hello im looking for some reviews for this prestashop module: Forum
Forum designed and developed specifically for the core PrestaShop 1.6. This module allows you to create an interaction with all stakeholders in your shop (customers, managers...). add content to your site without your intervention greatly improves your web ranking through the accumulation of new content pages search engine of the forum is optimized for SEO automatic link between the product and the forum gives life and a human dimension to your shop direct integration into your web shop, without any technical expertise SEO Rewrite The usual features are present in this forums module: MulitStore Permissions Groups Responsive design (for responsive themes like default PrestaShop theme) Linking each product characteristics to the forum discussions (SEO + client browser) Enable / Disable smileys / emoticons in discussions and editions Locked topic Post-it topic Search engine with SEO Poster informations for administrators in the forum Nickname possible Followed by discussion (public access and robots Referrals) URL Rewriting Auto Meta Title and Description Create new discussions (text mode enriches BBCode) Respond to the discussions (simple answer, quote possible) Changing discussions Tracking & managing discussions with the addition of administrators / moderators (edit, delete, move) Follow responses with indicators of unread messages and latest posts Monitoring of answers by e-mail alerts to all participants in the discussions Possibility to subscribe or unsubscribe monitoring discussions email alerts Opportunity to unsubscribe from the discussion since the direct mail Users of the forum are the shop registered persons (customers or not). No additional registration is required Easy navigation and ergonimique for everybody Back office administration friendly and very simple Block left or right column displays the last messages (customizable number) Number of messages per page customizable Number of topics per page customizable Unlimited number of forums Unlimited number of theme Unlimited number of topics Customizable style sheets css for designers Forum Integrated backup to the backup system PrestaShop Customer Benefits open dialog and allow discussions reading discussions about your products, various messages, testimonies participate in your store

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, Nov 23 2015 02:25 PM
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