PrestaShop is a very powerful ecommerce platform, which allows user to manage your online store effectively. Founded in 1997, 3dcart is a complete and robust platform designed to help users in a competitive market. LitExtension supports 3dCart to Prestashop Migration Tool that migrates all data from 3dCart to Prestashop simply and fast.

- Unlimited and Full Features Migration
Unlimited migration: Products, Categories, Orders, Customers, Reviews ... with full advanced options: Clearing store, Moving URLs, Migrate images in product description...
- Keep Your Search Rankings & Traffic
This feature is extremely helpful to maintain all old url links of products and categories when you plan to replace the old store, thus helps keeping your current SEO ranking you have built up for years.
- Customers Password Migration
This feature is extremely helpful to migrate customers password.
- Custom Fields Migration
In case your cart has changed in database structure, this feature is designed to help you migrate your custom fields. Support migrating custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders.