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Attributes within a table inside cells in your combinations module

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#1 KoRn


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 03:28 AM

Hi, in the product page is it possible to show the variants not separated by comma but within a table, the header contains the attribute name, and the cell contains the attribute value, one combination for every tr?

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#2 vekia


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 03:29 AM

Hello Antonio

I am not sure to what module you exactly reffer. I have two modules:


Product list attributes https://mypresta.eu/...mbinations.html

it displays available products' combinations on list of products only like: category pages, search results, category pages, homepage featured modules. Simply saying: everywhere where your shop shows product listing.

this module allows to display attributes separated by commas only.  It does not allow to show attributes of combination within a table.


Product page combinations table: https://mypresta.eu/...ions-table.html

it displays available product's combinations on product page only. It does not show combinations on list of products like "product list attributes" addon.

this module has feature to work in the way you described. You can see it on this screenshot: https://mypresta.eu/...-prestashop.png (size and color attributes in a separated cells).


In your message you asked:

Hi, in the product page is (...)



so the answer is:

it is possible but with 'product page combinations table' module only.


best regards,


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