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meta tags in the world knows seo

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#1 DhanieKO



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Posted 19 October 2015 - 10:09 AM

There are many methods in use meta tags in accordance with the HTML 4.0 standard from the World Wide Web Consortion, but actually is more frequently used or rather actually used by the search engines there are only three things; ie title, description, and keywords. So if you are a beginner in internet marketing, let alone not enough to understand or even not at all familiar with the name of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), then learning about the use of meta tags guide is considered very suitable for you.

In general the meta tag should be placed between the <head> and </ head> in the template. A common but many bloggers are putting meta tag right under the <head> in the template.
Here are some meta tags that must be used when creating a blog or website:

• Meta keywords tag
Ie containing the keyword meta tags (keywords) what are the most widely used in writing articles on a blog. So choose keywords that match the writing material (information) that exist within your blog, because the keywords are chosen to be decisive also for the search engines to drive visitors to your blog is based on specific keyword search. A maximum of keywords that may be contained in the meta keyword tag is 25, the writing separated by commas (without spaces) to be like this <meta content = "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, and so on 'name =' keywords' />.

• Meta tag title
Meta Title tag is the title of a document. Can also be used as the title of Blog or Website .. With the Title Tag, the visitor can find an outline of the information disajikan.Sangat Title Tag is important to optimize both for the blog title and to the title of an article. In SEO, the title tag plays a very important role because the title tag itself is the basic factor for the search engines measure the relevance of keywords that users are looking for.

• Meta tag description
Meta description tag is an HTML attribute that gives a brief description of the contents of the web page, normally used by the search engine on the search results page to display a snippet preview for a given page. Content area consists of information relating to your web page is not the only piece of information but must clearly indicate the usefulness of the content in your web pages. The content that you can add to the description tag is limited 170 characters. Do not menngunakan duplicate description tags, each page of your website should have a unique description tag.




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#2 tokoinoac1



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Posted 05 March 2019 - 10:02 AM

hello everyone..

i an inoace. i very like to your post, and mabye i want call you about the methods optional

#3 yatharthmarketing



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Posted 07 November 2019 - 05:30 AM

Thanks for the Informative details. This information will help so many SEO Beginners  to work better . 

#4 WadeROTH



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Posted 07 November 2019 - 06:43 PM

You write well and clearly. Thanks for the information. Perhaps I will contact you for advice and consultations.

#5 prat



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Posted 16 March 2025 - 06:31 AM

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