- possibility to define global tabs, it means that you can create tab on each product page with one mouse click. You can create global tabs that will appear on product pages associated with selected categories!
extra tabs pro module upgraded! added several improvements.
1) while you will define page contents - you can use variable {name} - module will replace it with real product name
2) you can display random text from defined possibilities: {alternative1|alternative2|alternative3} - module will display random contents based on defined possibilities
3) more clear and much more visible way of activation / deactivation tabs
new variables are availalble, you can use now variables like: {name}, {short description}, {description}, {features}
module will replace these variables with: {name} - to display product name {short description} - to display product short description {description} - to display description (long full desc of product) {features} - to display table with features