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Pump Up Your Sales With This Ultimate Magento Language Translator

Language Translator Extension Product Language Translator Language Translator product language translator store content translator store content translation

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#1 Aldora


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Posted 06 December 2016 - 11:25 AM

Magento Language Translator makes language translation for your multilingual online store a breeze and helps you translate product attributes, CMS pages , product reviews, tags and many more parts of store content. With Language translator mass language translation of store content is possible as well.




Features of Language Translator


Manage Language Translator Settings from Admin Panel


  • Admin will have total control over what things to translate and what not to.
  • Admin can choose the text for translation button as well. Admin will have to enter Google API key to translate the data.
  • Admin will be able to manage language of translation i.e. language translated to and language translated from.
  • Admin can choose from text type fields which are to be translated for Products, CMS Pages & Categories.


Translate Product Details from one language to another


  • Admin will be able to translate product general information like Product name, Description and Short description with WYSIWYG editor.
  • Admin can also translate Meta Details like Meta Title, Meta Keywords & Meta Description.


Translate CMS page details from one language to another


  • Admin can translate CMS page details like Page Title and Content Heading. Admin can select store view for which data needs to be changed and translate to the language needed.
  • Admin can also change Meta Keywords along with Meta Description of a product.
  • If multiple languages are selected, Translate button will allow translation that is set on the default configuration.


Translate Store Reviews to Any Language


  • Admin can translate any review for any store as defined at the store level.
  • The review will be translated and shown for the store as selected.
  • Admin can select specific store view and change the language of the review for that specific store.
  • If multiple languages are selected, Translate button will allow translation that is set on the default configuration.


Search Strings and translate them to any Language


  • With Biztech’s Magento Language Translator Admin can search for a specific string and translate it to any language.
  • Admin will have Biztech Translator tab from where they can go to Search String & Translate option and search for any string from the store and translate it from allowed locales on the store and translate it predefined language from configuration.


Admin can translate Category in a Mass to any of the language


  • Admin will have the leverage to translate categories of Products to any of the language for any of the store.
  • Admin can select the store and select the language to translate and the categories will be translated.


Admin can translate Products, CMS Page Data, Static Blocks, Product Reviews and Tags by Mass Translation


  • Admin can save lot of time for translation by translating multiple items of the product page through Mass Translation provided by Language Translator.
  • Admin can select multiple products, CMS Pages, Page Static Blocks, Reviews provided by customers and Tags.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Language Translator Extension, Product Language Translator, Language Translator, product language translator, store content translator, store content translation