Save a lot of time with the order preparation without having to open each order one by one. You can now see the details of your orders directly from the listing of orders. A real time-saver when you have a lot of orders. ? Don't need to open orders anymore! This module adds a green icon in your "Orders" page next to each order. You just need to move your mouse over each icon and a pop-up window will automatically appear with the details of each order (you don't need to click on it, just move your mouse over it!). Prepare your orders more quickly Our module allows you to save a lot of time preparing orders because you no longer need to open each order one by one to know what is inside. If you have a lot of orders, this module is perfect for you and will make your daily work much easier. A real time-saver You don't need anymore to go back and forth in your backend to prepare your orders, you can see and copy/paste all the information you need directly from the pop-up window about: the order: number, reference, status, date, payment method the products: image, name, color, size, quantity, price, total the shipping: carrier, delivery address, billing address the customer: firstname, lastname, email Compatible with multistore The module is compatible with PrestaShop multistore and can be used on your different stores! ? Video Easy and quick access to order details Relevant information about orders Allows you to save a lot of time Very easy to install and to use Compatible with multistore Compatible with all PrestaShop versions 1.5 and 1.6 PDF guide: www.lineagrafica.es/modp/lgdetailedorder/en/readme_en.pdf Technical support to help you in case of problems Customer Benefits This very useful tool allows you to improve the management of your orders.