You want to analyze your sales? then export your invoices with more than 50 parameters (customers, payments, delivery...) on excel or into the module directly... ? ? This module will allow you to: Choose from 50 parameters?(23 in standard mode?and 27 additional in advanced mode), to classify the parameters selected by a simple click-and-drag (see video 1:35) work more easily with your accountant by giving it all the information which would be useful analyze the means of payment used by customers analyze patterns of delivery chosen by customers make graphs on excel with the cost of carts ... The results are usable immediately: With one?click, you can load the csv file and?open it in excel, a table appears in the configuration of the module, before you even pass on Excel you already see the result, an overview of the data in the csv file are displayed for information Data (parameters selected, parameter order, start and end...) are stored, this allows you to save time if you study all the time the same parameters. ? Video ?Here are the list of settings in "standard" mode: Invoice number, Order number, Name of the shop, References, Date, Name, First name, Address of the customer, Currency, Current state, Email, Countries, Payment, Total revenue, Total revenue excl?VAT, Total paid excl?VAT, Total reduction excl?VAT, Total transport excl?VAT, Total packing excl?VAT, Total paid?incl. VAT, Total discount incl. VAT, Total transport incl. VAT, Total package incl. VAT, Adds a row with the names of the fields, Separator for csv file, Start date, End date In advanced mode you have these additional parameters: Total reductions excl?VAT, Total reductions incl. VAT, Delivery number, Date of delivery, Shop ID, Name of the carrier, Command valid, ID of the carrier, ID of the client, The currency ID, ID of the delivery address, ID of the billing address, Number of transport, Total reductions, Total paid, Total paid real,. Total transport, Carrier tax rate, Total packaging, Date invoice, Date of last update, Society, SIRET, APE, Anniversary date, Newsletter, Calculation of the delivery fee Customer Benefits Your customers will have the chance to work with a true professional who uses the indispensable tools for its accounting and the analysis of its activity. ?