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[Module] Site Cache for Prestashop

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#1 mitrocops



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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:24 PM

Site Cache for Prestashop - is the best solution for Prestashop store that significantly speeds up page load time, reduces the load on the server, improves website ranking and remarkably increases sales conversion. An prestashop module that directly affects sales conversion and successfully generate the revenue.


Why website speed and page load times are so important?

Website speed and page load time is definitely a driving force behind your website visitors behavior that directly define the success of your business and online store sales. Search engines routinely fall back on pages load time in their rankings, as they assume the responsibility of optimal search results. Favoring fast sites over slower ones, a search engine meets the main goal of keeping customers content with the results delivered.

How module works?


The principle applied with Site Cache for Prestashop follows a common pattern. When a user visiting a website page for the first time, Prestashop generate and deliver this page to the visitor and automatically save a copy of it to the cache. Then all those pages just get stored in a cache. Each subsequent time when user request arrives, the system does not does not request Prestashop to generate a page, but returns the copy of the page from cache. This greatly reduces database and server load. Once the server generate a page it does not need to generate it again and again, it simply returns only cached copies - immediately. An module is significantly increase the load speed of Prestashop store.



- Enable or Disable Site Cache for Prestashop


- Enable or Disable Display statistics at the bottom of pages ( To be used only for test, not in production )


- Enable or Disable Debug mode ( When you do not have a test site you can enable this debug mode to test the cache )


- Add Ignored URL parameters ( URL parameters are used to identify a unique page content. Some URL parameters do not affect page content like tracking parameters for analytics (utm_source, utm_campaign, etc.) so we can ignore them. You can set a comma separated list of these parameters. )


- Store Cache in: File System OR Database


- Add full page caching on server and browser side to following pages: Category, Product, Search, Bestsales, Pricesdrop, Newproducts, Manufacturer, Supplier, Home, Cms


- Cache can be configured for each type of page ( Enable or disable page cache, Set cache lifetime ) 


- Clear ALL Cache


- Clear Cache for each type of page


- Multilingual & Multishop

Attached Files

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#2 mickey



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 02:05 PM


- Multilingual & Multishop


im looking for module like this one for a long time.

can i use one license with my multishop? i have 4 stores based on multistore engine


does it work with prestashop ?

#3 Joseph Karl

Joseph Karl

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 08:02 PM

Great information, thanks

#4 mickey



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Posted 13 November 2014 - 11:35 PM

anyone have got an answer for my question?

seems like mitrocops doesnt want to have a customer :/