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[module] target search - find products by selected type of data

mypresta module presta addon

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#1 vekia


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Posted 20 August 2016 - 01:35 PM

search for products in selected data type

This plugin for PrestaShop allows to find products more precisely with additional filter to search inside selected data type.
you can define where module will search for products. So your search target can be:

  1. each kind of data type (everywhere)
  2. product name
  3. product description
  4. product reference
  5. manufacturer
  6. supplier





For example, if you will define "target" of search as product reference module will search for keyword (search query) only in products' reference field. the same for supplier name, manufacturer name, description, product name etc.


Plugin has also appearance options where you can define how big search block will be. So it can fit to your theme perfectly. Module is ready to support Prestashop 1.7


details about module you can find here:
Target search module for PrestaShop

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