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better e commerce theme or template

e commerce theme template

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#1 dean n bates

dean n bates


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 11:57 PM

Hello my name is Dean, I'm new to this forum but I had a question I wanted to ask and if anyone can

help me it will be greatly appreciated.


I wanted to know if anyone in this group can suggest a better e commerce theme than the default bootstrap theme?


My reason for this is because the category pictures in the bootstrap theme are really blurry, the products photos show up fine but not the category photos. Also if possible I would like to find a better theme from the prestashop addons marketplace so that I can use the 1 click install and could you include the price of it if possible. Thanks!!!

looking for the best presta addons with outstanding support? check this: PrestaShop Modules

#2 fairymiss303



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Posted 24 May 2016 - 07:03 AM

If you are a newbie in web design and want to quickly build a website, try one of the website builders for business. When I needed to create my website for a week, I helped a review website builders for business on http://www.templatem...3-templates.php. I chose some templates for business and coped with my task. Good luck! ​