Receive and answer your customer inquiries and display the questions/answers on the product sheets. Frequently asked questions - FAQ Customers can ask questions about products Thanks to our module, customers can now ask questions about your products directly from the corresponding product sheets (every question/answer is specific to a product, each product has its own questions/answers, as on Amazon.com website). The module adds a new section to each product sheet with the existing questions/answers and a form that allows customers to send their questions (pop-up window with the following fields?: "Name", "Email", "City", "State/Country" and "Question"). You can easily answer their questions When a customer asks a question about as product, you automatically receive an email that informs you of the question you have received. From the module interface, you can read all the questions sent by your customers, answer their questions, modify their questions (correct their mistakes) and choose to enable or disable the questions of your choice (visible or not on the frontend). The questions sent by your customers are disabled by default on the frontend as long as you haven't enabled them to avoid displaying questions without answers, spam or inappropriate questions. The questions/answers are visible by all the customers Each customer who have asked a question automatically receive a personal email with the answer to his/her question. Then, all the other customers could read from each product sheet all the questions/answers that have been written about that product in order to help them in their buying decision and avoid that they ask for something that have been already asked in the past by another customer. Very useful to reassure your customers and answer their questions about a product, helps to increase your conversion rate. Compatible with multistore The module is compatible with PrestaShop multistore and can be used on your different stores. If you have the same product on different stores, the questions/answers about this product will be common to all stores and visible on all of them. Info: The colour of the button and text in the frontend can be easily modified by editing the css file of the module. ? Video Customers can ask questions directly from each product sheet Every question/answer is specific to a product sheet, each product has its own questions/answers You will receive an email that informs you of each question sent by customers You can modify your customers' questions (in case of mistakes) You can show/hide the questions of your choice on the frontend You can easily answer the customer questions from the module interface The customer will receive a personal email with the answer to his/her question. All the customers will be able to read the questions/answers on the product sheets Compatible with multistore Compatible with all PrestaShop versions 1.5 and 1.6 PDF guide: www.lineagrafica.es/modp/lgconsultas/en/readme_en.pdf Technical support to help you in case of problems ? Customer Benefits The module gives the possibility to your customers to ask their questions they'd like about the products of your store and read all the existing answereds questions directly from the product sheets. This tool allows you to reassure your customers and help them in their buying decision, as well as avoiding that they leave your website to find additional information and make them come back to read the answer to their question.