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#17371 Migration from Squarespace to Shopify ?

Posted by Michael Buble on 22 January 2018 - 10:51 AM in Magento job offers & services

I started my business with Squarespace shopping cart, but in some time I understood that it wasn’t exactly what I needed. Now I want to change it to Shopify, but I need to transfer all the products, order history and so on. How can I do that without stopping my business for long?

#17391 Magneto developer available - 100% remote work

Posted by Michael Buble on 25 January 2018 - 09:56 AM in Magento job offers & services

I working for in the data migration. If you have a need, look forward to cooperation! Contact here

#17505 Secretos para elegir una plataforma de comercio electrónico: OpenCart vs Pres...

Posted by Michael Buble on 22 February 2018 - 10:58 AM in Foro en Español

Los últimos informes sobre las cifras de ventas de comercio electrónico en el primer trimestre de la Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. Muestran que el número total llega a más de 80.300 millones, lo que indica claramente que el eCommerce va a dominar en los días venideros. No es de extrañar por qué todas las empresas quieren abrir una tienda en línea que ahora se encuentra entre las formas más rápidas de iniciar una nueva empresa.
Aunque parezca fácil construir una solución de comercio electrónico con la cantidad de opciones disponibles en la actualidad, cada vez es más difícil elegir la mejor opción para abrir la tienda más exitosa.
A continuación, hacemos una comparación entre las 6 plataformas de comercio electrónico más populares: OpenCart vs Prestashop vs Magento vs WooCommerce vs BigCommerce vs Shopify.
Esperamos que este artículo sea útil para que cada plan de negocios logre el éxito en línea.
¡Saltemos en eso!
1. Magento
plataforma magento-vs-ecommerce
Visión de conjunto
El primero en nuestra lista de comparación de compra es una plataforma de comercio electrónico muy extendida: Magento.
Magento, una plataforma de código abierto, se encuentra entre las plataformas de más rápido crecimiento con soluciones de vanguardia para cada emprendedor que desea triunfar con una tienda de comercio electrónico. Esto tiene una gran comunidad de desarrolladores dispuestos a aportar funciones integrales para que sus tiendas en línea lo diferencien del resto.
Magento proporciona no solo una apariencia profesional sino también una interfaz muy rica. También ofrece una funcionalidad muy completa que te ayuda a hacer negocios.
Con Magento, puede personalizar el código según lo necesite y desarrollar las funciones personalizadas que desee.
Opciones de diseño de comercio electrónico
plataforma magento-vs-ecommerce
Como una de las plataformas de comercio electrónico más populares, Magento ofrece a su usuario una amplia gama de temas extremadamente bellos. Las opciones de diseño en Magento son muy limpias, amigables y de diseño fácil de responder.
Hay plantillas gratuitas y de pago. Puede encontrar temas disponibles en Magento MarketPlace, Themeforest o Template Monster. Puede costarle de $ 29 a $ 100 por uno.
Hay dos versiones de Magento que incluyen Magento CE (Community Edition) y Magento EE (Enterprise Edition).
Magento CE es totalmente GRATUITO, solo debe pagar el mantenimiento del dominio y el alojamiento, de $ 10 a $ 100 dependiendo de sus necesidades.
Magento EE: plan que comienza en $ 2,000 por mes, y también necesita contratar un Dev con rangos salariales de $ 10 a $ 20 por hora.
Opciones de SEO
plataforma magento-vs-ecommerce
Si creas Magento, obtendrás muchas funciones destacadas, como URL amigables para SEO, metaetiquetas, Google Sitemap, API de contenido de Google para mejorar tus capacidades de SEO. También se integra perfectamente con Google Analytics para que pueda rastrear el tráfico de los motores de búsqueda.
Según el informe del mercado de comercio electrónico, Magento es el ganador al hacer una comparación sobre soporte SEO. Por esta razón, si está buscando las mejores plataformas de soporte SEO, Magento es definitivamente el nombre que no puede ser ignorado.
Atención al cliente
El uso de código abierto implica que habrá muchos problemas comunes. Pero puedes encontrar ayudantes en los foros de desarrollo.
Magento CE, como naturaleza abierta y libre, los usuarios no reciben servicios de soporte oficiales para la plataforma. Sin embargo, Magento es una plataforma comunitaria muy grande. Así que casi relacionado: los temas han sido respondidos.
Con la versión de Magento EE, los usuarios pueden usar sus servicios de soporte técnico que ayudan a evitar la búsqueda de respuestas en una miríada de hilos del foro de la comunidad.
Visite el foro oficial de Magento AQUÍ.
¿Estás listo para migrar a Magento y obtener la mayor flexibilidad? Prueba una migración de demostración gratuita a Magento aquí y ahora.
2. WooCommerce
Visión de conjunto
Si planea construir su negocio en Internet, no puede ignorar la plataforma de comercio electrónico más personalizable llamada WooCommerce.
WooCommerce es un plugin de WordPress gratuito donde obtienes todos los beneficios asociados con la creación de un sitio web de WordPress. Fácil de instalar, pero incluirá una tarifa si necesita una integración completa de WooCommerce como un carrito de compras funcional. Totalmente personalizable con excelentes funciones de carrito de compras y puerta de enlace de pago.
Con una interfaz llamativa, alto nivel de seguridad y buenos precios, WooCommerce ganó oficialmente en la difícil carrera por convertirse en la mejor plataforma de comercio electrónico.
Opciones de diseño de comercio electrónico
Para calidad general y rendimiento, WooCommerce es preferido sobre otras plataformas. Para ser sincero, WooCommerce está en la cima de la belleza, moderno y profesional.
Puede encontrar varias plantillas de alta calidad, gratuitas y de pago en WooThemes.
Además, más de 6000 temas diseñados para WordPress y la mayoría de ellos se pueden modificar para que funcionen con WooCommerce. Aún más, puedes ir a ThemeForest para encontrar un tema diferente, por supuesto, se requieren tarifas adicionales.
Aunque WooCommerce es una plataforma de código abierto (significa que es gratis), pero aún tiene que pagar algo de dinero para ejecutar su sitio web.
5. Prestashop
plataforma prestashop-vs-ecommerce
Visión de conjunto
Prestashop se encuentra entre los principales nombres de la industria del comercio electrónico con muchas empresas que optan por sus funcionalidades avanzadas de carrito de compras de comercio electrónico.
Es un producto maravilloso entre la complejidad de Magento y la simplicidad de Shopify. PrestaShop aprovecha un modelo de negocio de freemium: disponible de forma gratuita con dos paquetes, a saber, Prestashop basado en la nube y un formulario descargable.
Puede configurar una tienda por completo en minutos, sin cobrar un porcentaje de los ingresos como Shopify.
PrestaShop es compatible con muchas actividades de Ventas y Marketing muy bien. Las características únicas como KPI y Forecasting de Smart Merchant hacen que las herramientas estadísticas de PrestaShop sean aún más impresionantes. Además, le proporciona eCommerce Analytics para evaluar el tráfico y tomar decisiones profundas para aumentar las conversiones de los clientes y aumentar la exposición del público.
Actualmente, PrestaShop tiene más de 250,000 tiendas en línea en todo el mundo. Esta es realmente una plataforma para que experimentes.
Opciones de diseño de comercio electrónico
¿Qué pasa con el diseño de PrestaShop? Solo digo una palabra "Perfecto". De hecho, PrestaShop ofrece una interfaz admirable en comparación con otras plataformas. Sus plantillas son muy científicas y atractivas, y puede seleccionar fácilmente las plantillas más adecuadas que coincidan con su negocio siguiendo estas opciones: estilo, funcionalidades incluidas, sector comercial y color.
Hay más de 15,000 plantillas disponibles que son altamente personalizables a su gusto y necesidades. Además, es muy fácil encontrar muchas plantillas desarrolladas por otras partes de 3D.
plataforma prestashop-vs-ecommerce
Solo descarga gratuita, sin embargo, debes pagar por Dominio (~ $ 10 por año), Alojamiento ($ 5 - 15 $ por mes), costos adicionales como complementos, complementos ($ 50 - $ 150 por módulo).
Opciones de SEO
En general, PrestaShop también ofrece una variedad de excelentes opciones de SEO tales como: editar cada página, agregar metaetiquetas de alto rango e incluso asegurarse de generar URLs amigables con SEO ...
Sin embargo, si lo hace, un comercializador notará fácilmente un pequeño problema en el procesamiento del contenido duplicado de PrestaShop: no utiliza rel = "canonical" muy a menudo, lo que no es muy bueno.
Atención al cliente
A diferencia del código abierto mencionado anteriormente, todas las versiones de PrestaShop reciben asesoramiento y asistencia técnica del equipo de desarrolladores de PrestaShop.
Sin embargo, el precio es bastante alto. Esta plataforma ofrece 4 planes de soporte: One Shot, Essential, Premium y Deluxe. El plan menos costoso es de $ 249 por mes durante 3 horas de soporte. El plan esencial te da 6h por año por $ 399. El paquete premium admite 12 horas por $ 699. Y el paquete más caro es Deluxe, tiene que pagar hasta $ 1399 y recibir 20 horas de asistencia cada año.
plataforma prestashop-vs-ecommerce
El soporte es una pregunta compleja cuando se trata de software de código abierto. No se preocupe si su presupuesto es bastante limitado. PrestaShop también posee una comunidad diversa de usuarios donde trabajan juntos para resolver problemas a través de varios foros y servicios. Entonces siempre puedes obtener ayuda útil de forma espectacular.
Además, PrestaShop proporciona a los usuarios documentos de capacitación profesionales e integrales para ayudarlo a obtener el máximo rendimiento de su tienda en línea.
¿Crees que es el momento adecuado para comenzar tu negocio en línea con PrestaShop? ¡Haz clic para comenzar!
Sintiendo curiosidad por pasar a PrestaShop en este momento, no dude en hacer clic AQUÍ para realizar una migración GRATUITA de demostración de PrestaShop.
Source: blog,litextension.com


#17580 10 Best Looking and Features Rich WooCommerce Themes 2018

Posted by Michael Buble on 14 March 2018 - 07:32 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

You are a user of WooCommerce. Have you ever asked yourself…
What is the most important thing to customer when visiting a website?
Products, website structure, color…?
Maybe true, but not. What is particularly attractive to customers, a great influence on their purchase decision is the interface.
Some people mistakenly think that eCommerce website design is merely a window dressing change, but great eCommerce website design is about more than aesthetics. It’s about a simple and intuitive navigation. It’s about the innovative browsing experience. It’s about an easy testing experience. And, it’s about how to recreate the way people shop.
If you are using WooCommerce for your online store,
Absolutely where provides the most beautiful themes is all you care about.
Here, we offer you 10 best looking and features rich WooCommerce Themes 2018 that you can’t skip!
Prepare for now!

1. Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme


Flatsome is a world of perfect theme for your store, company websites, or all your client websites as a freelancer and an agency.
Surely you can’t ignore this amazing theme because it helps you to build super-fast responsive websites with amazing user experience.
5 unique selling points to make you fall in love with Flatsome: Build anything, unlimited options, optimized for speed, design that sells, always up to date.
Core Features: Customer showcases, Mobile optimized design, Footer customization, Unlimited header options, Drag & Drop grids, Built – in slider banner system, Banner focus point.
Price: $59

2. Shopkeeper – eCommerce WP Theme for WooCommerce


If you are looking for a theme with:

  • Hassle–free beautiful online stores
  • Saves tons of time
  • Reliability

Absolutely you can’t stop looking at Shopkeeper – eCommerce WP theme for WooCommerce.
Shopkeeper is an awesome theme provided everything you need to start selling online beautiful and professional. Just need one-click to Demo import. Easy installation and Intuitive Setup.
Core Features: header and footer customization, unlimited header styles, lots of pre-built page layouts, fully customizable, hassle-free e-commerce, responsive design.
Price: $69

3. Porto | Responsive WordPress + eCommerce Theme


If you are planning to go to WooCommerce for very first time of building a new website, Porto is a better choice for you.
With 25 premade demos, online documentation, free updates guaranteed as well as exclusive eCommerce features, Porto lets you build an amazing for your business.
Core Features: Multipurpose design, WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved, Child Theme Ready, Bunch of Useful Demos, Plenty of Widgets, Multiple Page Styles, One Page template, Social Sharing Features, 33+ custom elements for Visual Composer, SEO Optimized, Responsive Design, Unlimited Colors & Layouts, WooCommerce Compatible, Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering & Sorting, WPML Support…
Price: $59

4. Amely – eCommerce WordPress Theme for WooCommerce


Amely is unique and clever theme, easy to use and highly convenience, especially its price is very reasonable.
Amely is integrated with WooCommerce that means it is incredible theme for the speedy creation of highly customization, many plugins with a lot of features, unlimited color schemes, multiple column styles and advanced widgets…
Core Features: WPBakery page builder, Revolution slider, Instagram shop, flexible customization, SEO optimization, free lifetime updates, translate ready, customer support.
Price: Only $39

5. XStore – Responsive WooCommerce Theme


XStore includes everything you need to start selling online beautifully. With over 200 psd files included, it was created to show your imagination, design your website and complete the look very simply.
Besides, you can adjust your single Product Page structure using different page layouts, choose unlimited cart icon that would match your site manner and many other utilities.
Core Features: Revolution Slider, Visual Composer, No Code Required, Lifetime updates, Top Filters area, Built in Mega Menus, WooCommerce Product Vendors Compatible, Multicolumn Product Grid, Different Blog Layout, WPML Ready, Catalog Mode.
Price: $39

6. Electro – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme


A clean and modern WordPress theme that helps you build your WooCommerce electronics store.
It come with 9 awesome color options, so you can easily change all color, re-arrange section and more. Moreover, the theme is very beautiful with amazing layouts. Choose from 3 different layouts to showcase your product, then use the power of Electro to add advanced review displays.
Core Features: Advanced Live Search, YouTube like Page loader, Advanced Vertical Menu, Megamenu Dropdown, Products Carousel, Products Cards Carousel, Product Deals, Advanced Reviews, Accessories Management, Advanced Product Specifications, Store Directory.
Price: $59

7. WoodMart – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme


WoodMart is a well-designed multi-purpose theme for creating WooCommerce online stores. It is all-in-one eCommerce solution that offers more than 35 stunning layouts for you to choose from, completely responsive design, easy SEO optimization and so much more gadgets.
Core Features: WooCommerce 3.0+ advanced support, WPBakery Drag & Drop page builder, 100% Responsive & Retina ready, Multi-language ready, Free Lifetime auto-updates, Online Documentation, Drag & Drop Header Builder, One-click easy installation, Dummy Content included, Clean and well-organized codebase, PHP Object-Oriented standards…
Price: $59

8. June – Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

A colorful and elegant theme for WooCommerce users. Now you are able to build your own store easily, please drag and drop modules to create any page layouts you need. Then, you see… here is beautiful website!


Only 39$ to get quality code, customizability, Flexibility, Features as well as documentation quality, June is really wonderful theme for everyone.
Core Features: WPBakery Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, WPML – Ready to translate, Mailchimp, W3 Total Cache, Variation Color Swatches for WooCommerce, SEO Optimized, Intelligent Light / Dark Color Styles, Extensive Typography options…
Price: $39
Which is your choice?
Here are the 8 best looking and features rich WooCommerce Themes 2018. Hope this article will help you choosing the best theme that suits you best.

#17589 How to import Data from WooCommerce to Magento?

Posted by Michael Buble on 16 March 2018 - 10:17 AM in Migration to Magento


As a technology enthusiast and a fan of eCommerce market, I always participate in a lot of correlative forums.

Recently when I have joined in those forums, one of the most common questions caught my eyes is:

“I am an online store owner and now I have my products at WooCommerce. I want to import those to Magento too. How can I do that?”

Magento is an open source shopping cart, founded in 2008. It offers one of the most robust feature sets in the field, which help the store owner can create a professional website.

There are many people want to import data from their current store to Magento, of course, including WooCommerce.

So it is very reasonable to discuss “How to import data from WooCommerce to Magento”.

Let’s jump into it!

1. Prepare for importing

The transition will not be successful without preparation. To prepare for WooCommerce to Magento importer, you need to do following things:

First, notify to users.

One sure thing is that this importing will not happen in a snap. So when your website is being in the importing process, maybe various users want to visit your online store.

It can cause much complaint because of this interrupt.

So that, you should send a notification to all of your customers before importing.

Choose the time the traffic is lowest

Next, create a Data Backup

Whatever source site you’re importing, I always recommend you to create a recent and clean backup. In case anything goes wrong while importing data, you can restore your data easily.

Then you should choose the time when the traffic is the lowest.

Finally, make sure that Magento was installed.

2.Download “WooCommerce to Magento migration tool”

Now there are many tools which help you import your data from WooCommerce to Magento easily. I suggest you can use this migration tool to switch your customers, products, orders and other data without all problems.

CLICK HERE 3. Perform the Importing

After download and install importing tool, your process is carried out step-by-step:

Step 1: Provide information about WooCommerce Store

  • First, choose “WooCommerce” on Cart Type box. Then insert your WooCommerce URL on “Cart Url”.
  • Token: The token string which has been configured in connector.php


Step 2: Configuration

  • Choose: Languages Mapping, Currencies Mapping, Orders Status Mapping, Customer Group Mapping
  • Select entities you wish to import
  • Select on “Additional Option”, such as: Migrate recent data, Clear current data on Target Store before Migration, Migrate categories and products SEO URLs, Transfer images in product descriptions to Target Store.

Step 3: Start full importing Data

After step 2 is completed, you must click “Start migration” to perform full of the import. It will take you from a few minutes to various hours depending on amount of your data.

Step 4: Double check to make sure all the database imported right.

Step 5: Verify and go to your target Magento site.


Magento is basically a heavy platform, therefore it is advisable to use a high end server. So the process of “WooCommerce to Magento data importing” is not totally simply.


#17590 StableHost offers 87.4$ for Unlimited Pro, only 20$/year

Posted by Michael Buble on 16 March 2018 - 10:24 AM in OpenCart general discussions



To increase and encourage the old customers come back with hosting service, StableHost is launching a Flash sale:

Discount $87.4 for its Unlimited Pro package.


The Unlimited Pro Hosting at StableHost is unlimited capacity, bandwidth as well as the number of Domain name. Usually, you have to pay $ 107.4 per year, but with the coupon code below, the price will be $ 20 for the first year only.

Please use this code to get the discount: J9JE77YZBI


***Accept PayPal or Visa/Master Card. Each one can buy one package only.

Please note that: If you used to StableHost service with a 12-month subscription period, absolutely you can get this preferential price.

If you are a new customer, use a 50% discount coupon for lifetime. Click HERE to see “How to get it?”

The quality of hosting in StableHost has been recognized long ago by its customers. StableHost is also always in the top of the recommended hosting provider. If you are in need of a strong hosting package for website development should not miss this opportunity.

See other StableHost promotion HERE.

Below are other sales promotion that you may be interested:

Good luck!


#17604 10 Best Magento Themes for eCommerce Websites 2018

Posted by Michael Buble on 20 March 2018 - 08:49 AM in Magento general discussions

Have you ever asked yourself what your customers will be impressed by after seeing your online shopping store?

A well-designed, responsive and captivating template will put your products in the spotlight and will help to increase your sales. Also, all the features and functions that make your website responsive can be found by Magento templates. After all, before deciding to buy your products online, customers will judge upon how your shopping cart looks and how simple but convenient it can be.

If you are using Magento for your online business, you will not have to worry about the way your shopping website can both look aesthetic and work conveniently.

Here, we offer you 10 best Magento themes for eCommerce that you cannot miss!

Prepare for now!

1. Porto | Ultimate Responsive Magento Theme


If you are looking for a quality themes, packed with features, very flexible and highly customizable

Absolutely Porto is a wonderful choice.

It’s time for you to take the chance to meeting simply #1 Best selling Magento theme for everyone.

No only easily accessible settings in Admin Panel for most customization, you can get very nice clean code and excellent supports 24/7.

Core features: 300+ Admin Features, 100% fully responsive, fully customizable, SEO friendly, retina ready, unlimited color and skin, mobile & retina optimized, Fast Support & Regular Updates.

Price: $99

2. Ultimo – Fluid Responsive Magento Theme


It’s really a fantastic gift if you come up with Ultimo theme, because it allows you to test this responsive theme in 8 different live previews.

Ultimo brings to you with an advance admin module, extremely customizable, very easy to use and suitable for every type of your business and product.

Now, let’s how many outstanding features along with this theme!

Core features: 190+ pages documentation, free updates guaranteed, unlimited colors, 50+ content place holders, fully customizable options (customizable sub-themes, customizable responsive design, customizable responsive layouts)…

Price: $99

3. Fastest – Multipurpose Responsive Theme Shopping, Fashion


Here is another highly responsive theme for Magento, it is FULLY COMPATIBLE for the latest version – Magento 2.2.2.

Although Fastest is a new Magento site template that’s been created in 2016, it is designed with intelligence and good UX design for all devices.

Core features: fully SEO optimization, unlimited colors and fonts, Multiple pre-demos website, Mega menu pro – drag & drop, Fly Ajax Cart pro, Smart responsive UX design…

Price: $99

4. Claue – Clean, Minimal Magento 2 and 1 Theme


Claue is a modern and clean Magento theme. It comes up with over 20 homepage layouts and tons of options for shop, portfolio, store locator layouts and other useful pages as well.

In addition, its price is relatively cheaper than the three theme providers above. Even more, Claue also meets any kind of business model as you imagine.

Core features: Visually & Friendly, build webpages by yourself, drag & drog, Grid configuration, editable CMS content, website configuration, 360 image view, 100% responsive and retina ready…

Price: $89

5. Market – Premium Responsive Magento 2 and 1.9 Store Theme


Market is another excellent Magento theme, it is also one of the greatest themes of 2018.

With Market, you are offered several features that make your store become highly impressed such as more than 20 Magento website templates, various color & font options, multi-language & RTL, multi listing layouts & powerful search box…

Core Features: Various header and footer styles, Google font included, color watches, product labels, ajax layer navigation, touch friendly – product tab slider, performance and loading page speed…

Price: $99

6. BUYSHOP – Responsive Retina eCommerce theme for Magento


BUYSHOP is a perfect choice for any type of webstore. No matter what kind of product you are selling, it is simple as ABC to quickly create an incredible online store with multi-function.

It includes 13 modern layouts, one click install, blog ready, color/size swatches and slider revolution that help you creating fully responsive and nice looking slider has never been easier.

Core Features: Layered navigation, drag & drop sliders, RTL, blog, instagram shop…

Price: $59

7. Novelty – Fastest & Most Customizable Magento 2 Theme


With modern and multipurpose design, completely unique online business with Novelty right now!

Novelty – they know that a slow site is bad one no matter how pretty it looks – that’s why they paid extra attention to do everything is necessary that your site runs faster and smoothly than ever. The Novelty live demo scores 95% on the page speed grade.

Core Features: Defer Javascript (since v1.7), stunning hover effects, fully responsive and retina ready, fully customizable, unlimited headers options, unlimited footer options…

Price: $99

8. MultiStores – Magento 2 Megashop Theme support Multiple Stores


Are you looking for a perfect website theme that selling many items to increase sales volume?

MultiStores with 6 different home page is your best choice with unique interface and bundle advance extensions.

MultiStores, it is specially designed for a Magento MarketPlace that many vendors can upload their products on your site and earn together.

Core Features: Multistore core theme, multi Google font, multi-language, quick view, responsive designs, powerful admin panel, category icon, featured products…

Price: $84

9. Unero – Minimalist Magento 2 and 1 Theme


Unero is a great template for online shopping stores. With a minimalist design and focus on the product, Unero will make your online store look more impressive and appealing to the viewer.

Besides, it has comes with 15+ stunning homepage layouts, MGS Front-end builder and best extensions that will help you to get started in no time.

Core Features: Product variation swatches, mobile optimized design, instagram shop, powerful ajax shop, 360 image view, developed and tested…

Price: $89

10. SAHARA – Responsive Magento 1 & 2 Theme


SAHARA is the last Magento theme you’ll ever have to buy. With multiple designs in one, fully responsive, new features added all the time, multiple different templates and very helpful documentation, you can simply choose theme you like to become your store.

Core features: Unlimited color skins, 57+ premium themes, unlimited header types, layout options, responsive design, custom banner slider, mega menu support, custom color Google fonts…

Price: 84$

Conclusion – Which is your choice?

We hope this article has helped you find the best Magento theme (both Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x) for your webstore. You may also want to look at our data migration tool to help you switch from another shopping cart to Magento.

#17605 10 Best Looking and Features Rich WooCommerce Themes 2018

Posted by Michael Buble on 20 March 2018 - 08:51 AM in WooCommerce general discussions

You are a user of WooCommerce. Have you ever asked yourself…

What is the most important thing to customer when visiting a website?

Products, website structure, color…?  Maybe true, but not. What is particularly attractive to customers, a great influence on their purchase decision is the interface.

Some people mistakenly think that eCommerce website design is merely a window dressing change, but great eCommerce website design is about more than aesthetics. It’s about a simple and intuitive navigation. It’s about the innovative browsing experience. It’s about an easy testing experience. And, it’s about how to recreate the way people shop.

If you are using WooCommerce for your online store, absolutely where provides the most beautiful themes is all you care about.
Here, we offer you 10 best looking and features rich WooCommerce Themes 2018 that you can’t skip!
Prepare for now!


1. Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme


Flatsome is a world of perfect theme for your store, company websites, or all your client websites as a freelancer and an agency.
Surely you can’t ignore this amazing theme because it helps you to build super-fast responsive websites with amazing user experience.
5 unique selling points to make you fall in love with Flatsome: Build anything, unlimited options, optimized for speed, design that sells, always up to date.

Core Features: Customer showcases, Mobile optimized design, Footer customization, Unlimited header options, Drag & Drop grids, Built – in slider banner system, Banner focus point.

Price: $59


2. Shopkeeper – eCommerce WP Theme for WooCommerce


If you are looking for a theme with:

  • Hassle–free beautiful online stores
  • Saves tons of time
  • Reliability

Definitely you can’t stop looking at Shopkeeper – eCommerce WP theme for WooCommerce.
Shopkeeper is an awesome theme provided everything you need to start selling online beautiful and professional. Just need one-click to Demo import. Easy installation and Intuitive Setup.

Core Features: header and footer customization, unlimited header styles, lots of pre-built page layouts, fully customizable, hassle-free e-commerce, responsive design.

Price: $69


3. Porto | Responsive WordPress + eCommerce Theme


If you are planning to go to WooCommerce for very first time of building a new website, Porto is a better choice for you.
With 25 premade demos, online documentation, free updates guaranteed as well as exclusive eCommerce features, Porto lets you build an amazing for your business.

Core Features: Multipurpose design, WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved, Child Theme Ready, Bunch of Useful Demos, Plenty of Widgets, Multiple Page Styles, One Page template, Social Sharing Features, 33+ custom elements for Visual Composer, SEO Optimized, Responsive Design, Unlimited Colors & Layouts, WooCommerce Compatible, Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering & Sorting, WPML Support…

Price: $59


4. Amely – eCommerce WordPress Theme for WooCommerce


Amely is unique and clever theme, easy to use and highly convenience, especially its price is very reasonable.
Amely is integrated with WooCommerce that means it is incredible theme for the speedy creation of highly customization, many plugins with a lot of features, unlimited color schemes, multiple column styles and advanced widgets…

Core Features: WPBakery page builder, Revolution slider, Instagram shop, flexible customization, SEO optimization, free lifetime updates, translate ready, customer support.

Price: Only $39


5. XStore – Responsive WooCommerce Theme


XStore includes everything you need to start selling online beautifully. With over 200 psd files included, it was created to show your imagination, design your website and complete the look very simply.
Besides, you can adjust your single Product Page structure using different page layouts, choose unlimited cart icon that would match your site manner and many other utilities.

Core Features: Revolution Slider, Visual Composer, No Code Required, Lifetime updates, Top Filters area, Built in Mega Menus, WooCommerce Product Vendors Compatible, Multicolumn Product Grid, Different Blog Layout, WPML Ready, Catalog Mode.

Price: $39


6. Electro – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme


A clean and modern WordPress theme that helps you build your WooCommerce electronics store – Electro.

It come with 9 awesome color options, so you can easily change all color, re-arrange section and more. Moreover, the theme is very beautiful with amazing layouts. Choose from 3 different layouts to showcase your product, then use the power of Electro to add advanced review displays.

Core Features: Advanced Live Search, YouTube like Page loader, Advanced Vertical Menu, Megamenu Dropdown, Products Carousel, Products Cards Carousel, Product Deals, Advanced Reviews, Accessories Management, Advanced Product Specifications, Store Directory.

Price: $59


7. WoodMart – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme


WoodMart is a well-designed multi-purpose theme for creating WooCommerce online stores. It is all-in-one eCommerce solution that offers more than 35 stunning layouts for you to choose from, completely responsive design, easy SEO optimization and so much more gadgets.

Core Features: WooCommerce 3.0+ advanced support, WPBakery Drag & Drop page builder, 100% Responsive & Retina ready, Multi-language ready, Free Lifetime auto-updates, Online Documentation, Drag & Drop Header Builder, One-click easy installation, Dummy Content included, Clean and well-organized codebase, PHP Object-Oriented standards…

Price: $59


8. June – Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

A colorful and elegant theme for WooCommerce users. Now you are able to build your own store easily, please drag and drop modules to create any page layouts you need.  Then, you see… here is beautiful website!


Only 39$ to get quality code, customizability, Flexibility, Features as well as documentation quality, June is really wonderful theme for everyone.

Core Features: WPBakery Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, WPML – Ready to translate, Mailchimp, W3 Total Cache, Variation Color Swatches for WooCommerce, SEO Optimized, Intelligent Light / Dark Color Styles, Extensive Typography options…
Price: $39


Which is your choice?
Here are the 8 best looking and features rich WooCommerce Themes 2018. Hope this article will help you choosing the best theme that suits you best.