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[ATTENTION] idesko.es developer sells pirated addon, don't order!

idesko spanish module

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#1 vekia


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Posted 12 September 2014 - 06:08 PM

su = HIS

mi = MINE




i alwas add to my code some stuff to check if someone copy my code, to my html box pro i also added code.

it's a little space before first element in tinyMCE extended editor (by the way it's also mine modification of the editor)


Unfortunately, author of addon blocked possibility to see all pictures on website, but fortunately google cache remembers them




high resolution:




his: http://i.imgur.com/K1jhwWp.png http://idesko.es/tie...hookpro/css.css

mine: http://i.imgur.com/t5JlKWq.png http://demo.mypresta...lboxpro/css.css


his: http://i.imgur.com/xv3RJx8.png http://idesko.es/tie...okpro/script.js

mine: http://i.imgur.com/Xwpol1f.png http://demo.mypresta...oxpro/script.js


his: http://idesko.es/tie...2.custom.min.js (mina minifed versiĆ³n de jQuery con modificaciones de las minas!)

mine: http://demo.mypresta...2.custom.min.js



please don't buy this addon because it's a pirated HTML BOX PRO module

our lawyer actual create lawsuit and we will meet this guy in the court


make sure that you don't use PIRATED SOFTWARE!!!



pireated module is a copy of this fabulous addon that i created a long time ago:

http://mypresta.eu/m...ml-box-pro.html  (this page is the only one official page where you can order  ORIGINAL HTML BOX PRO)


all others like http://idesko.es/tienda/ do it without our permissions and it's a PIRACY ACT 

free tutorials, free templates, free addons, prestashop modules MndfRK4.png  lpHMrZ5.png  gtKHYO7.png  google-48.png

looking for the best presta addons with outstanding support? check this: PrestaShop Modules

#2 mickey



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 12:04 PM

what a shame i bought some time ago addon from idesko

now it doesnt work and i have no support.

