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#13565 ask:Cannot Acces front page Prestashop With two Ip Address ?

Posted by ibas on 11 January 2017 - 07:32 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

please help for solve my problems thanks.

#13524 ask:Cannot Acces front page Prestashop With two Ip Address ?

Posted by ibas on 06 January 2017 - 11:35 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

Hi all please help for this problems thanks




Yes Vekia, but i need acces front page from back office, how disable redirect to url in prestashop, thanks?

because my prestashop running  in (VPN) virtual private network. 



#13404 ask:Cannot Acces front page Prestashop With two Ip Address ?

Posted by ibas on 29 December 2016 - 06:40 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

Yes Vekia, but i need acces front page from back office, how disable redirect to url in prestashop, thanks?

because my prestashop running  in (VPN) virtual private network. 

#13387 ask:Cannot Acces front page Prestashop With two Ip Address ?

Posted by ibas on 28 December 2016 - 01:36 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

Yes Vekia, but i need acces front page from back office, how disable redirect to url in prestashop, thanks?



prestashop always redirects to url (ip is also a kind of url) that you defined under preferences > seo & urls

no matter what address you will use, if you will connect to prestashop website - you will be automatically redirected to this url.

#13352 ask:Cannot Acces front page Prestashop With two Ip Address ?

Posted by ibas on 26 December 2016 - 08:26 AM in PrestaShop issues & problems

i have problem with prestashop.

i cannot open front page prestashop why with ip address diferent, because always redirect to shop domain ?


condition normaly if i open front page prestashop with ip address => not problem


example server have two lan card ( master ip address :, Slave ip address:


Shop domain:

SSL Domain :

URL: /prestashop/



if i open admin not problem if i type => not problem if i open admin


if i open front with always redirect to then i cannot open front page prestashop

i need because i acces from back office.



Mohamad Basuki