =/
Vekia - do You have few min to check whats the problem?

#797 Problem with login to backoffice (VEKIA HELP)

Posted by Jola1992 on 07 September 2014 - 03:59 PM in PrestaShop issues & problems

I cant log in to my backoffice. When I try to do it I  see this:



Details: Error thrown: [object Object]

Text status: error

 and the console says



ajax-tab.php?rand=1410104680323 404 (Not Found) 

How i can fix that?



@VEKIA im sending You a private message with a link to my shop cause i don't want share it.



Ok, the problem is fixed.

Finally the /ajax-tab.php was not on ftp but it was with "blocked" /ajax-tab.php.blocked