Dear Vekia, I am interested in your product "Prestashop Maximum product quantity". However I have a specific need: I am selling furniture via Prestashop and I would like to add a category where I can add some small "free" household stuff that clients can add to their cart as a gift. To do so I would like to limit the maximum quantity to 1 piece for a whole category (category name: Gifts). So if you choose one item from this category and add it to cart you can not add another item from the same category. Is there a way you can add this kind of functionality to the module. It will be really useful for me Thank you

limit product quantity per purchase in categories (prestashop 1.6)
Posted 05 November 2017 - 07:53 PM
Posted 05 November 2017 - 07:54 PM
Module allows to bulk-define maximum product quantity limits.
You can set limits in bulk by category. This means that you can quickly add limits to all products from selected category.
screenshot for reference:
in this case each product will have own quantity limit.
free tutorials, free templates, free addons, prestashop modules
Posted 05 November 2017 - 08:00 PM
If you're looking for solution, where you can define limit for category (order cant have more than 1 qty of item) you can use cart conditions pro module
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