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[module] newsletter subscription voucher code


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#1 vekia


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Posted 03 January 2017 - 01:13 PM

geenrate unique vouchers for newsletter subscription

With this module you can generate unique discount codes for your customers if they will subscribe to your shop's newsletter.

Module supports subscription during register process, during account details change and also with newsletter subscription modules.


With this module you can define each aspect of voucher code that module will generate and send to your customer.

You can decide about name, description, voucher value, conditions (like category / products restrictions etc.)

This feature is called "advanced voucher configuration tool" and it is available in all mine modules







more informations about this module you can find here:

Unique vouchers for newsletter subscription

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#2 vekia


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:40 PM

new update of the module,
changed the workflow of the unique coupon codes generation process
Added improvements to identification of customers while module generates unique coupon codes
- now if customer is registered module will assign coupon to this customer only
- if highlight option is enabled, and if non-registered customer signup to newsletter - highlight option is disabled for this coupon (so voucher is not visible for everyone during checkout)
- added polish, french, spanish, dutch and italian translations
- improved updates checker design and workflow

free tutorials, free templates, free addons, prestashop modules MndfRK4.png  lpHMrZ5.png  gtKHYO7.png  google-48.png